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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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step 1 stand at door

step 2 target self

step 3 self heal

step 4 watch everyone die around you as the aoe kills everyone but you

step 5 wait for team to rez as you are still at door self healing

step 6 repeat previous steps


He doesn't do this ^^^


He does AE heals and helps his team. I know it because I fight against him. He is guarded and very difficult to kill. Yes, there are deep flaws in the medal system.

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As a healer in PvP, the medal system is pretty bad for healers and therefore the group as a whole. By forcing healers to do DPS even just a little bit, they are using time and resources they could be using to keep teamates alive. The people here arguing that healer should just suck it up and try to get kills don't realize that they will die faster if healers take their advice and thus have a greater chance of loozing the warzone. Bioware needs to include more healing medals if they expect healers to gear up at the same rate as everyone else.


I had a match where I healed for around 300k(I was the only healer as well pre-50 bracket) and only got 3 medals. It was rediculous. I was healing constantly and desperately trying to keep my teamates alive. If I would have stoped even for a second to focus on dpsing, people would have died. Even just lobbing a grenade would take up energy that would have been better spent casting heals. We managed to win the match and at the end, everyone else had 5-9 medals because their roles overlap. For instance a tank doesn't have to sacrifice protection points in order to earn dps medals. A healer has to stop healing in order ot acheive some of the other medals available.


It's so frustrating to play such a critical role in your teams victory and be rewarded so sparsely for it. Bioware please understand that if we want to do our job and do our job most effectively, you can't punish us by making us choose between getting medals and healing our team as effectively as possible.

Edited by Moricthian
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seems like his so called help didnt help them win??

all i see is a wasted guard the tank should have guarded other people then they might have won?


You're thinking about it wrong?


His DPS teammates were so horribly fail and undergeared that they did nothing with the fact that they only died FOURTEEN TIMES in a game where there was enough damage to HEAL 900,000.


He did his job. The tank saving the healer did his job. The DPS didn't do theirs. They didn't wipe out the waves fast enough for the respawns to have to wait by the door.


Healers do alot, but that's also not on them.

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i agree with more medal for healers, and they are really needed. But medals that all healers could reach , cause 600k and 900k , will be almost only sorcer healers medals. Since your shields count as healing , no other class heal that much!


shield counting as protection is still unfair for other healers.....

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I don't know why people keep arguing over whether or not his team should havw won. The point is the guy healed for over 900k and only got 3 medals. This is inexcusable.


If a healer performed that well, they should receive more medals than that regardless of whether or not the WZ was won.


This is actually a significant problem because healers will ultimately gear slower than the other roles as they will consistantly gain fewer medals than them. This will lead to a lack of geared healers in competetive PvP. This problem can be fixed with BW adding just a few more medals for healing. In the pre-50 bracket a healer will most of the time only get 2 - 4 medals by doing their job. They can get more if they stop healing but this is detrimental to the group.

Edited by Moricthian
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I play a sawbones healer and have made a similar post. I agree that the medals are stacked against healers and completely disagree with the idiots who tell healers to dps if they want medals. We are HEALERS not DPS'ers, our job is to HEAL not DPS and we SHOULD be rewarded for doing our job.


I have proposed in a diff thread to add in a couple medals for us to mimic the easy to get dps medals but make it so that they are mirrors so to speak. If you get the heal version you can not get the dps version and vice versa..


Medals proposed (of course open to sugestion to change)


Kill blow medal mirrors to healing medal below.

Savior Medal : Heal a player who is under 10% hp with a heal bomb (with cast time)


10k protection medal mirrors to medal below.

Big Heals Medal! : Heal for ##k in a single life (heals on yourself do not count toward this total)


1v1 medal mirrors to the medal below.

Heal a player for ##k health in 1 life (in targets 1 life)


I think something like this would help healers out a lot. as it is I feel like hybriding my build is more beneficial as winning with 3 medals < losing with 9 medals.

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oh so its his teams fault?




If what he says was true and he wasn't lifetapping. He wasn't cheesing damage taken for heals, and he was literally doing everything he could to save people that were GCD's away from dying if he wasn't paying attention???


Then it's on the DPS to focus fire one by one. Or to just outplay the other team with objectives.


But in this game, and the way the objectives work out. There's absolutely such a thing as too much survivability in certain scenarios. The trade-off with DPS can be too much. But that doesn't seem the case since he was obviously the only healer. Then again, with only 14 deaths and that much damage, their team may have simply been stacked with an unnecessary amount of tanks and only 2-5 pure DPS roles. Which still means nothing dies.

Edited by Puzzlybox
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They should change the sage's Force Armor to counting towards Protection, rather than Healing. That might help with the medals and seems a little more in line with what the ability accomplishes.


No, that is terrible idea because DPS sages/sorcs could get like 20 medals in that case.

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oh are we not playing SWTOR? im not a big fan of the "blame game" its like a dog chasen its tail, funny to watch but sad if it goes on for to long


You don't want healers to have access to more medals because you're worried that they won't heal you?


Trust me. Peel for the healers, and they notice you really *********** quick.

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Exactly... Either choose to get medals (being versatile) or choose to only do one thing.


It doesn't take that much time away from healing if you tab, hit an aoe on a bunch of players, retarget who you are healing.


That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.


wizzle wazzle

Edited by Lycandresden
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you don't deserve more than 3 medals if that is all you did.


The medal system encourages people to do more than tunnel vision, this applies to healing too




Healing 6/18


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Healer - Healing 75K

Savior - Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points


DPS - 10(13)/18 medals (some classes, like the sentinel, can also attain the 75k healing medal)


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points


Tanking - 14(17)/18 medals


Shield – 5k Protection

Protector - 50K Protection

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points


Utilizing possible exploits such as the one found here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=265183


add another 2-3 medals to dps and tanks.


So tunnel vision isn't rewarded? looks like anyone who focuses on dps (tunnel vision!) gets the most reward.


All medals listed below



Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Healer - Healing 75K

Savior - Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Shield – 5k Protection

Protector - 50K Protection

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

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Healing 6/18


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Healer - Healing 75K

Savior - Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points



Not to mention Trauma Surgeon and Savior are extremely difficult if not impossible to get in the pre-50 bracket. That means you can only get 4 medals by doing your job before you hit 50. The only way to get more medals is to stop healing and dps. If a healer does this, it is detrimental to the team. This is very problematic.

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900k healing... Hats off to you sir.


My record (also in Voidstar) is 630k where I utilized my AOE heal A LOT. I don't see any other classes than sage/sorcerer pulling this off, but would like to be proven wrong.

Edited by andytheape
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