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Lol our complaining worked


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They ether A. Fix everything fast and got the servers up fast.


or B. We flooded the forums with our displeasure....and they responded!!!!


Lol hope it was because they listen to us


approx hours were approximates...



your complaining did nothing but make me laugh a little bit.

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They ether A. Fix everything fast and got the servers up fast.


or B. We flooded the forums with our displeasure....and they responded!!!!


Lol hope it was because they listen to us


Answer to the thread title:

I sure hope not, giving impatient/spoiled/whining children what they want whenever they start to cry/threat/whine only makes them even more impatient, spoiled and failed as adults.

yes, they should listen (which they do, even though every "I'm the most important person on the internet" poster says that, since they don't get a personal response to every whinepost they make, it proves they don't) but in no way should they immedeatly give in to threats, whining and impatients.

Edited by WereMops
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Hi everyone,


As we already have several threads for discussion of the various aspects of this topic, we're closing this thread in the interest of consolidating discussions. We encourage you to join the existing discussions about this topic in the following threads:


Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


More than one regualar downtime a week is a SERIOUS problem...


Thank you! :)

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