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Two Simple Truths about SWTOR's Success


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I'm happy the pilots of the Tortanic meme crashed on their own iceberg of fail, but that does not mean I'm going to toss reason away and use the same limited metric that failed for them to predict success now.


That's pretty catchy, I like it!


As for the numbers, it's just a month, but at least they are very good so far. Very good. Can't predict future success just yet, but the f2p in a month crowd sure made for some good laughs today.

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Over 2 million sold? OK - let's say 2.2 million.


Only 1.7 million active accounts?



The ONLY way (outside of never opening the box and tossing the game in the trash) a player could not be an active account is to have played 30 days and cancelled.


To have done that, you would've had to have bought the game BEFORE - at the latest - Jan 1.


How many bought the game before Jan 1? 1.5 million-ish sound fair? Probably your hardest core MMO gamers and Star Wars fans...


Among THAT crowd.... you've already had 500k CANCEL their account after 1 month... AMONG THAT CROWD... I would not say that is a particularly good omen for the long-term succes of the game.


We won't hear much for another 3 months and those numbers should be far more telling. I'd say it's less than 50% they have 1 million legit subscribers by the end of March.




YAY...its makeup numbers time?


i want a 100000000000!



seriously your numbers literally mean nothing....

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Over 2 million sold? OK - let's say 2.2 million.


Only 1.7 million active accounts?



The ONLY way (outside of never opening the box and tossing the game in the trash) a player could not be an active account is to have played 30 days and cancelled.


To have done that, you would've had to have bought the game BEFORE - at the latest - Jan 1.


How many bought the game before Jan 1? 1.5 million-ish sound fair? Probably your hardest core MMO gamers and Star Wars fans...


Among THAT crowd.... you've already had 500k CANCEL their account after 1 month... AMONG THAT CROWD... I would not say that is a particularly good omen for the long-term succes of the game.


We won't hear much for another 3 months and those numbers should be far more telling. I'd say it's less than 50% they have 1 million legit subscribers by the end of March.


Why are you making up numbers? It's 2 million sold and 1.7 million current, not 2.2 million. Maybe 500k did quit but were replaced by 200k new customers...we don't know. What we do know is 85% retention after 1 month is pretty damn good.


The Doom and Gloom crowd were saying a month ago this wouldn't be happening. Where are they now?

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Don't you understand that JUST because it's a press release doesn't mean the numbers being reported is AS of the date of said press release?


Regardless if it was February 1st or not, it's still extremely premature to decide whether or not TOR is going to be successful. Success for an MMORPG is measured 3-6 months after release.


My point still stands.


We can all tell you are a SWTOR fan....btw where do you get your info from? Send us a link Mr Smarty-Pants.

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The number of subscribers is a bad indication as to how good or bad the game actually is - especially after 1,5 months.


The game is quite fun at the beginning - especially for people with no prior experience in MMOs (because they don't have anything to compare it against).


Wait 3 months and see how it will be doing then.


The amount of hype around SWTOR was extreme - it's not amazing that 2 million people bought it. However, hype only boosts initial sales. After a few months it's word-of-mouth and the true quality of the game will be revealed.

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As of February 1, 2012, there are 1.7 million active subscribers.


As of February 1, 2012, that number is GROWING.


Thank you.


p.s. Before you jump in with a comment about how the press release is a lie, please note that material misstatements by a US publicly listed company (covered by the SEC) in press releases may constitute a violation of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 10(b) and 13(b)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Exchange Act Rules 10b 5 and 13b2-1. Unless you are suggesting that EA is risking violation of federal securities laws just to boost their numbers, the press release is credible.


p.p.s. My point is simply this: clearly SWTOR is not going anywhere for a while. In fact, all indications (and statements by EA, who would have their monthly management accounts indicating subscriber trends) show that the base is GROWING (unless, again, you believe EA would lie and risk the wrath of the SEC and shareholder lawsuits including big institutional investors and banks with an army of lawyers).


6 people on Ilum. Around 40 on low lvl planets. Where are those 1.7 mln people then ? :|

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As of February 1, 2012, there are 1.7 million active subscribers.


As of February 1, 2012, that number is GROWING.


Thank you.


p.s. Before you jump in with a comment about how the press release is a lie, please note that material misstatements by a US publicly listed company (covered by the SEC) in press releases may constitute a violation of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 10(b) and 13(b)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Exchange Act Rules 10b 5 and 13b2-1. Unless you are suggesting that EA is risking violation of federal securities laws just to boost their numbers, the press release is credible.


p.p.s. My point is simply this: clearly SWTOR is not going anywhere for a while. In fact, all indications (and statements by EA, who would have their monthly management accounts indicating subscriber trends) show that the base is GROWING (unless, again, you believe EA would lie and risk the wrath of the SEC and shareholder lawsuits including big institutional investors and banks with an army of lawyers).


Can you maybe provide a link to that press release of yours please??

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This isn't as of February 1st, this was taken at the end of the year for EA's quarterly finance report. This still includes players who had the free month of gameplay.


It's been a little less than 1 month and 1/2 since the game came out; this is very premature to decide how successful this MMORPG really is.


Rift seemed very successful upon launch, but 3 months down the road the game was desolate. Stop allowing your fanboyism to blind you.


Classic Emo reply.

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The number of subscribers is a bad indication as to how good or bad the game actually is - especially after 1,5 months.


The game is quite fun at the beginning - especially for people with no prior experience in MMOs (because they don't have anything to compare it against).


Wait 3 months and see how it will be doing then.


The amount of hype around SWTOR was extreme - it's not amazing that 2 million people bought it. However, hype only boosts initial sales. After a few months it's word-of-mouth and the true quality of the game will be revealed.


In your opinion.

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No, no no.


I also used to deal in investment analysis for a living before I moved to going after fraud waste and abuse. What I see, quite frankly, is a press release.


One cannot argue that the numbers are what they are.

One cannot argue that the numbers do not represent CURRENT fact.

One cannot argue, although some wit will certainly try, that the numbers don't indicate the community has full faith in Bioware.


But to assume from the fact that people were willing to resub at least one month that "the game can't fail" or that there aren't serious issues is just as bad , and relying upon spurious meta-arguments, as those Tortanic clowns.


I can take these numbers and suggest a buy rating for the stock. I can't take them and say "in three months the game will be in great shape" because I have -- and neither does the OP -- any information on :


- how many of these are 1 month subs? 3 month? Six month?

- how many people resubbed with the intent of never leaving?

- how many people resubbed only to see if they fix the problems?

- What concrete fixes to issues will be rolled out in the next two months?


I have no problems with people crowing about the trolls being trolls and deriding their chop-logic "arguments" (if you consider badly spelled screed invectives laced with profanity an argument and not a childish tantrum) but at the same time, I find it disingenuous to take incomplete data and try to craft some rosy picture out of it.


We. Do. Not. KNOW.


I'm certainly not about to go into a rant about communication or the number of issues that affect various segments of the population because that would be off topic. I am going to say that this is the second unplanned fix to a fix we've had in as many weeks, and that indicates they're either patching too fast to test properly because their worried , or they are fixing systems they don't understand and throwing other things off.


Play game. Enjoy game. Snicker at the Blizzard Defense Force. But I worry far too much that assumptions of success will cost us in the long run if there IS a stumble.


Damn good post. I was just reading the 65 pg thread from earlier today and 10+ pages went by with people actually were arguing these numbers weren't current. Made my head hurt. However, there seemed to be quite a few people saying the numbers were only good up to December 31.


The problem with their argument and where it gets shot down is, the wordage used when saying 2 million sold/1.7 million active was actually 'a little over 1 month'...Now, does 'a little over 1 month' correspond the last 10 days in December, or the time period from Dec 21 to Feb 1? Shockingly enough, there were at least a few in the former camp. Sad.

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Why are you making up numbers? It's 2 million sold and 1.7 million current, not 2.2 million. Maybe 500k did quit but were replaced by 200k new customers...we don't know. What we do know is 85% retention after 1 month is pretty damn good.


The Doom and Gloom crowd were saying a month ago this wouldn't be happening. Where are they now?


The point you're missing is that a fair chunk of those 1.7 million people HAVE to be included because their 30 days has not expired. Unless, you think some crazy % were tossing the game in the trash without playing....


If they sold 2 million exactly, then 300k of the people that bought it before Jan 1. have quit... period. They haven't been replaced by anyone.


We don't know exactly what % of the 1.7 million are paying vs. on their 30 free days... we know it is over half... they said so... but wouldn't say more... 850k+1 at least, but how much more?


I gave em 1 million in my guess... you want to give em 1.2 milion? OK - but you realize we're now arguing about 100k here... 100k there... not exactly the kind of numbers people that were financially optimistic about this game would care to be quibbling over 1 month in...


You want to take away box sales? Fine. That'll give you a higher retention rate... and make you face the fact sales of the actual game are drying up very fast.

Edited by PhazeFadis
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MY SWTOR IS THE BEST *Fanboy takes stick and hits everyone around on the head until they bleed to death*


Yes you are right, its a success quit hitting us already. We will go play elsewhere and wait for you on the next MMO forums to join us in a few months

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200 servers

1,700,000 players


average of 8500 per server. Is my math wrong here?


I just dont see it.


Even if only 10% of those people would play then that leave us 850 people per server. 850!!. Except high populated servers I didn't see single one with this amount of players.


Lower lvl areas have around 40-80 people. I checked 2 days ago when my brother was playing. Nar Shada around 6pm GMT + 1 (18:00) at weekend had 30 people. When I took my BH to check Ilum... I found 4 people there.


So I ask again - where are those 1.7mln people, where are those 8500 people per server. Forget that - where are those 850 per server if we say that around 10% of subscribers is playing. I don't see it.

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Even if only 10% of those people would play then that leave us 850 people per server. 850!!. Except high populated servers I didn't see single one with this amount of players.


Lower lvl areas have around 40-80 people. I checked 2 days ago when my brother was playing. Nar Shada around 6pm GMT + 1 (18:00) at weekend had 30 people. When I took my BH to check Ilum... I found 4 people there.


So I ask again - where are those 1.7mln people, where are those 8500 people per server. Forget that - where are those 850 per server if we say that around 10% of subscribers is playing. I don't see it.


And why do we have people asking for server merges already?

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200 servers

1,700,000 players


average of 8500 per server. Is my math wrong here?


I just dont see it.


Not everyone plays every day, or at the same time as others.


Dunno about you, but my server is usually "heavy", and I see at least 130 people on the Imperial fleet at peak hours... Another 100 minimum on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant... 70 or more on Alderaan...


So far, I have never gotten the feeling of being "alone in the world", I run into people whilst questing all the time (and have even joined random groups without actively searching), I see an active and usually decent general chat and have actually met some cool people in the game, and joined guilds on different characters.


And I'm a soloer at that.


So from my experience... The game is populated, there is grouping and a social aspect to be had, at least on "heavy" servers. I don't know or care about max level as it's not my aim in the game (I'll see how it'll be when I get there but I'm in absolutely no hurry), but I think that people should be a bit more proactive about socializing if they're so inclined :)

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Even if only 10% of those people would play then that leave us 850 people per server. 850!!. Except high populated servers I didn't see single one with this amount of players.


Lower lvl areas have around 40-80 people. I checked 2 days ago when my brother was playing. Nar Shada around 6pm GMT + 1 (18:00) at weekend had 30 people. When I took my BH to check Ilum... I found 4 people there.


So I ask again - where are those 1.7mln people, where are those 8500 people per server. Forget that - where are those 850 per server if we say that around 10% of subscribers is playing. I don't see it.


they sit in different instanced areas - their ship, space combat, class quest battleships etc, there are also republic players :p


But it is depressing seeing only 46 empire on Ilum at 12 pm on of the most populated servers in Europe

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Is anyone else kind of scared by the power of fanboism to distort people's view of reality?


No, we are more concerned by the power of trollbois of distroting reality and trying to turn a massive success in a disaster. Luckily, it seems to work just for themselves

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MY SWTOR IS THE BEST *Fanboy takes stick and hits everyone around on the head until they bleed to death*


Yes you are right, its a success quit hitting us already. We will go play elsewhere and wait for you on the next MMO forums to join us in a few months


Just because you are a grasshopper jumping from MMO to MMO all the while trying to 'kill it' doesn't mean everyone else is. That's why BW targeted non-MMO players (in some cases total non-gamers) instead of wowkiddies. AND it's paying back. The sooner the wowkiddies and other lame people go back to that dying game, the better. TOR is for people with good taste

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That's the thing that always bugs me about the numbers....


The supposed 1.7m playing and the average server pop just doesn't add up.


And is the op serious about those numbers have to be real otherwise there breaking the law..... what a total tool and fanboi. EVER HEARD OF TAX EVASION!!! massive company's get away that all the time.

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they sit in different instanced areas - their ship, space combat, class quest battleships etc, there are also republic players :p


But it is depressing seeing only 46 empire on Ilum at 12 pm on of the most populated servers in Europe


I have Jedi Knight alt. Republic side is almost empty. There is just few Imperials and yet there is more republic players. On fleet hang around 40 people while I saw 12 on Republic side.


What is most populated server in Europe ? Who knows ? I'm checking game again when they will release Legacy and few goodies to give them a chance. I'm thinking to re-roll on server that actualy have people.

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I have Jedi Knight alt. Republic side is almost empty. There is just few Imperials and yet there is more republic players. On fleet hang around 40 people while I saw 12 on Republic side.


What is most populated server in Europe ? Who knows ? I'm checking game again when they will release Legacy and few goodies to give them a chance. I'm thinking to re-roll on server that actualy have people.


Tomb of Freedon Nadd. PVP server, it's usually very heavy and FULL during peak time and week ends, but I saw other 3-4 FULL servers in Europe, check the Server Status page at peak time

Edited by mutharex
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