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5 things improve your game play!


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Omg l2p noob!


1. Try rage spec

2. Try anni spec

3. Try carn spec

4. Pick the spec you like most

5. Read one or more of the 4? guides we have on the mara forums now


Preferably in something like that order. Its good to already have your own experience with specs before consulting outside help.

Edited by Sayc
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1)Ignoring trolls

2)Be good at interrupting

3)You can use force charge to get out of a group, it's not just for openers and gap closers

4)Always try to keep 1 rage point on you between fights so you can AoE stealthy's

5)If you can avoid opening with charge so you can have it ready for knockbacks, do so.

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1. Find something to kill

2. Mash buttons randomly

3. Reflect: which buttons killed faster or slower?

4. Repeat #1

5. Mash buttons according to what you figured in #3


Rinse n repeat.


Also, id suggest pappus' thread in particular, given your response.

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Well I kind of agree with the above poster even with his unhelpful tone. Try the three specs and find which you are the most comfortable with. The biggest thing is being comfortable with your character.


Next I suggest getting used to using keybinds. Being able to get to your attacks and (especially in pvp) your defensively abilities fast without second guessing yourself is key to pvp and even pve success. I personally use 6ish keys near my movement keys and use their shift variants followed by f1 through f4 and the shifted versions.


I hope this helps!

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Well I kind of agree with the above poster even with his unhelpful tone. Try the three specs and find which you are the most comfortable with. The biggest thing is being comfortable with your character.


Next I suggest getting used to using keybinds. Being able to get to your attacks and (especially in pvp) your defensively abilities fast without second guessing yourself is key to pvp and even pve success. I personally use 6ish keys near my movement keys and use their shift variants followed by f1 through f4 and the shifted versions.


I hope this helps!


Its that whole 'give a man a fish, teach a man how to go fishing' thing.

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1: learn how to use obfuscate

2: learn how to use interrupt

3: learn to use more than 15 keys when actively playing as a marauder

4: learn to constantly be on the move -- we can't stand still like other classes....

5: if the first 4 things didn't work...learn to reroll.

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1. pick your fights. I see alot of marauders, force charging in before anyone is close. Use your focus, pick your first and second targets.


2. learn your primary rotation in your spec. Learn to mix it up as situations arise.


3. Learn when to interrupt, charge, slow, burst at the right times.


4. Use consumables. Level biochem, it's still broken.


5. avoid the "we suck" class threads. Marauders are extremely powerful and probably the scariest class in the warzone in the right hands.

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Basically, the important thing is to learn the full range of your abilities. You can't just use your spec's basic rotation while popping a saberward from time to time- you have to learn almost all of your abilities, because we really are meant to use them.


I'd recommend starting to think of Force Camo as your Oh **** button, and all of your other defensive cooldowns as stuff you use basically every fight. You won't need them in most fights, but it's important that you get used to using them.


Same goes with offensive abilities. Don't just live off your main rotation- work in the basic warrior stuff like Pommel Strike and Vicious Throw when appropriate.


If you learn to use the full range of your abilities, you'll feel awesome and power, plus other classes in the game will seem super easy to you. If you don't learn to use the many tools the Marauder has, well, you'll probably feel like the class is pretty weak.

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some of your most important survival tools:

cloak of pain, use it liberally but not if you're NOT taking damage

saber ward


force camo

undying rage


learn to twist your interrupts:

disrupt, force leap, force choke - not necessarily in that order


in warzones think of the health power ups in advance, and use them. I can't think of a better benificiary than our class


practice practice practice


do warzones over and over, challenge yourself ... fight the different classes, if you lose, assess what you could've done to secure a win. why did you lose? what could you have used to turn the fight around?


a great escape tactic: aoe mez + predation + force cloak

Edited by HBninjaX
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cool thanks for the some of your constructive replies.

currently i am anni and i like that spec.

i use 15+ key binds. i use a razor naga which has 12+ not including the shift, ctrl, or tab.

i do a lot of the things that you everyone suggested. im just trying to stream line my efficiency. i really enjoy my maurader, unlike some ppl. thank you everyone for your imput. if you have anymore feedback i will use what i can. thanks.


dont give up guys.

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