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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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I'm a BIG fan of this game, but even I don't believe in the 1.7mil active subscribers out of 2mil , UNLESS that number was taken before the free month was over, otherwise, that nearly a 100% retention rate (because not everyone who gets the game actually installs, plays and subscribes), which is definantely never going to happen with any MMO.

I find this statement so funny. IF this 1.7mil was taken BEFORE the free month was over you'd have 2mil subs out of 2mil subs because THEY STILL HAVE ACTIVE ACCOUNTS...


Stop wishing doom. You say you like it then behave yourself.

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Oh i want the game i like to be the best so i believe anything and will post anything to prove it !


What they posted are for end of year data, representing the time when everyone and their mother was activating codes to get EGA in this game.


I remember vividly (wasnt that long ago :) ) when at release people were crying that its not fair i get 1 day less of EGA and even lots that actually bought the game from other countries and paid dearly to get it so that they play on Early Access.


I was one of them so i know from my experience that its very possible many more like me have canceled their subs after the fiasco of the first month. I did NOT cancel before the first paid so even current data arent accurate.


This is to exempt people that are giving the first 3 months for the game cause they already paid it, or people that say "give it 6 months to be ok" , or fanboys, or very casuals that never played another MMO and dont know what is the problem (they will learn after they play a true AAA MMO ).


As said above, I was a fan. I wanted this game to be the one that help keep my interest for the next 7 years as WOW did before i left it for RIFT with hope for the same.


Its sad, but at least i can be honest with myself and say, this game isnt good enough as Rift wasnt good enough either FOR ME .








........GO FLAME!




That actually isnt true, just like the data about the amount of hours played and the amount of npc's killed the subscription data is taken from a few days ago.


It wouldnt make sense in numerous ways anyways, 1. they had a press release on the 26th saying over 1 million players in game and releasing similair statistics like amount of hours played so why would they make a press release for 5 days later over a month after that. 2. They wouldnt have 300k people unsubscribed anyone who bought the game would still be in their free month and would be subscribed.


This data is from at the very least last week if not taken from a day before they made the press release. What your refering too is their financial data which ended on the 31st.


Actually i just read the press release on market watch, and you should just learn to read


"Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month. "


It says in a little over 1 month, not in a little over 11 days which is what it would have said if it was data for the 31st.

Edited by Samborino
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You never run a business, have you? I dont care if we were talking about WoW losing 15% in 1 month. Even Blizzard exec's would be going crazy over that %.


Just to put that 15% into perspective, that 15%=$750,000 PER MONTH.


You think the folks at Bioware aren't concerned/worried/frantic over that??


Go back and look at any relatively succesful mmo's press releases for the months after launch most of them have less subscribers overall and lose 100,000 many even lose half of their subscribtion base.


Bioware has already said this game would be succesful at 500k subs and very succesful at 1million so im sure they are very happy with almost double that regardless of their retention rate. Which i think is fantastic regardless of what you say.


Any company that received 2 million customers in their first month would and should be very happy to have an 85% retention rate. I run a customer based business and i certainly would be extremely happy to retain 85% of my customers forget about the number of subscribers they actually lost its all about the retention rate. 85% is hugely succesful your kidding yourself if you think otherwise.


I find it hilarious how you say "you have obviously never run a business before" but you actually have no idea what you're talking about.

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Bioware has already said this game would be succesful at 500k subs and very succesful at 1million so im sure they are very happy with almost double that regardless of their retention rate. Which i think is fantastic regardless of what you say.


Actually the 500k subs is the break even point and at 1m they said it would be profitable. They also said they were hoping for 1.5m subs so they're very happy at the result.

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I find this statement so funny. IF this 1.7mil was taken BEFORE the free month was over you'd have 2mil subs out of 2mil subs because THEY STILL HAVE ACTIVE ACCOUNTS...


Stop wishing doom. You say you like it then behave yourself.


You can just look at the link the original op posted it says right there that " Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month. "


For those who still cant read, it says "in a little over a month" not "in a 11 days"


Which means the subcription base was guaged probably a day or 2 before they made the press release.

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Actually the 500k subs is the break even point and at 1m they said it would be profitable. They also said they were hoping for 1.5m subs so they're very happy at the result.


Think again buddy, i know what im talking about.




Riccitiello explained: "500,000 subscribers saw the game is substantially profitable but it's not the kind of thing that we would write home about. Anything north of 1m subscribers is a very profitable business."



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Think again buddy, i know what im talking about.




Riccitiello explained: "500,000 subscribers saw the game is substantially profitable but it's not the kind of thing that we would write home about. Anything north of 1m subscribers is a very profitable business."




Q: You've previously said you need about a half million subscribers to be profitable, is that still the case?

A: At 500,000 subscribers, we'd break even. At a million, we'd be making a profit but nothing worth writing home about. As it scales up from there, we're talking about a nice profit. At this point with the successful launch, we can take the worst case scenarios off the table.


From http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19915-electronic-arts-q3-fy12-earnings-call

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Not doomed quite yet but I will say the evidence is clear. We all play and depending on what server, what time of day and what instance your on, your outlook differs. I can say that I like the game but I have my concerns. I play in Juyo, an average to high populated server and at peak, the player counts are still 40-70 per area..


Sorry, this has been said by many, many players.


Not going to restate whats need stated already. It just "feels" dead. I would rather wait in queue and take turns killing a mob or instance area than have it feel desolate and anti-social like it feels now.


Anecdotal evidence. Last night I went to two areas when my server said "standard" - Fleet had 225 and Bel had 112.


So that "proves" you are wrong.

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haha clearly i dont know what im tallking about . This is from today or yesterday im guessing.


Im glad they did an interview clearing up their press release.


Sorry!!! I dunno why they would change their stance on that, but at least they are being more honest with themselves now.

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For anyone still doubting safiir kindly posted an interview with the developers where they talk about how they currently have 1.7 million active subscribers and most of those are paying customers by now.




thanks safiir ill gladly admit when im wrong especiallly when its good news


Except for maybe their projections on profitability :p

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My guess is that there are alot of people, like me, who currently have game time left, but have unsubbed.


I dont hate this game, its just not game you can play for more than a short while.


I was one of those people raving about the game and saying "ill never unsub". Then I hit the end-game and changed my mind.


Still, I think the purchase price and months sub was well worth the money. I enjoyed the game until I ran out of things to do.

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Shallow game is shallow.


I quit.


Already gave my stuff away, to the vendor.


Good for you, all of the 1.7 million subscribers care so much:rolleyes:


Whats sad is that you still troll the forums of a game you quit.

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Shallow game is shallow.


I quit.


Already gave my stuff away, to the vendor.


Not certain what this has to do with the topic, but I think it a bit more genuine and refreshing that the merry-go-round of lies, misinformation, "85% is horrible retention!", "Those numbers are old!", and "'unique' and 'current' are vague!!"

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Averaging 1 million unique log ins a day is certainly quite impressive.


Also for all those saying "but the server status's have dropped"


Here you go "I want to take a second to correct the reports which speculated that a lack of congestion was a sign of slow participation. Shortly after launch, we doubled the efficiency of each server, allowing us to handle twice as many players and remove the waiting lines. The lack of congestion is a function of great engineering."



They doubled the server size, well what do you know lol. So a server on heavy probably has more people on it then a server that was full at launch.


quote from an interview with the developers.



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