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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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For those trying to argue simple logic to the haters who want the game to fail: you're wasting your time and sanity.


They will never be satisfied with a simple answer unless it is the one they wan to hear.


And they simply want the game to fail to justify why THEY are not enjoying it.

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some helpful information for Gehoornde


For people interested in going straight to source:


1) Go to EA's investor relations site


2) Click on the Prepared Documents PDF under the Third Quarter 2012 heading.


3) Read. Particularly Frank Gibeau's comments on pages 10-11, highlight below:


"Let me offer some metrics on purchase and subscription that will help you understand this business. As John stated, we have sold through two million units of the game since December. We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out. This is an outstanding start for an MMO and the metrics on engagement suggests players are loving this game: unique log-ins are averaging about one million per day and their average play time is approximately four hours per day."


4) Profit



Not taking sides either way, because for me it is way too early to cry success or failure, but hopefully we can stop making up what EA is stating or implying. You have the transcript and presentation on their site.

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There is a chance that GW2 or the new Funcom game will be hits as well. And Im sure that SWTOR will lose some subs to those games, but there is a chance that they will gain them too, like Rift is doing right now with all the people which tried TOR, did not like the game, so they tried Rift.


But the game to lose a majority of suns to another has to be really poo poo, in which this game is not.

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300,000 missing subscriptions is about an average revenue loss of about $4,197,000.00. This assumes an equal spread of the 1 month, 3 month, and 6 month plans (which is an average of $13.99 per month per RGU).


If I was losing out on 4.1 million dollars a month I would be on someone a** trying to figure out WHY we are losing that revenue.


Why would you do that? The answer is already well-known: not everyone likes every game that they buy enough to keep playing it--and especially paying to keep playing it-- for longer than 1 month.


You'd have to be delusional to think that ANY MMO would have anything close to 100% retention. They would probably do cartwheels up and down the street if they could keep 50% long term.

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There is a chance that GW2 or the new Funcom game will be hits as well. And Im sure that SWTOR will lose some subs to those games, but there is a chance that they will gain them too, like Rift is doing right now with all the people which tried TOR, did not like the game, so they tried Rift.


But the game to lose a majority of suns to another has to be really poo poo, in which this game is not.


Well I doubt it. GW2 has no sub so it wont actually force a conflict people can play both. I certainly plan to and Im very excited for GW2. As for TSW Funcom has an awful track record of terrible, terrible launches. AO and AOC both had abysmal launches I really expect the same of TSW. I was there for the AOC launch and every problem this game had AOC had as well only it was 1000x worse. AOC was damn near unplayable. I doubt TSW will launch anywhere near this games quality.

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For those trying to argue simple logic to the haters who want the game to fail: you're wasting your time and sanity.


They will never be satisfied with a simple answer unless it is the one they wan to hear.


And they simply want the game to fail to justify why THEY are not enjoying it.


It's just affirmation that forums are a minority and this seems to be surprising some people who are delusional enough to think forums are a majority and if they don't like the game no one else should.


It's funny.

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Yup, earning calls are serious business. Funny people think they would fudge those numbers.


The haters will say anything to spin the good news so far.


BTW I really do not understand why people want games to fail? The more fail we ave in the industry means less investors and less studios trying to make a new game. Its really baffling.

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Yup, earning calls are serious business. Funny people think they would fudge those numbers.


I know right, cause fudging those numbers wont have any serious consequences, like being delisted from the stock market. Thats SURE to please investors isnt it!

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I know right, cause fudging those numbers wont have any serious consequences, like being delisted from the stock market. Thats SURE to please investors isnt it!


SEC violations/investigations also do wonders for stock prices.

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As for TSW Funcom has an awful track record of terrible, terrible launches. AO and AOC both had abysmal launches I really expect the same of TSW. I was there for the AOC launch and every problem this game had AOC had as well only it was 1000x worse. AOC was damn near unplayable. I doubt TSW will launch anywhere near this games quality.


This. I'm interested in TSW, but I won't touch another Funcom MMO until it has been out at least 6 months.

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SEC violations/investigations also do wonders for stock prices.


Its absurd to think those numbers are fudged. I mean it does happen but its not common.


Yea SWTOR had a great launch and everyone upset with the game needs to accept that just because they don't like it doesn't mean its failing. With that said there ARE valid complaints about this game and Rift did very well in the first few months as well. A lot can still change.

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I'm happy to see my investment rebound some today, but my game subscriptions do not revolve around what the stock market does. It revolves around the quality of the game.


For now, SWTOR has a good hold on me and it's worth the $16.00 a month from an entertainment standpoint.


I will say though, from an investor standpoint, I find it quite comical how many in this thread are discrediting yesterday's report and claiming lies and false number reporting. Do you guys know what happens to companies/corporations that falsify reports to influence positive gains in the stock market exchange? If you don't, then you need to take your trolling elsewhere.


Seeing this:


"This has been the most rapid scaling of an MMO ever, based on our research,” Brown commented.


... made me smile. Both as a SWTOR player, and an EA share holder.

Edited by Alkiii
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I'm happy to see my investment rebound some today, but my game subscriptions do not revolve around what the stock market does. It revolves around the quality of the game.


For now, SWTOR has a good hold on me and it's worth the $16.00 a month from an entertainment standpoint.


I will say though, from an investor standpoint, I find it quite comical how many in this thread are discrediting yesterday's report and claiming lies and false number reporting. Do you guys know what happens to companies/corporations that falsify reports to influence positive gains in the stock market exchange? If you don't, then you need to take your trolling elsewhere.


Seeing this:


"This has been the most rapid scaling of an MMO ever, based on our research,” Brown commented.


... made me smile. Both as a SWTOR player, and an EA share holder.


Logic has no place in this thread. Begone! :p

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The haters will say anything to spin the good news so far.


BTW I really do not understand why people want games to fail? The more fail we ave in the industry means less investors and less studios trying to make a new game. Its really baffling.


Hey Fanboy, get it through your thick skull we dont hate the game. Obviously we wanted the game to be a success. Dont read what you want read what we type.


here it is again: We wanted the game to succeed.


That is why we paid for it to get Early Access, why we did beta testing, why we paid to buy the game and why we paid a month after that.


We did all that in hope that we would see a nice and fun game and hoped we would stay playing and paying as well.


Reason most people bother spamming buttons over and over typing the same complaints about the game its cause we didnt care?


Its like you do everything for your son to go to school and study with him and teach him manners and pay tutors and spend time with him when he is young and at the end he comes out to be a total jerk :( thats just sad

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Are you on Blizzards payrole?


sorry quoted the wrong text , meant some of this guys that just ignore the data and keep on with this ridicules statements about "cooking the books" "game is dying/dead" the /v/ .


I never beveled in paid "trolls" before this forum , but I think someone has come up with a lot of cash to attack the game and Bio/EA? am i crazy?

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The haters will say anything to spin the good news so far.


BTW I really do not understand why people want games to fail? The more fail we ave in the industry means less investors and less studios trying to make a new game. Its really baffling.


The first point to remember is that there are competitor companies who very much want to see TOR fail badly, and will spend money on FUD marketing in order to help that happen. This is almost certainly happening on the internet, both here and elsewhere.


The second point is that people who dislike a game often want that game to fail so that their own opinion that it was a bad game is validated by everyone else "agreeing" with them. So they also have an interest in bad-mouthing the game and trying to ensure that it fails, so their own view is validated. Humans will do some very scary things when they are seeking validation.

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I never beveled in paid "trolls" before this forum , but I think someone has come up with a lot of cash to attack the game and Bio/EA? am i crazy?


I still don't believe it. These people are just people upset about whatever it is they are upset about. They wanted SWG2, They wanted Dual spec, They wanted more raid content, They wanted whatever feature thats not here or they have never played a launch mmo before and the bugs are making them insane.


I admit the bugs are frustrating. I log in and deal with it from sometimes the moment I log in to the moment I log out. But I remind myself "This is how launch mmos work it will take months to settle all the little nagging issues but it will happen" So to the people upset that the framerates drop or your quest objective wont appear for your class quest... for three days in a row... BOUNTY HUNTER ACT 1 Quest I'm looking at you!! It will get fixed. But it will take time.

Edited by mezlabor
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