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Why all the crazyiness with PvP vs PvE gearing dichotomy?


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I am new to MMOs. Where did the idea come from that PvP and PvE gear should be distinctive? What's the reasoning behind it?


Why you are not supposed to be good at PvP if you are good at raiding? Right now i see that Bioware tries to keep up with god knows how old concept, but simply fail to make a good segregation with expertise being simply an annoying mechanic.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Assuming they are taking a page from another game, then they desperately want to avoid creating a situation where the correct/best way to advance in PvP is to excel in PvE (or vice versa). Some people don't like one or the other, and it seems harsh (and counter-intuitive) to ever allow such a situation where it feels required.
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In WoW, people that refused to raid for gear (and grinded honor rankings) were upset that they were getting steamrolled by people in high end raid gear. Of course having gear that PvE players could use for some reason was a bad idea (probably because before they put arena rating requirements on it, it was stupid easy to obtain... even then... if you had a flavour of the month arena composition, it wasn't super hard either).


Personally I think gear segregation is a terrible idea as it encourages people to focus solely on one aspect of the game (unless they want bust their butts for 2 high end sets of gear), which in turn leads to faster burnout.

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The very simple reason is as stated above casual players QQ about getting steam rolled by "hardcore" raiders. WoW; i believe was the first to make PvP gear giving the "hardcore" pvp access to gear that was meant for PvP. When QQs came again they made PvP available to everyone. Now, because gear is so easily obtained, its used as the "carrot on the stick" to drive the player to get geared and keep playing.
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The idea is that in general if you have a top end variation of either gear type you will be effective, just not ideal.



I.e. a pure top end raid set will leave you at a tremendous survivability disadvantage, but you'll have enough dps/outgoing healing to account yourself reasonably in a warzone (or larger scale open world) pvp situation.


Likewise you will put out reasonable damage/outgoing healing in a pve situation (low tier raids/flashpoints) should you be equipped in full flight pvp gear.




No the highest tier raid (op) or a going up against a warzone premade you won't be up to par compared to someone with the optimal gear, but it is effective enough that you can focus on your most preferential manner of play and be optimized for it while retaining some effectiveness in the other venue.






Just itemizing extra endurance at the expense of damage/outgoing healing alone really doesn't work as then pure pve raid gear with a few endurance centric augments/mods/etc. can easily tip the balance back that way.



COmparative incomparables with minor cross-hatching viability is the approach that while not perfect is most accepted now.

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It was originally created in WoW to stop one source of gear - raiding, from being the absolute best option for every single encounter - the PvP-biased crowds were feeling left out in the cold with no gear progression route, and were equally justifiably upset about being systematically crushed by raiding guilds.


So wow created resilience - a stat which is really *really* good in PvP, but which really really sucks in PvE. You might well ask - why not give PvPers equivalent gear, or simply higher stamina gear, than you'd get from PvE raids? - because there's always idiots who, if the game offers the slightest reward for kiling yourself by running progression PvE raiding while at the same time pouring as much energy into competitive pvp as possible, they'd DO IT.


Is it ideal? No. It creates a hell of a barrier to entry to people who just want to hop into a warzone and have fun; it kinda sucks from that standpoint and I really wish they'd just say to hell with it, and offer higher-stamina but otherwise equivalentish gear to PvPers with no special 'pvp make better' stat.

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I am new to MMOs. Where did the idea come from that PvP and PvE gear should be distinctive? What's the reasoning behind it?

Because some people only play Warzones and don't do high-end raiding. The top-level raids produce some fantastic gear that is not available to those who don't raid. If that gear was equally as effective in PvP then you'd have the situation that a player who was a master at Warzones (but didn't raid) could get steamrolled by someone who had 'simply' been able to play the raiding game ... which seems wrong.

So you have a mechanic that allows both types of player to get gear designed for the kind of game they play.



Why you are not supposed to be good at PvP if you are good at raiding?

It doesn't mean that you're not any good ...

It just means if you want the kind of gear awarded to the best Warzone players then you need to actually play PvP warzones and not get a jump start just from doing PvE raids. Not everyone plays both kinds of games: some concentrate on just one form, either raiding or warzones. If you're someone who does both then congrats, you'll have a nice armour collection designed for every situation :)

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Being one of those ex-hardcore pve/pvp players from wow i fully understand the system of making a pure pvp stat.


Nothing is worse then running in with full pvp gear and being totally slaughtered by some1 with high end pve gear. Just because the gear he has is so much better then anything you could ever get from pvp.


Saying that pvpers QQ about pve'ers steamrolling them is a bit funny though, as the pve'ers started QQing so much more when they couldnt go easymode in pvp anymore.


Making a fair way regarding earning the same gear in both pvp and pve is close to impossible, so why bother? Easier and much more fair to have to different versions.


And lastly, no this doesnt shorten the games lifespan. That could be the most stupid argument ever. Making the sets use the same stats only means that once you are done with one aspect of the game, pve or pvp, then you are done with both.

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Making a fair way regarding earning the same gear in both pvp and pve is close to impossible, so why bother? Easier and much more fair to have to different versions.


I totally agree. In the-game-that-we-can't-mention pre 2.0 I couldn't often spare 3 or 4 hours to do end-game raiding, but I could easily partake in battlegrounds, and do well. I was pleased to first get up to 'officer' status, and then finally Lt Commander and have a helmet and shoulders rarely seen. While everyone else of my class, it seemed, was walking around with their epic PvE gear I got to wear something a bit different.

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