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Operatives now completely worthless, cya BW.


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So at this time, this feels just like WoW…. I hated the nerf cycles in WoW. Just buff 2 nerf the rest, do that every month and gives everyone a taste of being the over powered, gets people to stop complaining for a bit and keep people playing…

I really thought that was something BW wouldn’t do, but man was I shocked…

Now my only level 50 who was barely able to burst up to the sustained damage of many other classes has been reduced to garbage. What’s the thought process here? The issue was burst damage in pvp, so why was the resolve to destroy the classes DPS? Not just for a concealment 31 point specs but for everyone who uses melee, and if you don’t make yourself hybrid and go straight DPS, you are worthless in every aspect. How is this the solution BW?

I have watched many friends play, watched many video’s of all classes and the combination of our opener was strong but that was the only thing we had as a concealment operative. Now, we cannot keep the enemy controlled, cannot provide the DPS to kill anything with a heal or wearing more than medium armor. We cannot sustain DPS that is comparable to many classes like marauders and mercenaries. Why were we made to be worthless???

This is my first complaint on these forums, the first time I felt the need to say anything but BioWare, you really screwed up here…. You took a mediocre class and made it worthless entirely, pvp, pve, heals are sub par now DPS is garbage.

What you should have done – Reduced HS stun to 2 seconds. Retool the 25 point talent to + to crit damage to exclude HS or only buff HS by say 15% instead of 30. At most….

You should have buffed our other abilities to provide higher sustained damage if anything.

In the mean time, lets see if my subscription lasts until you fix this ridiculous nerf…

Cant even find a damn group that will take me anymore since every aspect of my class is worthless..

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Well I remember prior to the nerf I could stand somewhat well in a 1v1 fight. Since the nerf I haven't won a single one. At lvl 20 with decent gear I lost a fight to a lvl 11 sorcerer, who still had half health when I was done. I may not be the best player ever, but I'm not THAT bad.
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Well I remember prior to the nerf I could stand somewhat well in a 1v1 fight. Since the nerf I haven't won a single one. At lvl 20 with decent gear I lost a fight to a lvl 11 sorcerer, who still had half health when I was done. I may not be the best player ever, but I'm not THAT bad.


LOLWUT? You can not feel the nerf until level 36.

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Well I remember prior to the nerf I could stand somewhat well in a 1v1 fight. Since the nerf I haven't won a single one. At lvl 20 with decent gear I lost a fight to a lvl 11 sorcerer, who still had half health when I was done. I may not be the best player ever, but I'm not THAT bad.


Way to jump on the complaining bandwagon. The nerf doesn't even apply to you.


The nerfs were to Hidden Strike, Jarring Strike and Acid Blade. You can't even get HS until 36 and the earliest you can get JS and AB on your skill tree are 35 and 40, respectively.


Sorcs are a VERY balanced class. I mean that they are very functional in offense and defense, damage and heals, early on in their leveling process. Operatives don't come into their own until much later. I didn't even notice good damage until my mid-30s.

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Sorcs are a VERY balanced class. I mean that they are very functional in offense and defense, damage and heals, early on in their leveling process.


Sorcs have better dps, better healing, better utility and better cc than an operative.

They are more usefull for the group/team and can kill operatives with ease in 1v1.

Currently warzones are won with the team with most sorcs.

Sounds like a VERY balanced class to me.


Concealment operatives had one thing: Massive burst damage when comming out of stealth.

I think nerfing that burst was justified, but at the same time the class needs buffs in almost every other area.

But instead of fixing the class so that we're usefull in pve and have decent dps, our already subpar dps got nerfed as well.


At the current state the class is useless as dps, but works as healer even if it's the weakest healer of three healing ACs

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So at this time, this feels just like WoW…. I hated the nerf cycles in WoW. Just buff 2 nerf the rest, do that every month and gives everyone a taste of being the over powered, gets people to stop complaining for a bit and keep people playing…

I really thought that was something BW wouldn’t do, but man was I shocked…

Now my only level 50 who was barely able to burst up to the sustained damage of many other classes has been reduced to garbage. What’s the thought process here? The issue was burst damage in pvp, so why was the resolve to destroy the classes DPS? Not just for a concealment 31 point specs but for everyone who uses melee, and if you don’t make yourself hybrid and go straight DPS, you are worthless in every aspect. How is this the solution BW?

I have watched many friends play, watched many video’s of all classes and the combination of our opener was strong but that was the only thing we had as a concealment operative. Now, we cannot keep the enemy controlled, cannot provide the DPS to kill anything with a heal or wearing more than medium armor. We cannot sustain DPS that is comparable to many classes like marauders and mercenaries. Why were we made to be worthless???

This is my first complaint on these forums, the first time I felt the need to say anything but BioWare, you really screwed up here…. You took a mediocre class and made it worthless entirely, pvp, pve, heals are sub par now DPS is garbage.

What you should have done – Reduced HS stun to 2 seconds. Retool the 25 point talent to + to crit damage to exclude HS or only buff HS by say 15% instead of 30. At most….

You should have buffed our other abilities to provide higher sustained damage if anything.

In the mean time, lets see if my subscription lasts until you fix this ridiculous nerf…

Cant even find a damn group that will take me anymore since every aspect of my class is worthless..


Simple answer, go healer. Was on a few nights trying to start a colicoid war games group, a guy responded by saying he wished that I was on the night before as he was looking ofr a healer for 20 mins for CWG. It's nice to feel wanted.

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So at this time, this feels just like WoW…. I hated the nerf cycles in WoW. Just buff 2 nerf the rest, do that every month and gives everyone a taste of being the over powered, gets people to stop complaining for a bit and keep people playing…

I really thought that was something BW wouldn’t do, but man was I shocked…

Now my only level 50 who was barely able to burst up to the sustained damage of many other classes has been reduced to garbage. What’s the thought process here? The issue was burst damage in pvp, so why was the resolve to destroy the classes DPS? Not just for a concealment 31 point specs but for everyone who uses melee, and if you don’t make yourself hybrid and go straight DPS, you are worthless in every aspect. How is this the solution BW?

I have watched many friends play, watched many video’s of all classes and the combination of our opener was strong but that was the only thing we had as a concealment operative. Now, we cannot keep the enemy controlled, cannot provide the DPS to kill anything with a heal or wearing more than medium armor. We cannot sustain DPS that is comparable to many classes like marauders and mercenaries. Why were we made to be worthless???

This is my first complaint on these forums, the first time I felt the need to say anything but BioWare, you really screwed up here…. You took a mediocre class and made it worthless entirely, pvp, pve, heals are sub par now DPS is garbage.

What you should have done – Reduced HS stun to 2 seconds. Retool the 25 point talent to + to crit damage to exclude HS or only buff HS by say 15% instead of 30. At most….

You should have buffed our other abilities to provide higher sustained damage if anything.

In the mean time, lets see if my subscription lasts until you fix this ridiculous nerf…

Cant even find a damn group that will take me anymore since every aspect of my class is worthless..


Good Players adapt, bad players complain about everything without looking at the big picture.


Cannot keep the enemy controlled? Stop drinking the kool-aid, the 1.5s knockdown now fills the resolve to half, so after the 1.5s knock down you can chain in a debilitate, stun locking them for 5.5 seconds.


Acid Blade was not "destroyed", the damage has stayed the same, yes the 20% reduction in armor pen was a bit unexpected, but 15s of 30% armor penetration on a 1.5s CD is still a pretty strong ability.


If you're trying to burst someone down in the middle of group pvp, you're doing something wrong, pvp is still pretty group-centric so you try to kill one person with his friends nearby, and you don't have any backup, they are going to beat your face in.


If you really think concealment is so broken, there are 2 other specs to experiment with. Ops are very capable healers, maybe not as powerful as sorcs but a great deal more mobile imo with some good burst healing. Lethality is also a pretty strong spec, and if you spec hybric med/lethality, you mitigate the TA issues that lethality normally runs into and you get alot more durability.


Yes their damage went down, but it's not to a point to get overly concerned about. Any concealment op that's worth his salt is taking the changes in stride, adapting their playstyle to the changes and are still achieving good results in PVP. You just can't do "LOLOLOL AB LOLOL HS LOLOL BACKSTAB LOLOL FREE VALOR" You actually need to play smarter now.


So go ahead and "unsubscribe", you'll be back.


TL;DR - Ops are still fine. Quit crying that you're no longer FOTM

Edited by dirtylilsmuggler
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Good Players adapt, bad players complain about everything without looking at the big picture.


Cannot keep the enemy controlled? Stop drinking the kool-aid, the 1.5s knockdown now fills the resolve to half, so after the 1.5s knock down you can chain in a debilitate, stun locking them for 5.5 seconds.


Acid Blade was not "destroyed", the damage has stayed the same, yes the 20% reduction in armor pen was a bit unexpected, but 15s of 30% armor penetration on a 1.5s CD is still a pretty strong ability.


If you're trying to burst someone down in the middle of group pvp, you're doing something wrong, pvp is still pretty group-centric so you try to kill one person with his friends nearby, and you don't have any backup, they are going to beat your face in.


If you really think concealment is so broken, there are 2 other specs to experiment with. Ops are very capable healers, maybe not as powerful as sorcs but a great deal more mobile imo with some good burst healing. Lethality is also a pretty strong spec, and if you spec hybric med/lethality, you mitigate the TA issues that lethality normally runs into and you get alot more durability.


Yes their damage went down, but it's not to a point to get overly concerned about. Any concealment op that's worth his salt is taking the changes in stride, adapting their playstyle to the changes and are still achieving good results in PVP. You just can't do "LOLOLOL AB LOLOL HS LOLOL BACKSTAB LOLOL FREE VALOR" You actually need to play smarter now.


So go ahead and "unsubscribe", you'll be back.


TL;DR - Ops are still fine. Quit crying that you're no longer FOTM


it is posts like this that spur me to reply, I will start on your quote from the bottom up.


Ops were never fotm, that implies a huge spike of players based on their percieved OP, that just wan't the case.


the whole, ""LOLOLOL AB LOLOL HS LOLOL BACKSTAB LOLOL FREE VALOR" that is the sorc and merc saying that because a like exp sorc just shrugs us off now. Of course situationally the tide changes but 1 vs 1 against a sorc on the rail with 600+ exp, just run by and look for a different target. pre 1.1.1 I had a chance, post I don't even attempt.


The class is not broken, I have to pick better spots, find advantageous positions, I can't just freely open on anyone at anytime, the burst is just not there, I can outplay someone but there is no fear on the playfield from an op, it has changed.


Really, dual spec med/leth to mitigate TA - have you played this class or just read tooltips?


Don't say that AB is on a 1.5 sec cooldown when the only way to apply it is from HS or BS which are on substanially longer cooldowns. The armpen was over the top, it nerfed HS more than the 20% and affected every move after the opener substantially. Do I have logs to confirm, of course not, but I play alot of wz's and I feel the difference. Hell all of these posts are opinions anyway, I have a right to mine.


Who trinkets out of the JS, not smart players, wait for the DB then trinket - it is not a guaranteed stun lock, you make it sound as if it is - for those times when you get someone on their cd, you can apply some good hits.


The class is still viable and the better players with good gear will continue to contribute, but you will see the average players re-roll or leave, I guess this game is only for the elite, given not everyone is, makes for a small player base.


I find it a challenge with the changes but I am still doing fairly well but I will probably play my sorc more, it is FUN to be effective - not fun to open on someone and realize you have no chance to close the deal and start your defensive maneuvers to get away when in the past it wasn't the case.


call me a QQ but I am honest about it, stop portraying it to be much sunnier than it is.

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