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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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Hopefully someone can correct me, but I thought when I looked last night. The Champion Boots cost was like 36 or 39 champion comendations and now they are 69.


Did I just miss read the cost last night ( entirely possable, was up later then normal ) or did they almost double when this clearly says they were not going to change?



I can correct you - champion pieces were AWLAYS 67 per one [and 41 or 44 for lesses pieces like offhands, bracers and belt, weapon was 126]


39 was always the proce for CENTURION gear.

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hte upgrade from cent to champ is not drastic at all and it gives people a fighting chance.

people are seriously crying because they have no idea what they are talking about. simply looking at the items would clearly show this. also going from champ to BM is not a big change either. at most its like 4 expertise more and like 6 or so stats.

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hte upgrade from cent to champ is not drastic at all and it gives people a fighting chance.

people are seriously crying because they have no idea what they are talking about. simply looking at the items would clearly show this. also going from champ to BM is not a big change either. at most its like 4 expertise more and like 6 or so stats.


I think the problem most people have is bioware are doing the complete opposite of what the community wants and is actually breaking the game and creating a more frustrating gaming experience.

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Bioware's incompetence on this issue is, quite frankly, frightening...


PvPers: "We don't like the RNG/Luck system."


Solution: "Okay. You will now be able to gain more crappy gear at a more steady rate, but need even MORE RNG/Luck to get anything good."


PvPers: "Yeeeah, so when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"



+1 To this. the more they claim to listen to us and cleary do not. The more I look at other games coming out. I am sure GW2 would love my 15 bucks a month.

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The solution to this comes in two parts: now and next tier.


Now: Remove Valor requirement for battle master gear. Make it as easily obtainable.


Next tier: Come up with a not random, not a completely non-skill related grind in order to distribute PvP gear.


Right now, this is the only way to "balance" pvp in anyway. Give it up, and spend your resources on ensuring this problem never happens again. We will forgive you if you just admit your mistake.


This is a terrible idea. Their current wow system of grind for points until you have the gear or get a random token is just fine. QQ moar.

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I think the problem most people have is bioware are doing the complete opposite of what the community wants and is actually breaking the game and creating a more frustrating gaming experience.


What are you talking about? The new system is amazing. I've only been 50 on my marauder for a couple of weeks now and I love the new system SO much more then the previous system. I held onto some of my bags from last week (5) and between them and the one daily and the weekly I was able to purchase a champion chest and centurion to fill out a good chunk of my other slots.


Last week I would see a ton of people running around in quest/pve gear. Last night pretty much everyone had PvP gear on, making for a much better overall experience.


The only people I should see being upset about the change are those already decked out in champion gear because they won't be able to faceroll new level 50 players as easily anymore.


What Bioware should do now is add another rank to the system, battlemasters. Have it be an optional rank that the system can ignore to keep overall queue times low. So then the system would be level 10-49, level 50 rank 59 valor and under, and level 50 rank 60 valor. That would disincentivize doing things like exploiting ilum to power level valor since you would only end up undergeared and steamrolled hard in the battlemaster rank of warzones. Then add a player ranking system that only applies to the battlemaster warzones.

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I personally don't know why you people complain about things being hard to obtain in this game (PvP Wise) In the first 3 weeks of playing there was people at lvl 50 running around with full pvp tier gear. I wish Bioware would change this and make it more challenging and difficult for players to obtain these sets. Any noob can obtain these things without hardly any effort at all. It's disgusting to me that people are complaining that the system is "too hard"or "it is rewarding enough".. seriously.. if it's to hard for you then you must have the brain span of a chimp.
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What are you talking about? The new system is amazing. I've only been 50 on my marauder for a couple of weeks now and I love the new system SO much more then the previous system. I held onto some of my bags from last week (5) and between them and the one daily and the weekly I was able to purchase a champion chest and centurion to fill out a good chunk of my other slots.


Last week I would see a ton of people running around in quest/pve gear. Last night pretty much everyone had PvP gear on, making for a much better overall experience.


so pretty much what your saying is you like having things handed to you on a silver platter without hardly any effort at all. And seeing everyone in pvp gear just like you with multi duplicates of yourself with the same retarded looking headpieces.... hmm let me guess you must be one of those young people who hardly ever had to work for anything in your life, because your mommy and daddy held your hand throughout your entire life.

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By March, Tera/D3/GW2 will be either out or in beta. I see little reason to continue playing at that point. These changes show Bioware doesn't understand they game they built or what PvPers want. I don't care if it takes longer to get PvP gear. I just want control over my progression.




I'm really excited for:

Tera - In the middle of a lawsuit, that's outcome has a 50/50 chance of forcing the game to not launch in the US.

D3 - RMT Auction House, whose features are being cut every 2 weeks so they can launch on time

GW2 - PVP that's equivalent to a FPS. No risk, no reward

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so pretty much what your saying is you like having things handed to you on a silver platter without hardly any effort at all. And seeing everyone in pvp gear just like you with multi duplicates of yourself with the same retarded looking headpieces.... hmm let me guess you must be one of those young people who hardly ever had to work for anything in your life, because your mommy and daddy held your hand throughout your entire life.


I think what he is saying is that a game and real life are two different things. Work is what I do to pay for this game. The game is what I do for entertainment and fun. He is saying the changes make the game more fun for most and less like a job.


Words like EARN and WORK should not even be used in the same context as a game for entertainment. Those that believe they do either need therapy or a life outside of gaming where hard work and achievements have real meaning.

Edited by Hellapain
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so pretty much what your saying is you like having things handed to you on a silver platter without hardly any effort at all. And seeing everyone in pvp gear just like you with multi duplicates of yourself with the same retarded looking headpieces.... hmm let me guess you must be one of those young people who hardly ever had to work for anything in your life, because your mommy and daddy held your hand throughout your entire life.


From your comments I'm guessing that you are the type of griefer turd who likes to take a level 50 to lowbie zones and camp them. A pathetic bully who enjoys beating on those obviously weaker then they are in a futile attempt to satiate their feelings of inadequacy because mommy resented their existence.


PvP should be about skill as well as the gear. Battlemaster/champion is much better then centurion but at least the centurion prevents battlemasters from steamrolling you without a second thought. How long do you think the game will last if every new 50 had to spend more time dead then alive in the warzones? It's one thing when everyone is gearing up at the same pace under the old system but what about people just starting? It's not like the people who are battlemasters now had to get crapped on for weeks before they were able to be at all competitive.


If you already have the gear and know what you are doing then you shouldn't have any problem smacking around some new 50 even with all their centurion gear. If you can't though you can always just go back to camping lowbies.

Edited by Rouncer
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are a lot of you still complaining not realize you get 7 champ tokens out of the bags now? they made it far less rng because you are now always going to progress on your gear.


p.s. if you got all of your champ gear in a week or two of pvping in previous system you were extremely lucky.

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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.




So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.


Its people like you that ruin this game.


I dont mind the gear grind being long...


What I would hate is for it to cater to you where you do 20 bgs and ur in centurion gear right is that what you like mr instant gratification..


These games are going south because of people who want everything right them and now...


God forbid we would have to work a month or two to get a full gear set ohh no!!!


Mr I want it now will get it right away!!!

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Its people like you that ruin this game.


I dont mind the gear grind being long...


What I would hate is for it to cater to you where you do 20 bgs and ur in centurion gear right is that what you like mr instant gratification..


These games are going south because of people who want everything right them and now...


God forbid we would have to work a month or two to get a full gear set ohh no!!!


Mr I want it now will get it right away!!!


Funny you give him crap about wanting things his way, but you have no problem telling us what way you want it... hypocrite much?

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Funny you give him crap about wanting things his way, but you have no problem telling us what way you want it... hypocrite much?


You don't seem to understand why the system is broken, I was pretty lucky and recieved all but 2 pieces of gear early on before they started nerfing the bags, I have all ear, offhand, relics, head, chest, belt, braces and gloves, just missing the boots and pants.


Now, in the time it took me to get those items I also have 4 spare chest, 2 helmets, 4 belts and 1 gloves, that's in the 1st 30 bags or so, since the nerf, I have recieved 1 offhand saber(unusable) in 20+ bags. Just read those words and tell me the system isn't completely broken and the "fixes are just creating further imbalance and probably will collapse pvp in this game if not fixed.

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Must my concern about this new system as well.


I do not know if it is broken but i do know i have opened over 15 bags since the patch and all ive got were commendations, not a single peace of gear. Idk what the chance to get something is, nor am I in a rush as i only have 3 champ pieces missing, but since im closing in on battlemaster in a week or two, id though id ask:


What are the official chances for champ or bm gear acquisition?

Edited by Boxan
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This change is a definitively positive one for fresh level 50s or those about to hit 50 by the time the patch rolls out.* In short, you will get centurion pieces at a much faster at the expense of having less of a chance to get champion gear.* For a fresh level 50 that starts out with 0 expertise, this will turn out to be a better system, unless you're the naturally lucky type that was getting a non duplicate piece of champion gear every* 2 or 3 bags.


The gear gap is going to exist for new level 50s regardless of whether this change happens or not.* When you initially hit 50, pvp will not be fun for you initially.* To be competitive you need to up your expertise as quick as you can.* Picking up any piece of gear that has expertise in a slot where you don't have any on is huge, regardless of whether it's centurion or champion, and on average this will net you more pieces of pvp gear, which equates to more expertise.* Unless you get super duper uber lucky in the old system, you will be able to be able to get competitive faster in the new system.* The lucky people in mostly champion and battlemaster gear will still have an edge, but it is not an insurmountable one.*


I know the champion gear is sexier and it's exciting to see the un-assembled pieces drop from a bag, but I'm willing to be most of the folks who have had horrid luck with the champion bags would gladly trade more guaranteed centurion pieces for less of a chance for champion pieces for the same amount of bags they went through.


The big problem though, is this change will definitely suck for people who are not at level 60 valor and still in mostly centurion gear.* What they really need to do is add some sort of alternative way for players below level 60 valor to earn champion gear aside from the RNG-ness of the champion bags.* Maybe have an in-between tier of bag type when you hit level valor level 45 or so that contains only champion commendations (no chance at battlemaster stuff), or allow a conversion of centurion to champion commendations similar to how warzone and mercenary commendations work.* Having to grind all the way to level 60 valor just to start getting champion gear reliably seems a little ridiculous.

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The big problem though, is this change will definitely suck for people who are not at level 60 valor and still in mostly centurion gear.* What they really need to do is add some sort of alternative way for players below level 60 valor to earn champion gear aside from the RNG-ness of the champion bags.* Maybe have an in-between tier of bag type when you hit level valor level 45 or so that contains only champion commendations (no chance at battlemaster stuff), or allow a conversion of centurion to champion commendations similar to how warzone and mercenary commendations work.* Having to grind all the way to level 60 valor just to start getting champion gear reliably seems a little ridiculous.


Could add a unique bag to the vender that can only be opened by rank 45s and up that costs 200 centurion commendations and that will always contain either a random piece of champion gear or a random champion level mod/enhancement.

Edited by Rouncer
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This change would make sense if each bag level gave out comms of its name type.


Which would of course require you to have Centenarian bags reintroduced.


3 Bag types


Centurian - Purchasable with 100/100 Wz/Merc with no requirement rewards cent gear tokens

Champion - Purchasable with 200/200 wz/Merc with requirement of lvl 50 rewards Champ Tokens, and the chance for a champ gear token.

Battlemaster - Purchasable with 400/400 WZ/Merc with Valor lvl 60 requirement, rewards BM tokens. ( though they would have to increase the token cost )


WoW! An idea that makes sense! BW fire those tools you call employees and can this man a job.

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I wonder why I bothered wasting dozen of hours of crafting. It is so easy to gear up for the heroics now I don't see any point in doing crafting except maybe biochem for pvp. I replaced all my crafted synthweave with centurian. In 1 day I got 4 of 5 of my pvp armor set. 1 being champ gear and the cent lightsabre.
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I wonder why I bothered wasting dozen of hours of crafting. It is so easy to gear up for the heroics now I don't see any point in doing crafting except maybe biochem for pvp. I replaced all my crafted synthweave with centurian. In 1 day I got 4 of 5 of my pvp armor set. 1 being champ gear and the cent lightsabre.


Thats a lie, unless it took you all day or your server has considerably less champ/bm premades than mine.

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