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Why does Sorcerer/Sage have a Sizzle Stick?


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Again, the game's class system is messed up in classifying characters.


Maul could use force lightening, but so could three quarters of the Knights/Warriors in the EU. He practiced stealth when it suited him, but push came to shove, he preferred to attack his targets head on. Hell, the very ability inquisitors use to channel their rage and regenerate is based so thoroughly on Maul that it even uses his face as an icon.


I'm saying Maul wasn't an assassin, but more because no one was. And no one was a Knight, and no one was a Warrior as we know them. All Jedi were a little different in their paths, and so were all Sith. It's only because this has to be an MMO that we have people who can Force Choke but can't Force Push, or people who know how to use Force Lightening but not Force Jump.


The class system is pretty straight forward to me... The rest of your rambling nonsense sounds like you just want a fantasy mage in a sci-fi universe and you are just being extremely picky and trying to make things overly complicated when it really isn't.

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Again, the game's class system is messed up in classifying characters.


Maul could use force lightening, but so could three quarters of the Knights/Warriors in the EU. He practiced stealth when it suited him, but push came to shove, he preferred to attack his targets head on. Hell, the very ability inquisitors use to channel their rage and regenerate is based so thoroughly on Maul that it even uses his face as an icon.


I'm saying Maul wasn't an assassin, but more because no one was. And no one was a Knight, and no one was a Warrior as we know them. All Jedi were a little different in their paths, and so were all Sith. It's only because this has to be an MMO that we have people who can Force Choke but can't Force Push, or people who know how to use Force Lightening but not Force Jump.


Maul was an Assassin. He was described as an Assassin.


Obi-wan was a Guardian. We know this from his fighting style.


Yoda was a Sage. We know this from his mastery of the Force and use of it over his lightsaber.


Yes, it can be argued they span multiple classes, but there is one class that each fits into more snugly and fully.

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I think of it like a wand. It kinda channels the force and allows for the sorc/sage to focus their energy through the blade. One hand holds the focus, which focuses the energy. The lightsaber can be very similar. Not exactly the same, but still a form of focusing the energy.
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I like how my Sage would take a minute to kill a mob with her lightsaber.




Really? My sage can drop a mob in seconds with just her lightsaber. What're you doing differently? Or are you trying to take on strong/elite mobs with just your saber?

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So the problem is twofold.


One is that you want to be a Jedi/Sith and therefore have lightsaber. Obviously they can't let it just dangle off your belt entire time and maybe used in cutscenes - it would just look out of place if you never get to use it.


On the other hand no sith/jedi in the movies had their lightsaber out and ignited while using force powers, especially those requiring both hands. Heck, Vader was deflecting blaster bolts with his hands when needed.


In movies it's not an issue since after tossing stuff and zapping each other for a bit they always ended up in melee fight. However Sage/Inquisitor is just NOT designed for that, so their lightsaber would stay on their belt forever (as a side note, why do caster's base attack, that doesn't use force is the lightsaber swing? can we please get some sort of ranged attack to take up that spot? All other ranged classes get a ranged attack that doesnt expend their resource. Anyhow, digressing from topic). As such you get this awful looking solution of an ignited lightsaber (YARR, I am a JEDI! See my glowstick glow), which looks completely out of place.


However with all honesty, this issue is so minor on the grand scale of things, that I don't think it'll be addressed anytime soon.

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All kinds of stuff went wrong in the game design, but it's pretty hard to make a perfect game. :)


Anyway, all Jedi/Sith classes should've been designed as lightsaber combatants, because that's what all of them are basically. Others, like Yoda, Dooku, Sidious and whatnot just happen to be masters of all kinds of Force powers IN ADDITION to their mastery of one or many of the seven lightsaber combat forms.


Now it seems none of the Consular or Inquisitor classes know any of the seven forms, but instead have some Force-related buff thingamajig. Sole reason I don't play an Assassin or a Shadow is cos I can't relate to what style they use. Silly huh? I know but I can't get over it heh...


Could've made the healing abilities lightsaber related as well.. like a Sage fighting like a true Jedi against a monster or two, building up some "Force concentration" bar or whatever and then releasing it as the proverbial healing spell.. "Raise morale" or something that heals the group. Jedi don't stay back from the fight and sling spells from afar.


Some other class other than a Force user could've been THE healer class. I don't know why they needed to put something of everything on every class. This way, all Jedi/Sith would get to have fun with their "Sizzle Sticks".


The end of my "eyes-closing-on-their-own" tired rambling. G'night.

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