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[Feedback] I Cant Find The Faction Swap Button Under My Account Management Need Help.


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Hello, I am here today to cry about factions being imbalanced on my server. Empire out number Republic on Ilum at least 3 to 1 everyday all day long. This faction imbalance hurts BOTH sides, and to improve player enjoyment when landing on Ilum, things need to change.


One Idea that I'm sure or at least I hope, is that BioWare is considering is the option of Faction Swapping.


Server A: Empire = 3,000 Republic = 1,000 (Empire is eligible for Faction Swapping)

Server B: Empire = 1,000 Republic = 3,000 (Republic is eligible for Faction Swapping)


This Faction Swap would be a one time deal, you would do it by accessing your account management section on SWTOR website. An Application would be submitted for BioWare's Approval, and if You, a Friend, or Guild want to move, they would all wait for approvals before accepting to switch, leaving behind no one in the side swapping. BioWare would have to monitor the amount of Swapping taking place, and regulate before sides get too crazy for the increasing faction side.


This would let the player base help in fixing the frustrating issue of severally imbalanced factions. I am not saying that this is the ONLY resort that BioWare can take, but it seems like a good direction to further ease these faction imbalances. "Well I have talked to several Empire players that say that they would never switch." I'm sure I wouldn't switch either after investing hours of play time into my Empire characters, to just start at level 1 on Republic. But with this Faction Swap you wouldn't lose anything but the Empire tag.


We all know that Anakin Skywalker started on the light side, but in the end achieved Dark V :D.... And In the SWTOR Class Story line we already have an example of Dark to Light faction changes. In the issue of Role Play Servers, defecting is already a normal thing in StarWars, so I see no issue there either.


Some serious work would have to be done by BioWare to implement this option, but it would be worth the effort. This system would only help faction imbalance, not hurt it.


Let me know what you guys think... maybe I'm off my rocker and not seeing something...


Thanks for reading, and have fun in SWTOR!:D

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Yes but this would only make sence to force using classes lore wise.

LA will never aprove a smuggler imp or BH rep.


I don't see any reason you can't have a Smug or BH on the opposite side. By lore both of those classes go by where the money is, not by idealistic views.

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I don't see any reason you can't have a Smug or BH on the opposite side. By lore both of those classes go by where the money is, not by idealistic views.


Yeah, they could do really cool quests with it too, troopers getting in an argument with a superior or w/e and leaving, the empire offering them tons of money in exchange for their services as a bounty hunter, etc.

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So Bioware tricked guilds into pre-forming so they could assign them to servers based on faction alignment and size to keep factions balanced... that worked well.


Now we have huge faction imbalance, plus many guilds couldn't get on the same server with other guilds they would have liked to play with at launch.

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So Bioware tricked guilds into pre-forming so they could assign them to servers based on faction alignment and size to keep factions balanced... that worked well.


Now we have huge faction imbalance, plus many guilds couldn't get on the same server with other guilds they would have liked to play with at launch.


Well the whole pre-forming so they could assign them to servers doesn't help when the mass majority of the player base picks Empire.

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They really need to make Republic more appealing. The Imperial gear looks 100% cooler than Republic and their races are better looking as well. Republic gets blind guys, green guys, and lame looking zabraks. Empire gets CHISS, cool darth maul Zabrak, and rattataki crazy mans. Give republic better looking clothes and wookies or some other cool alien and the factions will level out fast.
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Yes but this would only make sence to force using classes lore wise.

LA will never aprove a smuggler imp or BH rep.


I actually think that one of the expansion ideas in the future will be optional quests to faction swap. The classes are essentially interchangeable anyways, I wouldn't be suprised if we see it in the future.


Think about it, a smuggler deciding that he likes his chances better joining with the Empire for protection. An agent gone rogue and decides to help the rebellion. A republic trooper cuts loose and trys his had at bounty hunting. A bounty hunter getting tired of the rebellion and joining the war effort.


Granted, everyone's story is cliche, but it works with lore, adds lots of good cinematics and story telling (Which is what Bioware likes) and could help (or hurt) faction imbalance.


There we go, I called it. Now I can say I told you so when it goes live.

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I actually think that one of the expansion ideas in the future will be optional quests to faction swap. The classes are essentially interchangeable anyways, I wouldn't be suprised if we see it in the future.


Think about it, a smuggler deciding that he likes his chances better joining with the Empire for protection. An agent gone rogue and decides to help the rebellion. A republic trooper cuts loose and trys his had at bounty hunting. A bounty hunter getting tired of the rebellion and joining the war effort.


Granted, everyone's story is cliche, but it works with lore, adds lots of good cinematics and story telling (Which is what Bioware likes) and could help (or hurt) faction imbalance.


There we go, I called it. Now I can say I told you so when it goes live.


Actually this would be great content for an expansion, I just hope that Faction Swapping can be done VERY much sooner than a year or 3 from now... Just for balance sake. That or I guess BioWare is going the Ole' REROLL YOU LAZY! strat... lol.

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