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Cant help but have another what the hell devs? moment


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As posted on teh dev tracker patch notes.



Pacify: This ability can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies.



Plasma Blades: Now increases damage dealt by burn effects by 5% per point.

Searing Saber: Now correctly modifies the critical damage dealt by burn effects.

Changes to Searing Saber and Plasma Blades result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second.


So sentinels are finaly getting an update/nerf.


Question is why would they nerf/and successfully limit sentinels to only one realy playable tree. All while completely ignoring how heal and gear dependent we are compared to other classes.


Dont get me wrong im not whineing about the watchman fix thats great but what about those of us that dont roll watchmen?


They know that combat is having issues with some of thier skill trees and focus is also having a few issues.


They know we are hugely gear and heal dependent compared to other classes and how bad they screwed us anyways when they stripped us of push before launch.


They know that the class while yes its a skill class is way over complicated to the average (Not the im elite god) players but the everyday average player.


And even when they have literaly hundreds of posts on the very subject of how bad they screwed over the sents they simply ignbore it .


And to be honest the reason they are only accepting certain people is to make sure they can hand pick the questioneers infront of possible new subs. That way they can limit the negativity and hard questions they simply refuse to answer anyways.


And if this post rubs somone wrong im sorry ahead of time. But getting dam tired of them only listening to what they want to hear instead of what the actual public is saying.


So how about an answer DEVS why make sents only viable from one skill tree and not even address the other huge issues with that class?

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Seeing as how i play a sentinel and i am focus specd i would say yes it has very much come to my attention.


And if you read the post both of the other 2 specs are also having skill bug troubles.


But mainly the class as a whole is yards behind the others as per gear/heals cc push/pull

knock down abilities.


Can sentinels be good hell yea we can and we can do good dps. But we are also much more squishy and dependant than other classes

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i dont think it'd be so bad if we werent locked into one specialization.

This way you can experience the best a class has to offer without the need to painfully re level after realizing you've chosen a gimped specialization.


Dont get me wrong sents could be a great class if the devs would quit ignoring they screwed us up and just fix it

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I dislike 1 viable spec, since focus is already out of the question for raiding it goes down to combat and watchman. Now I love combat and liked how it played but it felt under watchman AND it has bugs. So they fix watchman to put it farther ahead of combat...yay for staying watchman I guess...sarcasm alert.
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I dislike 1 viable spec, since focus is already out of the question for raiding it goes down to combat and watchman. Now I love combat and liked how it played but it felt under watchman AND it has bugs. So they fix watchman to put it farther ahead of combat...yay for staying watchman I guess...sarcasm alert.


Thats exactly my point they already knew (if they paid attention) that combat is buggy and that focus wich is my spec is under the other two.



And before anyone starts then roll the other specs. Why should i be forced to? Fact is they should balance them out more so a person can play thier prefference rather than being forced to play only one spec.


And they still refuse to pay any attention to the gear/heal dependancy of the class as a whole.


If your going to offer different specs and classes at least try to balance them or what the hells the point.

Edited by Nyteblades
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Since when did Sents only have 1 viable spec?

I am very effective as a Combat, there are those that say go Watchment or Go Home, and I have seen some people start saying that Focus is the way.

Now obviously each has their own bias, but this shows that some people enjoy each tree.

Yes there are some Bugs in the Sentinel, but come on the game is just over a month past official release. Just because something wasn’t in this patch it doesn’t mean it isn’t being addressed.

And before whinging about how incompetent the devs are, look at the criticality of the bugs in TOR Vs every other MMO release and its first month of play, and the TOR devs are doing pretty damned well.

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I saw this too. Watchman was already known as the best PVE and PVP spec, so what do they do? Buff it, and **** the other specs, right.




I can't believe this, its a goddamn shame but I'm gonna have to go watchman to stay competitive, combat doesnt hold up.

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Since when did Sents only have 1 viable spec?

I am very effective as a Combat, there are those that say go Watchment or Go Home, and I have seen some people start saying that Focus is the way.

Now obviously each has their own bias, but this shows that some people enjoy each tree.

Yes there are some Bugs in the Sentinel, but come on the game is just over a month past official release. Just because something wasn’t in this patch it doesn’t mean it isn’t being addressed.

And before whinging about how incompetent the devs are, look at the criticality of the bugs in TOR Vs every other MMO release and its first month of play, and the TOR devs are doing pretty damned well.


Im not saying theres only one viable spec im saying they could have addressed the issues with the other specs as well. Since they were already delving into the class.


Instead of like you stated in your (previous post ) putting watchman even further into the lead. And it will effect how others espeacily in the raid end look at sents. If watchman is blowing everything else out of the water thats all people will want from a sent.

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Since when did Sents only have 1 viable spec?

I am very effective as a Combat, there are those that say go Watchment or Go Home, and I have seen some people start saying that Focus is the way.

Now obviously each has their own bias, but this shows that some people enjoy each tree.

Yes there are some Bugs in the Sentinel, but come on the game is just over a month past official release. Just because something wasn’t in this patch it doesn’t mean it isn’t being addressed.

And before whinging about how incompetent the devs are, look at the criticality of the bugs in TOR Vs every other MMO release and its first month of play, and the TOR devs are doing pretty damned well.


I've raided as combat and it's got a lot of bugs in it, focus quite frankly isn't really Ops viable. That leads to watchman already being the headspec, which I think it is right now anyway, and now they buff it. Doing hardmodes and Nightmare as combat or focus just can't happen honestly. Fighting enrage timers and the damage you need on bosses is too high.

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If they couldnt address the class as a whole then leave it alone untill they can figure out how to.


That would be better than creating yet another rift in the class thats already very complicated and way to gear/heal dependant as it is.


Im not saying complicated is bad im saying they should at least try to apear to be fair in thier methods.

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If they follow up the next patches with fixes to the other spec than it would make it ok in a way, but still buffing the better spec atm.


If thats the case and they would buff the other specs in coming patches the best thing they could do is atleast announce they are looking into that.


But again they have basicly ignored almost all crys for adjustments to the sentinel so its almost like this one is a pacifier buff.

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If thats the case and they would buff the other specs in coming patches the best thing they could do is atleast announce they are looking into that.


But again they have basicly ignored almost all crys for adjustments to the sentinel so its almost like this one is a pacifier buff.


Yea I was putting it out there as like best case scenario that wouldn't happen.

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Okay Devs...


I have been... What I would consider... Rather nice...


Now however I am downright angry. No, angry doesn't begin to explain my reaction to this.


I was angry when Mr. Zoeller took one of my statements, cut a piece of it, then claimed I said something I didn't only because he took it out of context. I was angry when BioWare obviously favored the Sith in the pre-game marketing. I was angry when BioWare took away Force Pull from Sentinels.


This is so far beyond angry that I can't even properly articulate it.


That having been said, this post is made with me being emotionally charged, so I will do what I can to censor this while still giving you the gist.




What the expletive deleted do you think you are doing here with this?


You are buffing the Watchman spec, the easiest to use and most powerful in PVP and PVE spec the Sentinel has. This is the same spec that has the most synergy with our powers. While at the same time nerfing pacify?


I cannot even fathom what could possibly have justified this?


This idea makes no sense.


In this case those of us who are Combat spec deserve a direct response.

Edited by Aurrelio
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Okay Devs...


I have been... What I would consider... Rather nice...


Now however I am downright angry. No, angry doesn't begin to explain my reaction to this.


I was angry when Mr. Zoeller took one of my statements, cut a piece of it, then claimed I said something I didn't only because he took it out of context. I was angry when BioWare obviously favored the Sith in the pre-game marketing. I was angry when BioWare took away Force Pull from Sentinels.


This is so far beyond angry that I can't even properly articulate it.


That having been said, this post is made with me being emotionally charged, so I will do what I can to censor this while still giving you the gist.




What the expletive deleted do you think you are doing here with this?


You are buffing the Watchman spec, the easiest to use and most powerful in PVP and PVE spec the Sentinel has. This is the same spec that has the most synergy with our powers. While at the same time nerfing pacify?


I cannot even fathom what could possibly have justified this?


This idea makes no sense.


In this case those of us who are Combat spec deserve a direct response.


I am so disgusted right now I can barely type.


You seriously need to cooldown. What they are doing is fixing what was broken or bugged so it ends up being a dps increase for our class that is a good thing getting all upset about how your specific tree is getting nothing do to it is counterproductive and will not help the devs figure out the issues with the trees that do need fixing.


QQing and crying will not get you any response. I know wouldn't give you one because nothing all I see in you post is QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ and more QQQQQQQQQQQQ. I think the watchman fixes are good for our class all around. I think we will see the other trees fixed as well.


Posts like this don't help. If you really don't like what's going on you can always unsub. But don't getting upset about them fixing something that was broken simply because it was not your Combat spec that YOU like to play.


As for Watchman being easy please, Combat is faceroll imo. I played both I play watchman because imo it is the harder of the to specs to play.

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I've got a lot of complaints with various aspects of the game in general, but this isn't one of them. They fixed something that wasn't working at all as intended and you got a buff out of it to boot.


The other fixes are more difficult to adjust and require a more delicate approach to avoid breaking other stuff *cough* Ataru Strikes *cough*. There's absolutely nothing wrong with fixing it bit by bit as long as progress is being made on the class.


There's only so much you can get done in a week, ya know? Fix the WZ bugs and I don't care if none of my specs work yet, I'd still be able to solo half the crap people claim they can't kill with a group.

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I did watchman for awhile, in beta especially, it bored me. Combat just felt faster, more in tune of my vision of a Sentinel. Walsh doesn't have to calm down for anyone, he's right. This isn't a buff for our class, if it where it would affect skills, not talents. It's a buff for one spec and a nerf to the other two.


I want to hope that buffs for the other specs are quickly forthcoming. Combat doesn't even have a fully functioning form stance!

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Well, my guess is that Pacify on a Raid Boss heavily trivializes the content. If used twice in 1 minute and 30 seconds (reduced to 45 seconds via Watchman), that's giving the tank 12 seconds of near invulnerability. That's like 2x better than any cooldown he can blow. That's a little too good. I get that play.


Overall, I'm happy with these fixes. I'll take that loss over the gains in Watchman DPS.

Edited by McVade
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Loss of Pacify on boss fights is... unfortunate. I do hope they reconsider this. It has it's use. Nerf it a little, fine. Take it away complete? Not okay.


Preliminary testing by the fine folks at sithwarrior.com on the test realm is showing that the "buffs" to our burn/bleed effects (searing saber, plasma blades) are a DPS loss, not an increase. Will be interesting to see how that turns out.

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Loss of Pacify on boss fights is... unfortunate. I do hope they reconsider this. It has it's use. Nerf it a little, fine. Take it away complete? Not okay.


Preliminary testing by the fine folks at sithwarrior.com on the test realm is showing that the "buffs" to our burn/bleed effects (searing saber, plasma blades) are a DPS loss, not an increase. Will be interesting to see how that turns out.


If that's true I take back my nerdrage and will instead use it for the good of all specs :p but just looking at the notes, how is that a dps loss?

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Well, my guess is that Pacify on a Raid Boss heavily trivializes the content. If used twice in 1 minute and 30 seconds (reduced to 45 seconds via Watchman), that's giving the tank 12 seconds of near invulnerability. That's like 2x better than any cooldown he can blow. That's a little too good. I get that play.


Overall, I'm happy with these fixes. I'll take that loss over the gains in Watchman DPS.


It did, honestly. We did 8 man EV nightmare and had myself and one of our smugglers popping accuracy debuffs on every missile salvo for the first boss. We kept the whole ops group on the boss for the entire fight, no LoS behind the turrets. On nightmare mode.


The question now is, where else are you going to use it? I haven't run into anything in a HM Flashpoint or daily quest content that requires anything more than rebuke for damage mitigation.


The ops bosses are already uninterruptable. We could at least keep this. Maybe make the cooldown longer. Or cut the effect down some.

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