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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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I am all for Server Fixes - Really I am. Fix the game, no problem. Here's my beef:


Every other damn day? Now that's getting old. Pick a day ANY day - nobody is going to feel bad cause you have a SCHEDULE down time... but Friday-Saturday-Sunday? You tear up a weekend, your BEST time for players to play, and WTH MAN!


Come on, there's got to be someone who has at least PLAYED a damn MMO on the development team. If not, there should have been at least ONE person who took a leadership class at some time or at least realize that just letting your network admins down servers left and right is not a good thing. MANY of these Updates are not even 30 minute updates, let alone 8 hrs every other day. (and NEVER on a major play date like a weekend)


FOR SHAME! Weekend downtime for an update - FOR SHAME!


*Start the Shunning*

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This is an mmo. mmo's have updates. mmo's have a LOT of updates and bug fixes especially in the first few months. Yes, Rift was an exception and they did a fantastic job with that, but this isn't Rift. No other game has come out bug free or update immune. The downtime, as time goes on, will decrease as they fix the problems. Expect to see more downtime when new big updates release or expansions. It's mmo life.
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I 100% agree with the OP.


I cannot understand how you can put downtimes during high populations whetther it be in Europe or North America.


2AM CST still has a majority of servers in either standard or heavy levels (North America).


Would it kill them to move it to 4am CST. When I log out at that time I notice that a majority of servers in NA are light. It just makes logical sense to do any kind of maintenance during light periods. Even for Euro players.

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You are right. It's not the norm because MMOs don't do it and players allow it. It is the same thing with console games now. They are pushed out with tons of bugs or less content because developers know they can fix it via DLC or charge for it. And players keep okaying that type of mentality.


What Rift proved was that it CAN be done. It successfully proved that when a MMO launches with lots of problems, that is not a necessity, but a result of the company not doing their due diligence. This was Trion's first MMO too and they succeeded where no other major MMO did. People should be making note of that and not writing it off as a fluke. That should be players expectation for all game launches.



when I pay 50 cents a day to play a game.. I dont demand to much...



And if you think it will be like this in 6 month then you have a right to complain.. But I dont see it..


Even in rift people complained about down time.. Its just a fact you cant please all of the people all of the time.

Edited by BitterPill
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I am all for Server Fixes - Really I am. Fix the game, no problem. Here's my beef:


Every other damn day? Now that's getting old. Pick a day ANY day - nobody is going to feel bad cause you have a SCHEDULE down time... but Friday-Saturday-Sunday? You tear up a weekend, your BEST time for players to play, and WTH MAN!


Come on, there's got to be someone who has at least PLAYED a damn MMO on the development team. If not, there should have been at least ONE person who took a leadership class at some time or at least realize that just letting your network admins down servers left and right is not a good thing. MANY of these Updates are not even 30 minute updates, let alone 8 hrs every other day. (and NEVER on a major play date like a weekend)


FOR SHAME! Weekend downtime for an update - FOR SHAME!


*Start the Shunning*


hey princess, they do have a scheduled day to do maintenance, this is to fix an urgent issue.,

and they have had ONE weekend down time this one is today.

seriously you think they let their network admins just take servers down when ever the hell they feel like. wow. your view of the world is a weird and strange one

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i think we all agree that these server downtimes are placed very bad, for NA and EU. there are better times, but well BW decides what and when they do it anyway.


the other question is... why this downtime again? emergancy/unexpected or however you want to call this downtime.

there is a test server, fine. do real players use it? no. rresuslt loads of bugs, problems and issues reach the live server. result of that... emergancy shutdowns/downtime.....


when can we finally copy or use our main char on test server? that way loads more people will play on it, and loads more bugs,problems and mistakes will get found BEFOE a patch goes live.

Edited by Ortagos
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i AGREE 100%!!! I play on a west coast server that shuts down at midnight 2 times a week it seems...Keep it up BW and i SEE more west coast players leaving, why sub to a game that you cant play when you want to...

as for you 3am people, Ill join ya if the server is up :)



Would you rather play a game that has a fair share of bugs?

In a few months, maybe less, all the downtime will come to a halt. There are games that in the past, had to do shut downs on servers. Even on non maintenance day.


It is part of the computer related problems that need to get addressed. You got people complaining the game is buggy, they shut down on non peak hours to fix the minor bugs. They shut them down, and people complain about it happening. Just give it some time. Not everyone operates on the same schedule as you, and they bring them down for certain reasons at those times. ALthough, it is annoying for people, its minor things you have to deal with. Peak hours vary from coast to coast, but they heaviest load times are during the evenings/afternoons. Especially after 12PM, and as far as maybe 10-12 midnight.


You just need a bit of patience, I know you pay for the game, and its your money and you are entitled to punch, kick, and scream at any moment you get a few hours of downtime.


Do you behave like this when a freeway offramp gets shut down, or maybe cal-trans has to shut a shoulder down due to repairs, slurry sealing, or putting up new signs? The local government knows what hours are best to shut down the highways and streets, don't you think BioWare knows what times are best for them?


If you have better ideas, you should try and apply for a job with them. Make some changes for the people.

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I am all for Server Fixes - Really I am. Fix the game, no problem. Here's my beef:


Every other damn day? Now that's getting old. Pick a day ANY day - nobody is going to feel bad cause you have a SCHEDULE down time... but Friday-Saturday-Sunday? You tear up a weekend, your BEST time for players to play, and WTH MAN!


Come on, there's got to be someone who has at least PLAYED a damn MMO on the development team. If not, there should have been at least ONE person who took a leadership class at some time or at least realize that just letting your network admins down servers left and right is not a good thing. MANY of these Updates are not even 30 minute updates, let alone 8 hrs every other day. (and NEVER on a major play date like a weekend)


FOR SHAME! Weekend downtime for an update - FOR SHAME!


*Start the Shunning*


That was a one time emergency fix. Have you actually been paying attention? It was an urgent issue otherwise they wouldn't have done it. Or would you prefer they left it until the Monday and you had to endure through the weekend with a game that was essentially broken?


I really feel sorry for the devs of every MMO, you people are impossible to please. You never look at the big picture. For god sake PSN had a 1.5 month downtime but people just shrugged it off, MMO players on the other hand love to whine and whine rather than actually play the game. Is that the only reason you buy things now? So you can whine for a month with your free access then QQ? That's what it seems like.

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hey princess, they do have a scheduled day to do maintenance, this is to fix an urgent issue.,

and they have had ONE weekend down time this one is today.

seriously you think they let their network admins just take servers down when ever the hell they feel like. wow. your view of the world is a weird and strange one


Basic psychology, everyone loves to blame others and feel like th victim.

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I would have to agree. Silly that we are catering to Europe. Do their downtime at a different time. It's borderline criminal to charge 15 bucks a month for a game that is missing most basic modern mmo features, and then bring the server down at MIDNIGHT twice a week.


12 am is just patently too early for downtime. If it's that time to make it a reasonable time for Europe then do something to isolate the EU. We don't give a **** about the EU at all. I really don't care. Stop taking the server down at 12. Its ********

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I would have to agree. Silly that we are catering to Europe. Do their downtime at a different time. It's borderline criminal to charge 15 bucks a month for a game that is missing most basic modern mmo features, and then bring the server down at MIDNIGHT twice a week.


12 am is just patently too early for downtime. If it's that time to make it a reasonable time for Europe then do something to isolate the EU. We don't give a **** about the EU at all. I really don't care. Stop taking the server down at 12. Its ********


Typical view, well luckily you're not in charge and BW and EA make a large amount of money from the EU and RoW so we won't have NA dictating our downtimes.

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Freezing? What the hell? Are they nerfing graphics next so people with 8 year old systems can play at 30FPS? Those guys need to stick to Xbox and leave the heavy hitters to the big boys!


My system is quite up to date. 8 gigs of ram, quad core, Geforce GT 240 graphics card. Not sure what that means but my friend who loves to work with computer's says it's good. And my friend whom I play the game with using the same internet hovers around high 30's and 40's on FPS, while I'm usually under 20. The game has FPS issues that REALLY need to be fixed by the way BioWare

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


You are not a special snowflake.

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I would have to agree. Silly that we are catering to Europe. Do their downtime at a different time. It's borderline criminal to charge 15 bucks a month for a game that is missing most basic modern mmo features, and then bring the server down at MIDNIGHT twice a week.


12 am is just patently too early for downtime. If it's that time to make it a reasonable time for Europe then do something to isolate the EU. We don't give a **** about the EU at all. I really don't care. Stop taking the server down at 12. Its ********


you thought perhaps the people doing the fix are located in US. that maybe they don't want to be working for most of the day, that they would like to go home and see their families.


its a metric ton easier to upload a fix to a bunch of servers at one, can get it done nicely easily and can see if there are going to be any hiccups all at once. not to meantion then all your servers are the nice same version no differences that might cause issues.

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I think essentially this is a question of selfish NA's who want the world to shape around what appears in front of their own noses and the rest of us who actually understand that decisions need to be made in the common interest
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I thought EU had their own servers? If so, why do we even have the same downtimes?


I'll agree that 2am CST is a tad early, the game is still active then. For any region, the "deadest" time slot seems to be 4am+. I've played those wee morning hours and it's a ghost town.


A minor pushback won't hurt.

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I thought EU had their own servers? If so, why do we even have the same downtimes?


I'll agree that 2am CST is a tad early, the game is still active then. For any region, the "deadest" time slot seems to be 4am+. I've played those wee morning hours and it's a ghost town.


A minor pushback won't hurt.


They do, they just arnt on a seperate client so if NA goes down, EU oculd get flooded by NAs wanting to play more.

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