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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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It really just stems from inadequate staffing/management. If management at BIOware would step up and actually implement a proper shutdown sequence for each server instead of batching every maintenance into one giant blob at what I consider peak times for the west coast, the community would be SOOO much happier.


As someone who would normally be playing, I'm finding myself quite annoyed at this whole ordeal. The cost to have servers down at different times is SO minute that it would be stupid not to look at it.


Seeing also that there is no response to the numerous threads or comments made about this single topic, it also makes me quite annoyed. Address something and own up to it.

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I understand they have to do some maintenance because the game is fairly new and of course there's gonna be issues, but come on, you guys are shutting down the servers every other night, for minimum stuff-ish. I think Bioware should stick to ONE maintenance day a week, make a list of everything that needs to be addressed/fixed, and do it that day, no? I'm loving this game but I work night shift, I always like to come home and enjoy this, and then boom! shutdown every other night, hehe. I don't know. Just my humble opinion.
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I work at night as well and it very frustrating that I come home just to see servers going down. I have actually missed a lot of game time due to the constant maintenence. If this continues, I may not be able to continue subscribing... if I can't play, then why bother paying for something you can't enjoy?
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Despite people crying about the times, the underlying issue is the frequency. They began a routine of scheduled maintenance (PERFECTLY fine), but decided to include a separate maintenance day for patches (actual notable content patches). These days, that's pretty idiotic to do.


Now under the guise of "emergency" patches, they're continuing to do that for every bug they come across. While there indeed were a couple patches that really did require an immediate emergency maint, most of them didn't. In fact, I'm willing to bet that most, if not all of them were known ahead of time that it was going to be done that day.


What I want to know is: why they don't include it into their scheduled maintenance times like almost every MMO? Sure, the downtime would usually be much longer, but it doesn't cause your non-priority area players problems. Which btw, if they had lost, would be a significant hit to them.


Word spreads fairly quick, just as FFXIV's *** suckage at launch did. People who didn't even play the game were bashing it. Likewise, people who don't even play this game may begin spreading bad claims about it even more than some probably already do. Not a big deal for long standing major names like WoW, but for SWTOR? It can possibly be pretty bad PR.

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Yeah I don't like the servers going down all the time either. But the game still has a lot of bugs and things that need fixed, and apparently they cant get it all done in once per week intervals.


I'm just glad it's not Friday at midnight like last week.




its not friday yet :eek:

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Why can't other MMO's do it like EVE Online?


They have a 1 hour maintenance every single night! It is never annoying because it is a fact of the game and always expected. In fact, if they have nothing to fix or alter, the server gets a few reboots and then is back 15-20mins after the maintenance started.


When they release expansions they normally extend the 1 hour to roughly 4 hours and any side effects of the expansion are dealt to in their normal 1 hour downtimes.


These downtimes never affect anyone because they are what essentially is considered a game mechanic.

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To summarize this WHOLE thread up in one easy to understand way....


"I can't play the time I want to play, so BW should totally do this on other player's time regardless if it effects more people"


JUST because your server has a few people on at 2 in the morning, doesn't mean that roughly 85% of the other servers are experiencing the same load. So this is realistically the best time. Oh and only about 10% of the active subbies use the forums, kthxbai.

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While I agree it's frustrating to have the servers go down when you're trying to get your play-time in, I'd rather they address the issues now than have problems persist later on. I don't get home until 11:30pm CST from work, so I can only get a bit of time in before servers go down on a maintenance night.


It would be nice if they varied the maintenance from time to time, so it didn't always affect the same people every time, though. I remember seeing one server remain online during the 1.1 patch time, though I don't know if it stayed up for the whole time frame.


It'd also be nice, on this note, if they brought down all but a handful of servers and performed their maintenance period afterwards, allowing those who really want to keep playing to at least be able to roll a character on a different server to dick around with for awhile (though I'm sure you'd have to be quick on the uptake in order to get in the server before it filled up completely).


Just my two cents on the matter.

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Star Wars Galaxies. Run by freaking Sony Online Entertainment had the decency to shut down at 4am pst. This is completely disrespectful to gamers, and like one of the posters here said, Bioware runs a smart engine. They can infuse updates DURING game time. The sheer amount of downtime at inopportune times is not only infuriating its downright disillusioning.
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Theres tens of thousand of people on the west coast playing really late at night...




Bio, your really starting to become annoying.....I bust my butt at work to give you my money and this is what you do?

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Freezing? What the hell? Are they nerfing graphics next so people with 8 year old systems can play at 30FPS? Those guys need to stick to Xbox and leave the heavy hitters to the big boys!


I have an Nvidia 560ti and a 3.3ghz i7, I can easily run this game at 100+fps with everything turned to max but after tuesday's update My screen will randomly freeze for about 1.5 secs.


Something is broken, it isn't because my machine can't handle the game and Bioware needs to fix it.


Grow up and realize that 2 hours of server downtime is way better than many people having an unplayable game for a week after an update breaks something.

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biowear has litterly no reason to shut down its servers for updates they run on a smart game engine (meaning they can go in and makes chages while people are playing) biowear can litterly go in and fix **** without any server shutdowns. i know this because im currenty useing the same engin to delelope my own small game for fun


Cool, let me know when you have a million people playing your game. we will see if you can incorporate a patch with thousands playing at a time.

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Why can't other MMO's do it like EVE Online?


They have a 1 hour maintenance every single night! It is never annoying because it is a fact of the game and always expected. In fact, if they have nothing to fix or alter, the server gets a few reboots and then is back 15-20mins after the maintenance started.


When they release expansions they normally extend the 1 hour to roughly 4 hours and any side effects of the expansion are dealt to in their normal 1 hour downtimes.


These downtimes never affect anyone because they are what essentially is considered a game mechanic.


Because EvE online has been online for what, 7? 8 years? OH and to fact that they cluster the severs onto one main server load and the fact that they do it every day for 1 hour. But that's not always the case, so obviously you don't play often enough to quote that. And those downtimes affect a lot of people, 6 am EST is what, 2-4 somewhere in Europe/Russia who is a majority of their players?


But they don't whine about it like this lot, so it works out in CCPs favor. Or the 5k player protest, that was fun.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Someone posted on another thread in regard to the same issue, 20 patch updates since launch. You can't please everyone, you'd be insane to think so, but these 2-3 patchs a week, and at least one 7-9hrs is a bit much. In regard to the current issue..why wasn't this noticied in the public test server? That is why you have a test server..to fix issues in the patch before it goes live.


Having played several MMO's, I can understand the need for regular maint, even weekly maint. With the exception of Lotro, most of the MMO's I've played had a weekly maint cycle (usually tuesdays), but never 8 hours. Even when STO had thier server issues and did a new patch, or released a new content update were the servers down 8 hours. The same goes for new area's/content in Lotro (that I recall). Imo Bw needs to re-evaluate thier implementation process, and review thier testing process on the test server. These extended downtimes and multiple times a week are not good for population retention. I work the night shift in the US, so these downtimes do effect my play-time, so I can certainly understand ppl's frustration...although I wouldnt go so far, myself, as to leave the game. But your test server is there to test your content updates and help you refine your patch/maint implementation process...I'd suggest making more use out of it.

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Ive been ************ about this since the first server down at 2am cst. Glad to see all the others feeling the same way. 2am cst is UNACCEPTABLE. 6am CST is just fine, like every. single. other. mmo..... I fully expect to see Bioware address this issue soon, or MANY will cancel.
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More time should be invested in testing these patches before ruining the game time of people who play during the 2AM CST period.


This is the third time the servers have been down for maintenance within a week, albeit, this time the reason for unexpected maintenance has been provided, thank you.


Regardless, every effort should be made to get it right the first time to minimise the continual impact that seems to be presented.

Edited by Asiyah
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Ive been ************ about this since the first server down at 2am cst. Glad to see all the others feeling the same way. 2am cst is UNACCEPTABLE. 6am CST is just fine, like every. single. other. mmo..... I fully expect to see Bioware address this issue soon, or MANY will cancel.


Oh but the players who play at 7am EST are just SoL? Pretty sure that's how we feel about you too bud.


And to add on the whole threaten to cancel. You won't do it, or you would of already. Instead you use this empty threat in an attempt to scare the devs. God forbid you don't go watch TV or maybe even read...well okay most of you can't read so maybe finger paint for two hours?

Edited by Kuhboose
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Oh but the players who play at 7am EST are just SoL? Pretty sure that's how we feel about you too bud.


And to add on the whole threaten to cancel. You won't do it, or you would of already. Instead you use this empty threat in an attempt to scare the devs. God forbid you don't go watch TV or maybe even read...well okay most of you can't read so maybe finger paint for two hours?


I'm enjoying the game, it's not a threat it's a promise, the game is great, but the server downs are unacceptable at this time. OH and guess what? I play at 7am EST as well, I usually log off around 9am Central, so don't play that card. I'm used to being forced to log out of mmos around 6am, has been that way in every single mmo I've played. 2am IS UNACCEPTABLE.

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Oh but the players who play at 7am EST are just SoL? Pretty sure that's how we feel about you too bud.


And to add on the whole threaten to cancel. You won't do it, or you would of already. Instead you use this empty threat in an attempt to scare the devs. God forbid you don't go watch TV or maybe even read...well okay most of you can't read so maybe finger paint for two hours?


While a lot of people in this thread seem frustrated with this issue, you seem to be on a one man crusade to maintain the status quo.


So what's your agenda here? You run the server farm and want to go to bed early or something? ;)

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