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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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Ouchies, you an Aussie then? Hopefully when they release oceanic servers they'll fiogure a way to get all ya'll over without payment.


No, I live in the Eastern time zone, but I work the swing shift (which is why I play on a west coast server).


Maintenance starts at midnight PST. Midnight PST is the most popular hour of the night for PST players and is when the early afternoon Aussies start logging on. It is the prime time of my realm. By far. It is EASILY the most populated hour of the day, of all 24 hours. I have a weird schedule so I've seen every hour of the day and believe me, it is clockwork. 2 AM CST is the most popular hour of the day on my realm.

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That's laughable. Blizzard, however, has had over 7 years to find out when the smallest amount of players are online, and from what I've seen, Blizzard gets it perfectly right. Bioware doesn't even close.


Blizzard, btw, does maintenance 3 hours later than Bioware.


They also have Oceanic, NA, and EU clients so they are able to do that.

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How does the efficiency of the patch have anything to do with the convenience of the time they took it down? Or are we going to start a conspiracy that they actually took it down so they could download 10 years worth of **** via their servers?


If the previous patch caused such a bug, it speaks of poor Q.A.


If the patch didn't fix what it was supposed to that speaks of poor Q.A and poor coding.


That both went live speaks of poor managment.


Which as I said, shows that some one isn't thinking at Bioware.

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That's laughable. Blizzard, however, has had over 7 years to find out when the smallest amount of players are online, and from what I've seen, Blizzard gets it perfectly right. Bioware doesn't even close.


Blizzard, btw, does maintenance 3 hours later than Bioware.


It's usually 2-4 hours of maintenance. So, it ends at about 4-6 for Americans, and 10-12 for Europeans. Those are good times. Europeans are just getting to work when maintenance starts, and Americans are just going to bed.


So, assuming that people with screwed up schedules don't feel more entitled than the thousands with normal schedules, we have very little ground to complain.


Edit: And I'm going to say it, the downtime for TOR is incredible for a launch, compared to WoW and Rift.


For WoW, the downtime was because your server exploded, and nothing was being fixed, nor was it planned. For Rift, it was because Trion pumped out content like caffeine-addled squirrels, and they had to fix it faster.


Rift was LITERALLY every day. WoW was... I'm not going to explain the **** we put up with at it's launch.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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No, I live in the Eastern time zone, but I work the swing shift (which is why I play on a west coast server).


Maintenance starts at midnight PST. Midnight PST is the most popular hour of the night for PST players and is when the early afternoon Aussies start logging on. It is the prime time of my realm. By far. It is EASILY the most populated hour of the day, of all 24 hours. I have a weird schedule so I've seen every hour of the day and believe me, it is clockwork. 2 AM CST is the most popular hour of the day on my realm.


And i think it really is only that and Harbinger, since thats where all the Oceanics were placed due to them not having their own servers. So of course they're going to have a different prime time than just about every other server.

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Just cancelled my account over this. Too many downtimes during the time I actually get to play this game. I'm over it. What a disappointment. To think this would be the reason I quit this game. Utterly appalling.


I have 16 days left. If the downtime is not pushed back at least 2 hours, I will not be coming back.

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Just cancelled my account over this. Too many downtimes during the time I actually get to play this game. I'm over it. What a disappointment. To think this would be the reason I quit this game. Utterly appalling.


I have 16 days left. If the downtime is not pushed back at least 2 hours, I will not be coming back.


I think they talked about figuring out a solution for EUs, and then getting Oceanics their own servers when the game officially releases there, but i cant imagine them fiddling with NA times when its mostly fine.

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It sucks, but you just have to take five seconds and think about other people and the fact that, hey, you're playing in off peak hours.


Please be up at 2AM this evening to see these supposed "off peak" hours. The game is still as active as it is at 10PM.


It needs to be 4AM, or it needs to rotate so its fair for everyone. Imagine the complaining that would happen if they took servers at 7PM.

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And i think it really is only that and Harbinger, since thats where all the Oceanics were placed due to them not having their own servers. So of course they're going to have a different prime time than just about every other server.


Nah, it's the same on my WoW realm (Blackrock). Midnight is a VERY popular hour for Americans to play online games.


It's all water under the bridge. I'm going back to WoW. WoW maintenance times are absolutely perfect. This game's maintenance times are absolutely ridiculous. If maintenance was once ever 2 or 3 months, I'd be fine with it, but it's 2-3 times a week. I'm not fine with that.

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I think they talked about figuring out a solution for EUs, and then getting Oceanics their own servers when the game officially releases there, but i cant imagine them fiddling with NA times when its mostly fine.


It's not fine. At all. Not even close. I said the first week I played this game that the maintenance was a dealbreaker. It has become far too big of an issue. I am certain that I am not the first nor will I be the last to cancel over this issue. Bioware really needs to wake up. Doing maintenance at midnight is shockingly inept.

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If the previous patch caused such a bug, it speaks of poor Q.A.


If the patch didn't fix what it was supposed to that speaks of poor Q.A and poor coding.


That both went live speaks of poor managment.


Which as I said, shows that some one isn't thinking at Bioware.


You said someone wasn't thinking in reference to downtime. Not the actual patch, although I can't speak on authority I can assume that someone else will decide when the downtime is and create a schedule and pass this along to the devs who will create the patch within the timeframe. Why can I assume this? Because it's how things work in every operation. If you're going to blame the people coding for the time the patch was scheduled you might as well blame yourself for buying the game. They're largely unrelated.

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Nah, it's the same on my WoW realm (Blackrock). Midnight is a VERY popular hour for Americans to play online games.


It's all water under the bridge. I'm going back to WoW. WoW maintenance times are absolutely perfect. This game's maintenance times are absolutely ridiculous. If maintenance was once ever 2 or 3 months, I'd be fine with it, but it's 2-3 times a week. I'm not fine with that.


Eh, WoW's mait isnt so great for me. Comes up at about 1pm, and by then I've already missed about 3 hours of playtime since all my classes are in the morning and end by 10 - 11 am. I delt with it for 5-6 years though.


So i guess whatever floats your boat.

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It's usually 2-4 hours of maintenance. So, it ends at about 4-6 for Americans, and 10-12 for Europeans. Those are good times. Europeans are just getting to work when maintenance starts, and Americans are just going to bed.


How is this good? You guys speak that I am the minority, but the majority of America works in the AM. These people are waking up at 6am to have breakfast and go to work...not play SWTOR.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


No offense, you are a fellow gamer and play SWTOR so mass respect but I do have to disagree with you. Not all ppl work till 12 and plus 2 hours would be plenty for me right after work and before bed. Plus, it's 2AM! ppl are sleeping at that time except for the hardcore *** kickin gamers like us. So overall, I think you just drew the short straw and were put in a ****** postion, it's not really Bioware's fault. Once again, no offense but life just throws yuh a curveball. :(

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If the previous patch caused such a bug, it speaks of poor Q.A.


If the patch didn't fix what it was supposed to that speaks of poor Q.A and poor coding.


That both went live speaks of poor managment.


Which as I said, shows that some one isn't thinking at Bioware.


hardly. the bug was not apparent until it high pop servers, the PTR obiously isnt getting enough people to bring high load


and silkforcalde bye bye. because the world obviously revolves around what is good for you, bugger the other players

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Lol at the European players complaining. I'd like to mention Australian players usually get the short end of the stick everytime with MMOs. Our internet services are horrendous and server maintenence for every game is typically during our very peak times. There are also never any true Oceanic servers (Telstra are too greedy) Suck it up, you're not the majority. Edited by spacepuppy
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hardly. the bug was not apparent until it high pop servers, the PTR obiously isnt getting enough people to bring high load


and silkforcalde bye bye. because the world obviously revolves around what is good for you, bugger the other players


Are you listening? Midnight is the most popular hour of the night for my realm, by far. BY FAR. 9 pm? There will be 150 Republic players in the fleet, tops. Midnight? Over 250 Republic players. That's huge.


This game has downtime during prime time. That's laughable. That shows that Bioware doesn't even remotely care about their customers. It's a farce. I'm voting with my wallet.

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Rift was LITERALLY every day. WoW was... I'm not going to explain the **** we put up with at it's launch.


Rift was everyday at midnight in the released regions, for half an hour.


And if you were really desperate you could switch to another regions servers for that half hour....

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Lol at the European players complaining. I'd like to mention Australian players usually get the short end of the stick everytime with MMOs. Our internet services are horrendous and server maintenence for every game is typically during our very peak times. Guess what? Suck it up, you're not the majority.


a thousand times agreed, after 7 years of wow maint screwing me over i got used to it.

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Lol at the European players complaining. I'd like to mention Australian players usually get the short end of the stick everytime with MMOs. Our internet services are horrendous and server maintenence for every game is typically during our very peak times. Guess what? Suck it up, you're not the majority.



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How is this good? You guys speak that I am the minority, but the majority of America works in the AM. These people are waking up at 6am to have breakfast and go to work...not play SWTOR.


Exactly what I'm saying.


You guys usually got to bed at around midnight or 11 PM, and wake up at 6-7 AM to get ready and go to work.


Edit: I guess I just tolerate maintenance more because I played WoW on a Euro server with a ****y schedule.


This downtime? I erase downtime like this on the way to real errors.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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I think they talked about figuring out a solution for EUs, and then getting Oceanics their own servers when the game officially releases there, but i cant imagine them fiddling with NA times when its mostly fine.


I'm going to assume that they left out Oceanic servers straight after launch so as not to anger them over regular inconvenient maintenance times. So I'm sure they shalt bother and when the patches die down in frequency they'll introduce the servers. Pure speculation though....

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The content of the following post is not directed at the europeans/austrailians who have these during primetime.



But to the rest of us two things: Why aren't you asleep? And which do you want fixed bugs or uptime? You've got to pick one "unt precisely vone" because we don't yet have the fantasy technology form space that allows live updates. In the most recent developer blog they mentioned that these shut downs are to fix those bugs that really are game breaking (war zone victories not registering, Ilum exploits, crashes, etc..) not your pet issues that don't really break anything (/roll, faction imbalance, dungeon finder, etc...)

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It's not fine. At all. Not even close. I said the first week I played this game that the maintenance was a dealbreaker. It has become far too big of an issue. I am certain that I am not the first nor will I be the last to cancel over this issue. Bioware really needs to wake up. Doing maintenance at midnight is shockingly inept.


Its midnight for 1 timezone. For all the others, its no longer prime time. It's 1-3am. I'd also venture to guess a lot of 9-5ers are in bed by midnigt due to waking up early for work.


Once you take the Oceanics out of the equation, you only have the students and those with wacky schedules.

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