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Please don’t change space combat


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Bioware please don’t let the vocal minority convince you that they speak for everyone. Don’t let them steer you away from the vision that space combat need be anything more than a fun distraction from character progression. I’m confident you can do some cool things with it but turning it into a flight sim should not be part of the consideration. Many players enjoy the arcade play style that space combat is now.



Here are a few other things I could come up:


It’s challenging. Really the difficulty should come from shooting down different enemies and targets not from mastering a dozen different keys on your keyboard.


The simplicity of its game play, it’s easy to get started on and engaged in.


Right now space combat works seamlessly. I’d hate to see FPS issues added to the mix with a multiplayer environment.


It doesn’t take a lot of time to play a full mission. Most of them are close to what a PVP match would be time wise. That’s perfect; a player can jump in, have some fun and then move on.


They really work well as dailies. It’d be nice if there were more missions, which I think there will be eventually. If the missions become long, drawn out and overly complicated it loses its benefit of a nice short quest to do in your down time.


It’s a great way to gain experience, on the same level as finishing a regular quest.



A lot of people don’t want a bolted on flight simulator. I think both groups would be happy with a compromise somewhere in between with what there is now. The thing to remember is since the game has been out for awhile there are a lot of players like me that are enjoying it the way it is. With major changes you risk upsetting that crowd.


I see a vocal minority are treating it as a job to lobby these forums for sweeping changes claiming they speak for everyone, just wanted to drop in and let you know there are a lot of people that disagree.

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I Disagree Completely, Space combat needs to be more functional and more interactive. I would like to see Space PVP, I think this would give your ship better purpose.


I invite you to try Star Trek Online for a true bolted-on functional space combat game.


EVE Online gives you space combat with walking avatars as a bolt on.



On a more serious note, though. I have to completely agree with the OP. It's a perfect quick distraction from everything, they're short and easy to do when you have just a minute, and to be frank, I love StarFox. This is StarFox reincarnate. It should stay.

Edited by Dare_Knight
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Im agreeing with OP completly, please dont change it away from how it curently is.


If there is any plans on implementing some form of Space PvP or more Open Free Movement Space missions, add them on the side of the curent system, like being able to either go the curent On Rails missions or Railless missions.


Just, please dont remove the way they work right now, really love it alot :)




That being said, it would be cool with some minor things added. Like a Mission Completed summary showing how many Enemy ships destoried, how many turrets, generators, engines etc etc on enemy capital/destoryer's/space stations blown up. Maybe even make it so the system shows how many out of the amount total on the mission.


Ex: X amount of enemy ships destoryed out of 100


or on the mine field missions how many Mines out of the total on the map destroied ^^


would be fun to compete with yourself or friends over how much you manage to blow up per mission :p


but yeah, going to say again, being a person that dose all the missions several times a day over more characters, please dont change the current system from how it works, really enjoy it alot! :)

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Maybe just have both styles some how? The cool thing abou this game is you can solo, grp, do flash point, pvp and things like space battle. I would love to see them expand on the ideas they currently have without ruining the current. Edited by Djehuti
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Don't chang it one bit. Instead, throw it away. This isn't a single player game, where such mini-games are appropriate, it's an MMO RPG. At least, according to EA's SEC filings it is... so in the spirit of it being an MMO RPG, make space a functional portion of the game. Look to Privateer, Elite, and X3.
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My only complaints about space combat are that


1)it could use more missions variety

2)would be more interesting if it was playable with more people togheter

3)it should give character gear as well not just ship gear

4)proton missiles are bugged and cause you to get a proton lockon on some targets that require normal missiles and you end up not being able to complete some missions (cause you don't have enough proton missiles but you keep getting the lock for those even when you run out and can't fire the normal ones)

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I disagree, I want to be able to quit when im done with the objectives, And I think it need more depth.


Also the ship doesnt feel big, it handle like a toy, its ridiculous. Make it more beefy. IN hangar its huge and impressive, but in space combat it look the size of a fighter.


I dont know what they planned for the future but I totally want change for the space content, ATM its boring and repetitive (try to have 2-3 character, its gets old very fast.

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Don't chang it one bit. Instead, throw it away. This isn't a single player game, where such mini-games are appropriate, it's an MMO RPG. At least, according to EA's SEC filings it is... so in the spirit of it being an MMO RPG, make space a functional portion of the game. Look to Privateer, Elite, and X3.


Agreed, its way too solo, I want to play with my friend.

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If anything they'll keep what they have *And* add a flight sim for those of us that prefer an X-wing vs Tie Fighter gaming experience. It really is win/win if they do it. The rail shooter in an mmo... well, still seems pretty short sighted to be honest. Space Combat in a Star Wars game isn't just a "distraction"... it mattered in several key points in the movies.


Personally I think the rail shooter/flight sim crowd should shoot for something both groups will like rather than trying to lord one mechanic over the other. If both are there, I'll sure use them. I may dislike one more than the other, but I'll use them both if they'll put them in game.


Now the part I imagine other flight sim crowd members would disagree with me on is that if they do it I really think they should just do a port version of Tie Fighter (or Xwing) as a stock component of the game. As someone that played SWG for years I was never fond of how they implemented the ground game with the space game. I like the stock experience.

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They won't remove current space combat regardless of what will be added.


Meanwhile lotw of people want less childlish game with free flight and som form of AI + perhaps a space PvP.

Most likely this will be released as expansion pack, so if you prefee to repeat over and over and over again the same dumb sequence - go ahead, you are free to do so, and you will save some money on the pack.

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I think this post came from my previous post Game Needs.


I do love the firefox feel to the space game and it's mini-game feel but let's be realistic no mmo has done this yet and since the movies themselves focus in large part on space combat it is only fitting that this game embrace it also. It can be done and I think it could be done well. (look at Black Prophecy it is much the same as the space aspect of this and it's easy to accomplish)

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Bioware please don’t let the vocal minority convince you that they speak for everyone. I see a vocal minority are treating it as a job to lobby these forums for sweeping changes claiming they speak for everyone, just wanted to drop in and let you know there are a lot of people that disagree.


I don't see why you can't have your cake and eat it too. Theres no reason why you couldn't keep the mini flight missions. I really don't think anyone wants flight sims either...those are complicated and boring. What the supposed "minority" is asking is for something more akin to Black Prophecy which is suprisingly close to satar fox as well. Easy on your pc, easy to pvp about the same controls as you see here and not quite completely free but each "space zone" you are free to move about in. This would be a wonderfully great add on to the game.


Being able to fly speeders and tackle Walkers like back in the nintendo days, assault a death star with a group of your friends. Protect a Star Destroyer etc etc. There is so much content you could gain from this that it really would be a shame to waste it.


All this while keeping the stlyle of space combat your already seeing? What is not to like?

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Bioware please don’t let the vocal minority convince you that they speak for everyone. Don’t let them steer you away from the vision that space combat need be anything more than a fun distraction from character progression. I’m confident you can do some cool things with it but turning it into a flight sim should not be part of the consideration. Many players enjoy the arcade play style that space combat is now.



Here are a few other things I could come up:


It’s challenging. Really the difficulty should come from shooting down different enemies and targets not from mastering a dozen different keys on your keyboard.


The simplicity of its game play, it’s easy to get started on and engaged in.



I disagree. And your arguments don't hold water:


It's challenging ???? What ? Have you played the X-wing series at all ? I doubt it would be more challenging than playing the Marauder. And mastering a dozen different keys on your keyboard..... is'nt that the point with a MMO ?


And how difficult was it to get started on the X-wing series ? A lot of us was very young then and we had no problem running the game. Hey! It even was tremendous fun!


I think Bioware did a smart thing to include space combat. Star Wars is about 50% space flying and combat. It's a really huge thing and fans love it. There are endless possibilities to the Space Combat missions, but as it is right now is just booring. Changing it would mean giving more control to the user. I really think making it more open would benefit the user and include space combat as a big part of the game.



I see a vocal minority are treating it as a job to lobby these forums for sweeping changes claiming they speak for everyone


I think that is so wrong to say! Everybody have their opportunity to say what they feel on the forum. At least come with suggestions. Then everybody is entitled to agree or not. So you and everybody else is allowed to disagree if someone say they want to change space combat.

Edited by Tmbn
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As someone who played X-Wing, Descent Freespace, etc... I'd want space combat to be something more along those lines.


If BW wants to keep with the current model, then they should expand it, make it work more like Gummi Ships in Kingdom Hearts I & II, which despite being a PS2 "gamelet" within a larger game, is a much more feature-rich and mature "space combat line shooter" than what's currently in place.


Yup - I said it - Gummi Ships. :o

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Don't chang it one bit. Instead, throw it away. This isn't a single player game, where such mini-games are appropriate, it's an MMO RPG. At least, according to EA's SEC filings it is... so in the spirit of it being an MMO RPG, make space a functional portion of the game. Look to Privateer, Elite, and X3.




I love this idea as much as the next guy, but good heavens, dude, that's like twenty million manhours' worth of work. XD

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I also really enjoy the current incarnation of space missions/combat.


That said, I certainly wouldn't be against a more involved aspect coming to the game either.


I played X-Wing/Tie Fighter and really enjoyed them.


I hope they keep what we have (expand with more missions, upgrades, etc.), BUT


It would be a ton of fun to be able to go on space missions with other players, run black market missions from one planet to another and just to be able to fly 'free' so-to-speak.

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I think this post came from my previous post Game Needs.


I do love the firefox feel to the space game and it's mini-game feel but let's be realistic no mmo has done this yet and since the movies themselves focus in large part on space combat it is only fitting that this game embrace it also. It can be done and I think it could be done well. (look at Black Prophecy it is much the same as the space aspect of this and it's easy to accomplish)


The movies absolutely don't focus on space combat.




I don't see why you can't have your cake and eat it too. Theres no reason why you couldn't keep the mini flight missions. I really don't think anyone wants flight sims either...those are complicated and boring. What the supposed "minority" is asking is for something more akin to Black Prophecy which is suprisingly close to satar fox as well. Easy on your pc, easy to pvp about the same controls as you see here and not quite completely free but each "space zone" you are free to move about in. This would be a wonderfully great add on to the game.


Being able to fly speeders and tackle Walkers like back in the nintendo days, assault a death star with a group of your friends. Protect a Star Destroyer etc etc. There is so much content you could gain from this that it really would be a shame to waste it.


All this while keeping the stlyle of space combat your already seeing? What is not to like?


Black Prophecy has as many controls as SWG or any of the X-Wing games did. How is that even remotely close to the controls you see here?



I disagree with the OP (respectfully)


It is...Star wars. STAR Wars, and in my opinion that means a greater focus on space combat. It's not a 'distraction' in the mythos...its a core theme.


Except Star Wars is a classic sword and magic fantasy story set in space. Space battles are a distraction in the mythos. That's why so many of them, and almost always the biggest/most impactful ones, tend to be background scenes in the movies.





The current version of space combat does exactly what they wanted it to. Visually mimics the space combat of the movies, while adding minor extra content. I agree completely with the guy who said that it would be cool if they added something extra, or pulled a different studio in to do a "pay-for" expansion that was largely seperate from the game, but absolutely not at the expense of future content for the main game. Space combat now is perfectly acceptable.

Edited by Jxspyder
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Except Star Wars is a classic sword and magic fantasy story set in space. Space battles are a distraction in the mythos. That's why so many of them, and almost always the biggest/most impactful ones, tend to be background scenes in the movies.


The current version of space combat does exactly what they wanted it to. Visually mimics the space combat of the movies, while adding minor extra content. I agree completely with the guy who said that it would be cool if they added something extra, or pulled a different studio in to do a "pay-for" expansion that was largely seperate from the game, but absolutely not at the expense of future content for the main game. Space combat now is perfectly acceptable.


I disagree emphatically. Star Wars is not FANTASY....its Science Fiction. Fantasy and sci-fi can have crossover themes, motifs and other characteristics, but there is a distinct difference: Fantasy has trees, Science Fiction has rivets.


And the distinction IS important. It isn't just a 1=1 comparison; Droids, Lightsabers, Blasters, and space ships instead of elves, magic swords, fire spells and dragon mounts. If you watch the movies and read the books the space part is VERY important, its not just to move the action from world to world. It not only reinforces the setting, but it is a deep part of our characters. What is Han Solo without the Millennium Falcon?


The Millennium Falcon; X-Wings, TIE fighters and Death Stars are the lifeblood of the story. To say that space combat is a distraction to Star Wars would be akin to saying that the dogfighting is a distraction to Tora! Tora! Tora, Pearl Harbor, Memphis Belle, or Redtails. Han Solo was a smuggler, his ship isn't just a periphrial.

Edited by priest
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