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Penalize leavers in warzones


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I am sick to death on 70% of the warzone matches I enter are half way done and my team is losing by alot. And the only reason I was put there is because of people leaving warzones when the team starts to lose 20 seconds into the game.


Now im not saying im not a leaver, I tend to do it sometimes BECAUSE if you are going to lose, it is wasted time in completing the daily to stay for the full match... quicker to requeue and get a winner.


There should be some sort of penalty like something that stops you from entering a warzone for say 15 mins.

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A quitters debuff would be fantastic. I understand that losing doesn't really benefit people in a lot of ways, especially if they are seeking the wins for the daily rather than for XP, valor, etc, but the reality is, you're hurting the team more by bailing. I like that we have the ./kick for staying in the safety zone, a debuff affecting folks or a lockout for quitters would be nice. However it should only apply after a minute into the match or after the match has started. I leave games a lot if I end up with Huttball or something I don't want (but I do so in the countdown period allowing for someone else to quickly fill the spot for the team).
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How about they reward participating and not winning. Winning 3 is, at best a 1 hour proposition and more like 2. It's not realistic for most people on a week day if they want time to do anything else in game.


You're actually better off, if the other team scores the first goal/takes a quick lead, if enough people leave the warzone and it auto shuts down, so you get some trickle of valour quickly, than wasting a full 15 minutes on a match you will lose 19 times out of 20. That system is beyond stupid.


As a rule in game design punishing players isn't really a good plan. Punishing people for leaving warzones is simply going to make them participate less because it's not worth the time. You want them to participate more, win or lose.

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This cannot be done until they fix the game to the point where people aren't crashing to desktop constantly or they would have to make it only when you leave and not d/c.


The problem with doing that is how hard is it to unplug your connection to avoid the debuff. But I am telling you if I were to start getting locked out of war zones due to the random crash to desktops because of this poorly optimized game with horrible memory leaks, its bad enough you are usually winning when it happens and get nothing for all your work a debuff would just be infuriating

Edited by Surgin
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I dont care if i get flamed for mentioning WoW.


WoW has a 10 min lockout for leavers, but there is still a 10 min queue and a high rate of people playing them still


Yes, but in WoW you only have to win 1, not 3. That makes a huge difference, as does dual spec, so people don't show up to pvp in a particularly bad spec if they can avoid it.

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I actually would rather they did not. I dont know about at 50 but in the 10-49 the people who leave at first sight of trouble tend to be the really bad ones. A lot of times this lets people who actually want to play and actually can play in and I have won many huttballs because of this =0
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Then instead of the quitters quitting... and possibly getting replaced with someone who might be decent.. they sit in the corner somewhere and AFK.


No thanks.


Oh yeah, and then i'd also get stuck playing stunball.

Edited by Jebi
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The daily could be more like Win 1, play 3. That way people would stay if they needed just credit for being in the match.


But yeah, a quitter debuff would be good. Give people a grace of 1 match that they can 'crash/quit' out of but if there is more than 1 leave in an hour they start getting the debuff.

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i hate being kicked out of hutball b4 i could leave spawn zone if i join as replacement. other 2 wz i can leave just fine.


i have waste more than an hour queue and boot out of matches.





hear crowd roar

loading screen again


insta pop

leave queue

wait 2 min

repeat above.


hate it esp you only need 1 more win.

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Change the daily. Have people complete 3 warzones and they will participate. If instead you punish them for leaving you'll get


1) People will join less, if you try solo queu at the wrong time it can take hours to complete 3 wins. Not worth the trouble. Increases everyone's queu times


2) People will join, and just AFK. Contributing even less.

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actually you get a penalty yourself when you quit the wz. This is how it goes; say a huttball wz and you decided your team's gonna lose after 2 mins for sure. Huttball's max time is about 12 min or so. Not even mentioning if the winning team finishes it by scoring 6. So deal is if you leave the wz after 2-3 mins and wait that HUGE loading time to get back where u were at, you're gonna lose more time than staying at the wz and take the xp, credits and valor, and plus the time you're gonna wait for another wz and loading time x 2. Actually VALOR, thats what i'm talking about here.


The most important factor in PvP is Valor atm. So in a PvP'er world of Swtor, time = valor. And when you quit that wz you get none. And as said above you lose more time ( loading time waiting for wz etc..) so you lose more valor. So what i'm trying to say the leavers at wz are punishing themselves, there's no need to an extra penalty.


All the things i said is invalid only if the player we're talking about is a leveling one and just trying to get his daily win for xp and not aiming for PvP for end game. nuffsaid


The valor gain difference between winning and losing team player is about 100-150 valor points (max)


Btw i'm playing with a BH full champ mixed with rakata gear, tired of valor farming at lvl 58 and leveled up an alt to 50.

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If they introduce a debuff then I refuse not being able to pick which Warzone to join.


If they introduce a debuff then I DEMAND more brackets.


If they introduce a debuff then I DEMAND on PvP servers the removal of double faction characters.


If they introduce a debuff then I DEMAND to never join a game that has already started and people deserted it.


If they introduce a debuff then I DEMAND to never face a pre made when I join solo.

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The most important factor in PvP is Valor atm. So in a PvP'er world of Swtor, time = valor. And when you quit that wz you get none. And as said above you lose more time ( loading time waiting for wz etc..) so you lose more valor. So what i'm trying to say the leavers at wz are punishing themselves, there's no need to an extra penalty.


valor is pretty meaningless after 60 unless you want the boat, and honestly, weekly reset day and ilum is a valor free farm....as for wzs, you really only want the 3 wins at that stage, hence why people are saying participate.


A more responsive afk selection (sitting in the start zone is kind of dumb since you sometimes get booted if you join an in progress huttball or void star due to load and door opening times) for non activity + a vote kick and simply having complete 3 would solve a lot of the issues, sure afkers would still occur, but the odd afker isn't half the issue that musical chairs is.


It's really about minimization of the issues, you can never eliminate them entirely.

Edited by Adzzy
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Why penalize people?


You can trade kills, why cant you just join/leave warzones at will because your losing...


hahahahahahahhahahaha , man this game is weak.



Why not give everyone free valor.... see my trading kills thread...

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I used to be for this. But now I am grateful for the quitters. Cause once they quit we get someone who actually has some skill & heart and now we actually have a chance to come back and win. I thank each and every quitter who leaves with a whisper: because you quit we actually won. must suck knowing that you were the problem. It's just like when doing a Flashpoint and having a Tank rage and cry about how a healer sucks then he quits. we recruit another Tank and We run right through the rest of the Flashpoint with no problem. I then whisper that tank and say thank you for quitting cause we actually found someone who knew how to tank. Edited by Ssfbistimg
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I am sick to death on 70% of the warzone matches I enter are half way done and my team is losing by alot. And the only reason I was put there is because of people leaving warzones when the team starts to lose 20 seconds into the game.


Now im not saying im not a leaver, I tend to do it sometimes BECAUSE if you are going to lose, it is wasted time in completing the daily to stay for the full match... quicker to requeue and get a winner.


There should be some sort of penalty like something that stops you from entering a warzone for say 15 mins.


I shouldn't have to waste my time because you are horrible at a game.

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What if I have to go take a ****? I need to be penalized for not going afk in a warzone, and instead leaving?


You people complain about the most retarded things. You get rewarded win or lose anyway. Such babies this generation.

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I shouldn't have to waste my time because you are horrible at a game.


yeah he's the problem. always the quitters belief that the rest of the team sucked. In actuality I'd say 70% of the time the quitter was actually the bad. How do I base this stat. cause after quitters quit we play better as a team not always winning but always getting back into the match. so again i say thank you quitters, when you quit we get rid of the dead weight

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I shouldn't have to waste my time because you are horrible at a game.


I'ts people like you that ruin the game. L2PLAY. It's a shame people like you post on forums, nothing better to say than throw insults to someone trying to help improve the game.


Point in my thread is TO STOP QUITTERS.

The trend tends to be people quit at start, then when the replacements come in they see that they joined a losing team and they keep quitting too. Which leaves no chance of a fightback.

Edited by gangbot
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You prefer people AFK instead Leave ? I prefer a new replacement that tries, instead AFKer...so be careful what you wish for...


To stop the AFK'ing of players I think they should put a vote kick option. The game already kicks AFK'ers in warzones (the ones that dont move at all).

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I agree, but maybe do it smart, not just a simple "you leave, you're punished" like in WoW.


Sometimes if my internet is acting up, I will leave, for two reasons. One, it's no fun when my internet is acting like crap. Two, I am doing nothing for the team and they would be much better off with a replacement.


I also think there should be some way to prevent people from getting this debuff if they were removed from the warzone for a disconnection. If someone has a hiccup and loses connection and logs back in a few minutes later, they shouldn't be punished.

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