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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crafting Profession Changes in patch 1.1.2


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I'm an Auction House player. I loved playing the auction house on WOW and have been running max auctions on 3 toons in SWTOR.

Suggestions on GTN Improvements:


Stop Companions from closing the GTN when they return from missions.


Make it easier to open crafting while having the GTN window open.


Allow base searching for an item without having to go through all the drop down menus.


Allow armor to have an additional level of sorting based on the bodypart it is worn on. The inability for players to easily find armor hurts the Armormech and Synthweavers.




Slightly increase the stats on Crafted items vs routine Dropped items. Flashpoint and Operation gear should still be just as good or better.


Spread out the Modifications over more tradeskills. Give one from Cybertechs to Armormechs and one from Artificers to Synthweavers. Though I realize this is unlikely due to the investment those folks have already made. But something needs to be done for those crafters to make their items sellable.




Tooltip when you mouse over an item to tell you if you have that item, where it is and how many you have of it. Including over your recipe list. Will help crafters to know if they already have an item on the GTN, to see how many mats they have and where they are. (Extra bonus to add how many of the item you've sold, at what price and how many have returned unsold. Also average price you've seen it posted on the GTN for. Dreaming here, but thought I'd put it in)


Fix the Mailbox generic response for sold items. "You sold something to someone" does not help track what you need to restock or to help you determine a good market price.

Also have the mail include the level and quality of the item sold. The names for green and blue quality items is the same when it comes back in the mailbox.



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I didn't read all the posts, But I just wanted to say that if you make reusable stims available to everyone you're eliminating Biochem as a viable long term crafting skill, if people only ever need to buy a thing once, who you gonna sell to?


They aren't making the reusable ones available to everyone. There were non-reusable items that still required Biochem to use, and *those* are the ones they are making available to everyone.

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As stated, we are working on making all crafting professions fully endgame viable. We'll talk more about specifics, like Armstech or Synthweaving when we have specifics to announce.


The reason BioChem is called out specifically in this note is because this patch changes how it works and we want players to understand why that is the case.



Can I give some suggestions for armortech? Currently what an armor tech does is they decide what stats they ant on a piece of gear (and in what proportion). Then they find the green schematic that has the base stats they are looking for.

This is a problem right now. there is not enough green schematics. especially for belts it seems. there might be 6-7 levels between belt schematics.


The other problem is a dearth of level 50 schematics. there are very few level 50, most are level 49. Of the level 50 schematics, there isn't a great selection either.



The big problem facing armor techs though is this, you only sell a piece of orange gear once. You can sell a mod to a person every 5 levels or so.


The only real advantage that an armortech has is that they can, given enough time, and a huge amount of resources, get a schematic with a specific set of stats. These specialized pieces of gear would be great for PvP'rs, except for one thing, you cannot put expertise on them. Fix that, and you go a long way towards making armor techs useful.

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As far as improvements to the crafting system go, I'd like to see Synthweaving (and Armormech for that matter) receive several sets of matching, modifiable gear, distributed across the skill's progression... So, that is to say, all of the modifiable gear sets shouldn't require 400 skill to create.
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I honestly hope you don't nerf the difference between pvp gear.. Currently the difference is so small it actually needs a bump. Each Valor milestone 50,60,70 and so on needs to be about a 5% difference. They way it is now it's not even 1% which is sad.


It seems to me you want to cater to the cry,cry whine crowd and punish the the players that strife for more.


eeh how are you counting? its 4 expertise diffrence between champion and BM thats 10%

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Long term, our plan is to evolve Star Wars: The Old Republic’s game economy to a more player driven model, strengthen and improve the GTN and embrace the game’s extensive appearance customization throughout the game. We have a long list of improvements planned for that but we’re also anxious to hear from you. Feel free to use this thread to give us your feedback on the topic!





Thank you for the update. It's great to see you guys are working to get things into balance; I can't wait to see these changes. Speaking of appearance customization, when do you think we may hear something else about the armor coloring system that you guys announced in-progress back in December? The way I had understood the closing of that post was that we would "soon" be looking back on old screenshots of our clown-costumed characters in amusement, but personally I am still staring at mine in-game, lol. Any word how the system is coming along?

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Boost other crew skills to be on the level of the good ones? Ridiculous talk, make the good ones as bad as the other useless skills!


Slicing is good, let's destroy it!

Biochem is good, let's destroy it!



Next patch: BOP Rakata Bracers/Waist now have worse stats than tionese!

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"As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high."


Really? So a player that spent countless hours in PVP to get their gear should be toned down so that a new level 50 player stands a better chance? What is the point of expertise then? I think this is a terrible idea, if you want to make a change then divide up the pvp brackets into Valor levels. Seriously Bioware, I am a huge fan, but start taking ideas that work from other MMO's. I am currently 57 Valor and still dont have my Mainhand Champion weapon, but I have seen countless 15-40 lvl Valor's rocking theirs. There is so much in this game that is left up to chance and it needs to be base more on skill. Speaking of crew skils, how about beefing up the other ones that arent Biochem. As of right now there is almost no benefit to Artificer's. The max level crafting items are garbage compared to pvp/raid gear. Anyway, that is my opinion take it for what it is.

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Good. Not entirely interested in playing TOR atm, the RE chance on high level stuff gets retarded. Spending hours in a game doing nothing for 30mins (while your crew gathers), then REing, then doing nothing again...and all that gets you nadda because (even with capped skills and high affection companions) you don't get any unlocks.


40 greens (Synthweave, L49 items) got me 0 blues.


The PvP aspect doesnt worry me overly much, as I am slowly getting PvP armor and gear to match the others.

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Making fresh 50s closer to full epic pvp gear? That means the epic gear will be worth less, meaning that all the absurd crap you put us thru to obtain the gear pours salt in the wound. Kill a player in Illium...if you find them...sorry doesnt count...win a WZ...sorry doesnt count. To collect 30 armaments it sometimes takes HOURS...for one dailie where you drive around in circles.
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Making fresh 50s closer to full epic pvp gear? That means the epic gear will be worth less, meaning that all the absurd crap you put us thru to obtain the gear pours salt in the wound. Kill a player in Illium...if you find them...sorry doesnt count...win a WZ...sorry doesnt count. To collect 30 armaments it sometimes takes HOURS...for one dailie where you drive around in circles.


^^^ This. I've only managed to get half my pvp gear and its been hell to get it (hats off to you guys that have gotten all of it). Making PvP gear less effective would mean the hours of work and making up for wins and kills not counting towards dailies would have been a waste.

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By this do you mean a limit to the amount of times you can RE before receiving the next tier schematic or a limit to the number of purple schemetics you can RE?


I say no either way.


Originally a limit to how many times you had to RE to get a purple schematic. I prefer it as someone else put it, an increasing chance to get one of the purple schematics that blue can become. I just worded it incorrectly.


Sure, it's good you have to spend time effort and materials to get to the highest level crafted items, but why does it take two REs to get Advanced Skill Armoring 22 and 50+ to get Advanced Might Armoring 22?

A guy in my guild has REd more than 100 of one blue item and is still waiting for the purple schematic. And it might turn out to have **** stats or not be the one he was after. And that's an immense amount of wasted time and effort.


And then! these are only lvl49 purple armorings anyway, and you can better or equivalent from the Belsavis dailies and that strips the profit right out.

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Reducing the rakata versions of stims and adrenals to the level of the exo counter parts but just unlimited use is absolute garbage. Money has no purpose in the game currently other then to repair or to buy consumables, yet every other craft has an exclusive rakata item(s) that are more powerful then their counter parts. I know you want to make other crew skills more attractive but the solution is NOT to nerf biochem to uselessness. Leave the rakata versions intact.
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I would like to see a system put into the game where either a player can pay a crafter to add an augment slot to existing gear or be able to have a Npc do it for a large fee. I my self am wearing a orange chest instead of my columi because lets be honest the Inquisitor Columi chest looks rather silly, so if you could add a way for me to further upgrade the orange chest I am already wearing it would be lovely.
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My only problem with Biochem changes is this: why reduce Rakata stims and adrenals to be equal to Energized and NOT Exotech? They should be equal in effectiveness to Exotech, not Energized.


Otherwise, why would I use my Rakata stim and adrenal? To save money? Are you serious BioWare? So to save money I should take a less effective stim and adrenal. Brilliant. You do know that they are called "Rakata" right?


After running Hard Modes and the Eternity Vault Operaton in the first week since I hit 50 I'm fairly disappointed by what has been offered up so far by BioWare and now this completely stupid decision about Rakata Stims and Adrenals.


I don't have a problem with them nerfing it, I could have told you that was going to happen eventually anyways. But lowering them in effectiveness to be equal to Energized makes the crew skill useless. The only reason to take Biochem is on an alt to make Exotech stims and adrenals so that you can have the maximum potential. Saving money be damned.


Flame away if you like, but BioWare is seriously dropping the ball here on this one.



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Fair concerns... but nobody said anything about nerfs for PvP gear just yet.


There are many ways of achieving our intended goal, from stabilizing early gear acquisition through diminishing/removal of the random factor to the introduction of new gear over time... and a dozen other methods in-between.


To spell it out: We currently have no intention to modify the stats on existing PvP gear downwards (which I assume you mean by 'nerf'). Nobody has talked about eliminating the gap between old level 50s and new level 50s either.


-- Georg


Seems to me Georg that you indeed have plans to eliminate the gap between new and old level 50's by indroducing ranked warzones.. so what does a "old" lvl 50 benefit from a new lvl 50 then?, i could place a bet that you indrodoce this because new lvl 50 complains they get ganked? well you BW seem to eliminating the ability to work hard to HAVE that "edge" over others who doesnt put in the same effort.

Edited by Zeaza
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pvp gear that we spend weeks grinding for, should be better than a lvl 50 who wanders in with greens on. It should be roughly comparable to the same set of pve gear..like battlemaster and rakata, because you know what? its much easier to get rakata gear than battlemaster.


Why nerf what we had to work hard for? because some newbies complain? Youve got to be kidding me... this doesnt add balance..its takes away more of the few reasons to work at endgame stuff that we have in this game.


Nerf the pvp gear and Im dropping subscription and switching to guild wars 2...i dont care if 50000000 people are crying because they didnt work hard for their gear like I had to....gear ought to make a difference...thats why you work for it....otherwise theres no reason to pvp anyway reducing the time spent playing this game by alot and its already so thin after 50....


endgame content is important.. youre supposed to be able to get more powerful than other endgamers when you work hard.... i dont want to roll an alt and play this game through again...i want to progress on my main character.... why is this hard to understand?


we get to do endgame raids 1 time per week...and so one night out of the week you can raid..the rest of the time...what are you doing? not pvping if the gear is nerfed...it would have no point..better just to get full rakata from dailys and pvp rarely. stupid decision to appease people who havnt worked hard.


Also, I have tons of money..why nerf biochem to uselessness to make other skills more attractive? Why not just...make the other skills more attractive? Now its useless to have biochem...money serves no purpose in this game anyway.... now i have to spend a few days grinding something else like the tech skill that gives me pvp advantages like bombs etc and my rakata biochem stuff is worthless to me...


just stick to normal RPGs, youre better at that.

Edited by Descends
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pvp gear that we spend weeks grinding for, should be better than a lvl 50 who wanders in with greens on. It should be roughly comparable to the same set of pve gear..like battlemaster and rakata, because you know what? its much easier to get rakata gear than battlemaster.


Why nerf what we had to work hard for? because some newbies complain? Youve got to be kidding me... this doesnt add balance..its takes away more of the few reasons to work at endgame stuff that we have in this game.


Nerf the pvp gear and Im dropping subscription and switching to guild wars 2...i dont care if 50000000 people are crying because they didnt work hard for their gear like I had to....gear ought to make a difference...thats why you work for it....otherwise theres no reason to pvp anyway reducing the time spent playing this game by alot and its already so thin after 50....


endgame content is important.. youre supposed to be able to get more powerful than other endgamers when you work hard.... i dont want to roll an alt and play this game through again...i want to progress on my main character.... why is this hard to understand?


we get to do endgame raids 1 time per week...and so one night out of the week you can raid..the rest of the time...what are you doing? not pvping if the gear is nerfed...it would have no point..better just to get full rakata from dailys and pvp rarely. stupid decision to appease people who havnt worked hard.


lol, it's not easier to obtain Rakata, and here's why...


you can fail at pve and get NOTHING. even when you fail at pvp, you gain valor. which means that all you need to do to hit battlemaster, is invest time.


not effort

and certainly not skill


just time. and because of that the entire system is flawed. vertical progression in pvp has always been and will always be the big killer of any pvp system in an mmo. if you want to feel like your CHARACTER is progressing, you should be doing pve. if you want to know that you're better than other players, there should be a leaderboard and standardised stats.


when ranked warzones come in, the absolute best thing they could do is allocate 4000 stats per advanced class, distributed among different stats (for example, guardians have 1200 strength 1700 endurance 400 defence 400 shield 300 absorb). that way your ranking is based purely on how well you play, not on how much more gear you have than your enemy.


then again, people like you will blame anything but themselves on a loss.

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the pve is so easy, if you fail at it you deserve nothing. we already cleared all the nightmare bosses.


PVP takes time and grind exponentially over PVE. Dont be upset because other people put in more effert and got more reward or outskilled you in PVE.


I worked hard for what i have...if now what I have isnt worth working for..where does that leave me? I could have gotten full rakata much easier than getting battlemaster.


PVPers who play all the time deserve to have nicer gear..just like PVE when you work hard for rakata you have nicer gear than the other guys.... why is this hard to understand?



because you lose in both?



I dont think thats a viable excuse.

Edited by Descends
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