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TALLON ZEK - Shout Out


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Was it Sullon or Rallos where all the top end guilds had a carebear agreement never to pvp eachother and took turns killing world bosses?


The Twelve Prophets here (Vallon Zek).


We had an agreement with our own dark members, everyone else was KOS.


Best days of EQ by far.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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That'd be Rallos.


Well, I ASSUME it was Rallos, since it wasn't Sullon. Considering the different sides pretty much hated each other with a passion and guys like Speedd would wake up at 3am if he had to so he could train PoTactics 24/7 to keep Tides from getting EP access. ;)


Every time I heard about Rallos, I just heard about "Anti-PK" guilds and other rubbish.


Edit: Also, hi 12P! Ex-Iggles/Hate here.

Edited by Bovinity
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It was on the same server that had the first ever Sleeper kill before he was intended to be killed. Like 5 top end guilds on the server teamed up to do it and basically never bothered to heal anybody, their clerics just ran around rezzing and sending people back into the fight. There was something like over 250 people in the zone to help do it. Edited by DimeStax
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Calrunner [Patryns]


Was Patryns from the beginning until about we formed Pandemonium. Left shortly afterwards. Second to UO Atlantic, most fun I've had in an MMO. I don't think a game will ever rival the community feeling that EQ had.

Edited by bklynfinest
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It was on the same server that had the first ever Sleeper kill before he was intended to be killed. Like 5 top end guilds on the server teamed up to do it and basically never bothered to heal anybody, their clerics just ran around rezzing and sending people back into the fight.


Yep, that was Rallos that killed Kerafyrm.

Edited by Bovinity
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Best days of EQ by far.


I know I can never "go back" and that I'd probably never tolerate such a crap game (from a technical perspective) today the way I did back then...but damn those were some fun days.


It's really telling that to this day I still remember major events and battles from Sullon Zek, but I can scarce tell you something that happened in WoW or other modern MMO's from day to day because it's all just a meaningless blur most of the time.

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The Twelve Prophets here.


We had an agreement with our own dark members, everyone else was KOS.


Best days of EQ by far.


That was Rallos. The top end guilds became strictly gear farmers by the time Vellious was out. Buddy of mine was in Darkenbane on Rallos (a PK guild) and let me use his char a few times. Rallos was awesome if you were a PKer - I was just too lazy to reroll from Tallon by that time.

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I know I can never "go back" and that I'd probably never tolerate such a crap game (from a technical perspective) today the way I did back then...but damn those were some fun days.


It's really telling that to this day I still remember major events and battles from Sullon Zek, but I can scarce tell you something that happened in WoW or other modern MMO's from day to day because it's all just a meaningless blur most of the time.


I completely agree. EQ was the most memorable MMO experience I've ever had but man was it rough. That's part of what made it fun but I don't think i'd put up with it again.

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Throw out some more names and guilds people, I'm interested to see if there is anyone I recognize. I followed the guild Hate for a while via their website checking them out before the servers were going to merge so I know a little about them.
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Throw out some more names and guilds people, I'm interested to see if there is anyone I recognize. I followed the guild Hate for a while via their website checking them out before the servers were going to merge so I know a little about them.


<--- Tawonda from <Hate>, Bovinity/Musicow from <Da Bashin' Iggles>.


I never played on any other Zek, but we did have Ruin, Vindictive, Darkenbane Company, Tides of Wrath, Black Prophecy, Flowers of Happiness, um, what else...well, lots of guilds. =D

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I completely agree. EQ was the most memorable MMO experience I've ever had but man was it rough. That's part of what made it fun but I don't think i'd put up with it again.


HAH. Agreed. The grind in that game was hell. Especially on a pvp server. These kids complaining about RNG have no idea what it was like to camp 1 item for weeks (i.e. ancient clops in OOT for jboots) while fighting others. Non instanced dungeons is definitely what made that game a lot more fun. That's why I feel there's a huge lack of community in SWTOR. OPVP is non existant. WZs are instanced.


EDIT - I also played my friends ogre war in either ruin or hate (can't remember which) on SZ. awesome server as well. definitely the most sht talking of any MMO I've been in haha

Edited by bklynfinest
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HAH. Agreed. The grind in that game was hell. Especially on a pvp server. These kids complaining about RNG have no idea what it was like to camp 1 item for weeks (i.e. ancient clops in OOT for jboots) while fighting others. Non instanced dungeons is definitely what made that game a lot more fun. That's why I feel there's a huge lack of community in SWTOR. OPVP is non existant. WZs are instanced.




One of my first memories on Sullon Zek was a huge battle in Sol A/Sol B over a cleric epic quest NPC. Could you even imagine that happening in an MMO today? A guild battling another guild over a quest NPC? Or stealing a raid boss? There'd be a torrent of tears large enough to wipe Australia off the map if things like that happened today.

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HAH. Agreed. The grind in that game was hell. Especially on a pvp server. These kids complaining about RNG have no idea what it was like to camp 1 item for weeks (i.e. ancient clops in OOT for jboots) while fighting others. Non instanced dungeons is definitely what made that game a lot more fun. That's why I feel there's a huge lack of community in SWTOR. OPVP is non existant. WZs are instanced.


EDIT - I also played my friends ogre war in either ruin or hate (can't remember which) on SZ. awesome server as well. definitely the most sht talking of any MMO I've been in haha


Yep. If they think RNG is bad imagine what they would of thought of having to raid PVE in open-world-non-instanced zones to get good PVP gear where enemy guilds are constantly training you and trying to PvP you in the process because they don't want you to get geared or to kill the boss that they want to kill tomorrow night. You literally spent and entire night sometimes killing one boss for 2-3 pieces of loot for a 72 man raid haha.


Or better yet, waking the entire guild up at 3-4am in the morning to raid and beat other guilds to it because that's when the boss spawned and he was on a 7 day timer.


Nowdays people are complaining they don't get their full set of Champion gear in a week because their friends did, when back in the day you were happy if you got 1-2 pieces of gear a month and those 1-2 pieces of gear made you amazing.

Edited by DimeStax
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One of my first memories on Sullon Zek was a huge battle in Sol A/Sol B over a cleric epic quest NPC. Could you even imagine that happening in an MMO today? A guild battling another guild over a quest NPC? Or stealing a raid boss? There'd be a torrent of tears large enough to wipe Australia off the map if things like that happened today.



This. I remember fighting for Naggy raids back in the day in Sol B and training fire giants all over the place on my druid.


Was anyone really old school on TZ? I remember guilds like alliance of the light, circle noir, blood fist, the aggressors, etc

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That was Rallos. The top end guilds became strictly gear farmers by the time Vellious was out. Buddy of mine was in Darkenbane on Rallos (a PK guild) and let me use his char a few times. Rallos was awesome if you were a PKer - I was just too lazy to reroll from Tallon by that time.


Actually, no, we were on Vallon Zek.

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I'm old school Tallon. I remember guilds like Knights of the White Rose, Abyssal Lords, Discordia, Indignation, Rapture, Stature of the Gods, Incursion, Quintessence Revival, and of course Pandemonium. Edited by DimeStax
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