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Tasius's Marauder Thread (Stream and Guides)


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First I would like to start this thread off by saying I will be broadcasting on my new channel for all marauder's to see, I will be playing with both Annihilation and Rage (mostly Rage)

today February 1st, I will be pvping as rage spec and also doing a 16 man raid on the Eternity vault as Annihilation PvE spec later tonight.


Here is a link to the Broadcast channel http://www.livestream.com/daylensgamingchannel


Further more I would like to point out to all marauder's that are complaining that they are Under powered, watch me play it's not being underpowered it's knowing the class and or you're just simply not that great at the game in general. Probably sound like a "mean" person by saying this but it's just the truth.


Now that we have that out of the way, I would like to talk about specs and what is the best to go for PvP and PvE.



First we'll start off with Annihilation simply because it's what most marauder's use.

This is one of the most amazing specs I have ever had in any mmo, simply because it has one of the hardest hitting out of stealth ability in the game Annihilate, and the option to heal yourself through bleeds.

This spec does to very well in PvP and it usually hits very hard almost all the time. You can easily take down healers in this spec with major ease and also provide support buffs for your entire party. So it is a good choice for PvP at the moment, although it does not provide any useful passive damage reduction.


Here are my usual specs for Annihilation


This spec is a more defensive Huttball carry spec that I enjoy using with the 30% increase predation.


This spec allows you to have predation and the Phantom from force camo, personally I think this ability is useful in situations when you need to get away while having dots on yourself, or when you see a large Aoe coming and you cannot avoid it.


Alot of players ask me why I never get the rupture slow, it's very simple why I don't, crippling slash is better and also I usually never even needs slows at all.


As for PvE, this is the best possible PvE annihilation spec for raiding as of Eternity vault and Bone Thrasher


Due to situational purposes in several fights that you will encounter in Eternity vault and Koragga's palace, there is a very very large number of Aoe effects going on in the fights. Obviously you're suppose to move out of these as fast as possible but there are some that cannot be avoided such as the Lightning balls on Soa or the first boss in EV where he uses the missle barrage. Phantom completely will negate this damage if you use it correctly. Along with the 30% damage reduction from carnage and using your cloak of pain you can stay inside the missle barrage on hard mode Annihilator (eternity vault) with the tank and continue dpsing without dying. I have found this spec to be the most useful in almost all of the raid situations.




I will not be posting anything about this spec at this very given time due to it being half way broken. It does constant damage but it is no where near the amount annihilation puts out. I am aware that Gore is somewhat useful on heavy armor players and tanks, but what most players fail to see is that tanks and heavy armors have cool downs just like us marauders that increase damage reduction on top of that armor therefore even though you're getting 100% armor pen they still have damage reduction. you're not really increasing your damage "that" much. As for clothies you already hit hard on them, don't make them cry harder.


Also from the PVP perspective on this spec, it does a decent amount of damage with high accuracy, but not having dots, kills this spec. It will not do more damage than Annihilation





This spec is mainly used for PVP and I have tried every possible combination to try and beat Annihilation PvE wise and it always comes out short in comparison. It has huge amounts of burst but it doesn't have that constant damage output that's needed in boss fights.


But with that being said lets talk pvp >=).


Out of personal Preference I adore this spec over Annihilation for pvp due to it's incredible aoe burst abilities.


Why is this spec better than annihilation for those of you who are wondering.


Straight up, this spec can down a player just as fast as annihilation and all the other players around the one your attacking will be extremely crippled due to the 100% increased critical smash.


In warzones rage dominates annihilation simply because you can hit all the players around you while staying on the target you're wanting to kill. You can also swap in between to pick off stragglers from your smash. This isn't including the increase on your damage reduction by 11% due to rage talents.


If this spec is played correctly you can kill multiple players, instead of just one with annihilation. But with this all being said lets talk stats for this spec.


As Rage, you will need a high crit chance along with a high surge for your smash crits. The reason for a high crit rate is for your Force Scream. You want this ability to be able to crit alot due to the 30% force increase talent in rage. This needs to be part of your rotation.


after you have around 30-32% crit and 70-80% surge, the rest of the time you should be focusing on Power alone.


Now as for the spec I personally use this and I demolish people with it.





All in all marauders are a great class, by far the most fun class I've played yet.

For those of you who are leveling one please keep at it, they are somewhat difficult to level but they really even out at the higher levels.

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Also from the PVE perspective on this spec, it does a decent amount of damage with high accuracy, but not having dots, kills this spec. It will not do more damage than Annihilation



As carnage, you do NOT want high accuracy. Just so much that your specials always hit and then a healty power-surge-crit ratio.

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Also from the PVE perspective on this spec, it does a decent amount of damage with high accuracy, but not having dots, kills this spec. It will not do more damage than Annihilation



As carnage, you do NOT want high accuracy. Just so much that your specials always hit and then a healty power-surge-crit ratio.


Sorry that was mean to be PVP not pve, thanks for letting me know to change it.

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Alot of players ask me why I never get the rupture slow, it's very simple why I don't, crippling slash is better and also I usually never even needs slows at all.

They ask this but not why you have a long 8 second cd Kick?


Also, if you don't need slow, you're playing against some teribad players...

Edited by Deviltreh
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They ask this but not why you have a long 8 second cd Kick?


Also, if you don't need slow, you're playing against some teribad players...


It being more of a slow is irrelevant; wasting Rage and a GCD on a slow when you can easily apply one with one of your main abilities is just wasteful. If you're getting kited that hard to where you need to use Crippling Slash as Annihilation you're doing it way, way wrong.


That's what Close Quarters is for.

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It being more of a slow is irrelevant; wasting Rage and a GCD on a slow when you can easily apply one with one of your main abilities is just wasteful. If you're getting kited that hard to where you need to use Crippling Slash as Annihilation you're doing it way, way wrong.


That's what Close Quarters is for.

Oh, right. Close Quarters totally helps against kiting. Ever tried moving the other direction and saving two talent points? Force Choking?


Maybe when they'll introduce rated warzones you will start needing slows.

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The reason you do not get the extra 2 seconds off your interrupt is due to you have two interrupts at all times with your charge, if a healer is getting a cast off you are doing something wrong.



Also if you're getting kited, you are also doing something wrong lol. the GCD has not bothered me at all with crippling slash, but in annihilation I rarely even use it due to not needing it.

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For PVE Annihilation Marauder in Rakata Gear, what do you think about Accuracy>Surge>Power?


The hit cap for marauders in raids is 108%, it has been proven on Sithwarrior.com on the marauder forum



Also, Surge and crit are main priority, you need atleast 30% crit to keep those bleeds critting non-stop, surge is also needed to about 80% so those bleeds are critting for HUGE numbers along with the extra 30% from the talents.



Power is the lowest on my priority, Accuracy 108% special attacks, Crit 30, surge 80%, Power as high as possible.


But as a PvE perspective maybe you could swap the surge instead of the power if you're able to get that kind of stats. usually the mods and enhancements are bundled with crit and surge.



Also on top of all of this, use a power relic and a power adrenal. When you hit 30% crit and 80% surge, you'll start getting towards that diminishing returns.

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Oh, right. Close Quarters totally helps against kiting. Ever tried moving the other direction and saving two talent points? Force Choking?


Maybe when they'll introduce rated warzones you will start needing slows.


Putting more than one point in it is a waste for PvP to begin with.

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The reason you do not get the extra 2 seconds off your interrupt is due to you have two interrupts at all times with your charge, if a healer is getting a cast off you are doing something wrong.



Also if you're getting kited, you are also doing something wrong lol. the GCD has not bothered me at all with crippling slash, but in annihilation I rarely even use it due to not needing it.

Okay, sorc uses knockback, you charge, he slows you and runs away from you. What am I supposed to do to prevent kiting? Force Camo? :D


Explain what am I doing wrong.

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I apologize for not being able to reply to you guys sooner, I am busy with a few RL things at the moment. Once I get everything worked out i'll start back streaming



Also I did fix the lag issue in the streams I had people helping me test it and what not. So when I do come back it will be watchable.


Also for the rage rotation, mostly everything is situational but I will add that into the guide later if it's truely needed.

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I apologize for not being able to reply to you guys sooner, I am busy with a few RL things at the moment. Once I get everything worked out i'll start back streaming



Also I did fix the lag issue in the streams I had people helping me test it and what not. So when I do come back it will be watchable.


Also for the rage rotation, mostly everything is situational but I will add that into the guide later if it's truely needed.


Does that mean the quality will be better too? I just want to watch your videos and be able to see #'s and names...that kind of quality heh. Doesn't have to be live...

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The stream is now up and running again, the first two videos you see from left to right are the new ones, the quality is now watchable you can see numbers and names now.



Also you can adjust your quality on the website yourself to maybe make the picture even more clearer.



I'll be streaming more everyday.

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nice post.


the only things i don't agree with are the builds.


We can't really just focus on huttball, and if you are using that spec soley on that, i find it strange. Even if so , i still don't agree with the build on ferocity, it just isnt worth it.


The slow on rupture is a huge dps increase and utility packed into one. You are getting a free on hit slow. if you proc from vicious slash which always happens, you can apply another dot+rage free slow on a target.


the camo damage reduction is another one. on long dots you really aren't mitigating much damage, on short ticks, it's a survival. Using it as survival you would camo, block a tick and you would be low on health. So , you would have to first exit combat or pray a medpac was around and then regen. In that amount of time you could have respawned, and gotten back into position.


I plain out just don't like ferocity.


Personally , myself i prefer thsi build. couple free points for personal preference.



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nice post.


the only things i don't agree with are the builds.


We can't really just focus on huttball, and if you are using that spec soley on that, i find it strange. Even if so , i still don't agree with the build on ferocity, it just isnt worth it.


The slow on rupture is a huge dps increase and utility packed into one. You are getting a free on hit slow. if you proc from vicious slash which always happens, you can apply another dot+rage free slow on a target.


the camo damage reduction is another one. on long dots you really aren't mitigating much damage, on short ticks, it's a survival. Using it as survival you would camo, block a tick and you would be low on health. So , you would have to first exit combat or pray a medpac was around and then regen. In that amount of time you could have respawned, and gotten back into position.


I plain out just don't like ferocity.


Personally , myself i prefer thsi build. couple free points for personal preference.




This is the part when, it comes to what you "prefer". Ferocity along with your little 30% rupture slow are all utilities that can prove useful for playstyles. I prefer these and they work for me.

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