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Bioware grasp of modern strategy in TOR...


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...is sadly a lot less present than in Mass Effect(s).


Granted, both TOR and MEs are games when you have to make up a variety of reasons to explain ''why you send 2,3,4 dudes attack this super evil fortress of darkness instead of nuking it with your space weaponry ?'' but ME1 and ME2 at least acknowledge the issue (for instance, whole issues of the Codex state that against space opponents, any kind of resistance on the ground is hopeless, as the space fleet can pound them with impunity. Not sure about how well it will show in ME3..)


In TOR, apparently everyone forgot that they have spaceships that can slag the ground.


Now, obviously, I know that this would make for a rather boring game if you could just order a orbital strike. It's just that the reasons given are really, really, really lame. (I stopped counting about how many ''cloaking fields'' not cloaking anything at all I came across)

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If this is the case, then don't have quests that ask you to ''plant beacons for orbital strikes'' then !


I'd be happy if they just waited for the strike until I got out of the target area.


(Balmorra bonus series I'm looking at you!)


But I think it makes sense that sometimes they have resources free for orbital strikes, sometimes they don't.

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Yet the Smuggler and Agent can call in fly-bys and orbital strikes with impunity. While indoors. Underground.


Wizard did it.



Also force choking droids. With no necks. Or lungs.

Edited by MrPigCS
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they normally give a lore reason why orbital bombardment wont work..



for example in the directive 7 flashpoint the reason is given that the ground is "shielded" its the same reason the empire didnt just bombard hoth in the empire strikes back.... damn those shield generators

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Except that the Empire sent a ground force of more than two dudes to blow them up


(Also, recent lore points out that Lord Vader was perfectly aware of the generators thanks to Thrawn, and let Ozzel did it to have a reason to kill him)

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...is sadly a lot less present than in Mass Effect(s).


Granted, both TOR and MEs are games when you have to make up a variety of reasons to explain ''why you send 2,3,4 dudes attack this super evil fortress of darkness instead of nuking it with your space weaponry ?'' but ME1 and ME2 at least acknowledge the issue (for instance, whole issues of the Codex state that against space opponents, any kind of resistance on the ground is hopeless, as the space fleet can pound them with impunity. Not sure about how well it will show in ME3..)


In TOR, apparently everyone forgot that they have spaceships that can slag the ground.


Now, obviously, I know that this would make for a rather boring game if you could just order a orbital strike. It's just that the reasons given are really, really, really lame. (I stopped counting about how many ''cloaking fields'' not cloaking anything at all I came across)


Wars are fought over resources i.e. economics. The reason you don't order an orbital bombardment is pure economics. Grunts are a heck of alot cheaper than destroying the very things you want to take over the planet for. Likewise mass annihilation of domestic populations creates a laborer shortage.


In effect they are the exact same reasons Nuclear weapons were and are considered a strategic deterrent weapon and not a weapon of conquest.


Killing your enemy is easy, doing it in a way that creates long term economic advantage takes grunts and robots.


You also must consider lore wise we are in a truce. Unexplained explosions disrupting a facility, random terrorist appearing acts all have deniability attached, rogue forces unaffiliated action etc.... An orbital bombardment by capital ships does not.

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