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Reason why you get low FPS with a decent card. FPS increase fix inside!


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since I think the dec 2004 SDK update directx has used dynamic libraries. Anytime you run the directx installer it is supposed to grab the latest dll files.


If you specifically reject installing the directx updates then yes, you can get crappy performance. Especially if the game is using something like ID3DX fonts which were patched to significantly (like orders of magnitude faster) in 2007 I believe.


That doesn't mean this won't work for some people. But the way directx works, if you've been running the directx installer (which, according to the MSDN guides you're supposed to make users at least start whether they want to or not) it will check, and patch in the latest dlls, which are supposed to be the fastest.



And no, directx 9 10 and 11 aren't actually separate. You *can* when making an application statically link it to a specific directx version, that means your game will include that directx version at install time and it will hang out in the install directory. SWTOR doesn't do that as far as I can tell (which is why something like this could work at all).

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sadly i still get awful lagg and fps around 10 :(

i have tried this directx9 fix and i am running on the very minimum graphics but i still get awful fps, here are my specs:



Intel Core 2 Duo CPU P7450 2.13GHz

NVIDIA GeForce 9200M GE


any suggestions are greatly appreciated


I don't know much about computers. But possibly more gigs, and a quad core. Like an i5


Also make sure you got an SSD type drive or something like that. Friend taught me how to build a computer last weekend. So this is pretty much all I know, good graphics card, SSD drive, lots of memory space 6 to 8 gigs probably would be fine since I have 8, and you want a quadcore at least

Edited by FalcoLombardi
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"theory I gathered from the german forums is that directx 10/11 is able to emulate directx 9"



There is often a lot of misunderstanding with this topic, but DX9 is different from DX10 and DX11. DirectX 10/11 does not emulate DX9, when the video card and the game are using Direct9, it is using the Direct9 DLLs/Framework.


They all have 'common' technologies but they are very different and version specific files on your computer to provide the functionality of each version.


The GPU (Video Card) is what does the 'emulation', and that is not the correct term, but close enough. So a DX11 Video Card's hardware is a lot different than the hardware used for DX9 back in 2004. So it has to provide the 'appearance' of dedicated VS/PS, when it actually has a universal shader .


There are some newer video cards that have poor driver support/optimization for older versions of DirectX because of the hardware differences. This is something that often gets 'optimized' in the first few sets of 'public' drivers, which is why it is important to update your drivers, especially on newer video cards.




There is a possibility that 'support' DX9 files, specifically, sound, input that is not directly included with Vista or Windows 7 might not be included or updated, because they are not 'core' DirectX 9, and thus it is up to the game developer that uses them to redistribute these with the game.


So it is possible that a 'refresh' of the DirectX installation will include these files, and/or update a DLL that is outdated that the game is using and cause an error or a fallback to software mode.




I have only seen this occur a few times, and it is fairly rare on Vista and 7 because of how the OS virtualizes installation location/linking for any system DLLs. However, it is possible, and if Bioware is doing something during the 'install' that their patcher doesn't check, could leave missing DirectX support if you just copy the game over, in theory.



So if it helps your game performance, great, and if it don't that means it wasn't your problem.

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I downloaded and installed the DX9 drivers and also changed my laptop's power settings to "High Performance". I still get moments of lag, but they are much less severe and I am no longer crippled by them. I have gone from "Seconds-per-Frame" to "Frames-Per-Second" on the Fleet during prime time as well.
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  • 4 months later...

I'm running the game right now pulling 22-28fps tops, settings all maxed out. I have a GeForce GTX 560Ti, Intel E8400 @ 3.13GHz, 8 gigs of ADATA DDr2 ram running on Win7 home premium x64. I'm gonna try this fix and post the results.


After installing the 9.0c update I noticed a very small (5 fps-ish) boost, which was disappointing, I had high hopes for this fix.


After I walked around on the fleet a bit I decided to turn the shader setting to 'very low,' and I noticed a dramatic boost in fps. It's hovering around 40-50 fps, which is fantastic for what I'm used to! However, I'm still not satisfied that this game can't run max settings and keep above 30fps on a machine that pulls 50-60fps on bf3 with settings on high for the most part...

Edited by Fotilicious
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I have a GeForce GTX 560Ti, Intel E8400 @ 3.13GHz, 8 gigs of ADATA DDr2 ram running on Win7 home premium x64. Currently pulling an average of 22 - 28 fps on the fleet. I'm gonna try this fix and post the results.


You probably have the same version of DX9 already btw.

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I found this thread:



Most valuable information about the topic I've come across yet, a very technical breakdown of the situation. everything makes sense now. Also has a semi-fix for the problem - utilizing your RAM for extra processes that swtor seems to use - which gives a HUGE performance increase (like 10fps warzones to 80fps)


The Fix: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=394951

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