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Why empire population is greater then republic


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Luke: Is the dark side stronger?"

Yoda: "No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.


Conclusion, the Dark Side is for noobs... ;)


Well said. Also, real PvPers enjoy playing the outnumbered faction. Enjoy playing with 12 year old kids, you Sith losers. ;)

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Oh I never said that empire is free of evil...and the definition of evil is also something that could be argued about.

And most people let their view of the empire be formed by the movies, by the empire represented in those movies...getting it now? :)


Well maybe the citizens who are in the sith empire aren't evil but the emperor is. :D

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All of you complaining about imbalances have got to wait till post xmas launch dates to make an accurate assessment of this. My brothers girlfriend is the manager of a gamestop and she told me flat out the kids are going republic and there are tons of them.. but from purchasing trends, older individuals purchased preorders and a few kids who could convince mom and pop to spring for an early present.. the rest are going to be here after xmas. Historically, the good guys will always be most popular with the "youngest" players. Remember there are tiers of age even in young. Teenagers going through their angst years might tend to dark side but younglings in general will overwhelmingly go Republic almost certainly.



Lol, is this a joke? So a manager polled everyone that pre-ordered the game, especially the kids, as to what side they are going on? And that is somehow representative of the population as a whole? Give me a break!


Polls on here show people of all ages going both sides, I don't think the kids will be picking one side over another, both side will have their fair share of younglings :)

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yoda could not defeat lord sidious that is one of the reason why the empire won
The Empire won?

I remember an old man with reptile eyes falling down a reactor shaft, owned by his own apprentice who returned to the light side of the force.

The Empire lost. Anakin Skywalker won (in the timeline of the 6 movies).

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The dark side will always be more appealing. They are portrayed as powerful, and mysterious where as most people feel powerless, and typical. At least that is what Lucas said. To me it's not as menacing to be a Sith with this typical dark appeal as it is to be a humble warrior.
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Oh I never said that empire is free of evil...and the definition of evil is also something that could be argued about.

And most people let their view of the empire be formed by the movies, by the empire represented in those movies...getting it now? :)


Right, 'cause you get your opinion on the Empire from real life experience...

Edited by Viareggio
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Actually alot of games the "good" guys attracts alot of the kids to play. Alliance in WoW in vanilla always out numbered horde and was known for having lots of "kiddies" playing ally so horde was where the "skilled" players were because they could beat the overwhelming numbers of bads.


That makes no sense. How are they the skilled if they beating bad players?

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All of you complaining about imbalances have got to wait till post xmas launch dates to make an accurate assessment of this. My brothers girlfriend is the manager of a gamestop and she told me flat out the kids are going republic and there are tons of them.. but from purchasing trends, older individuals purchased preorders and a few kids who could convince mom and pop to spring for an early present.. the rest are going to be here after xmas. Historically, the good guys will always be most popular with the "youngest" players. Remember there are tiers of age even in young. Teenagers going through their angst years might tend to dark side but younglings in general will overwhelmingly go Republic almost certainly.


I know this is all just conjuncture on my part and word of mouth from someone in the industry but I really wouldn't go freaking out just yet about the balance.. It simply means that what she said makes sense as most adults I know are going dark side because they are forced to be good in their job/homelife/etc and play games for a bit of escapism..


On top of that there is something more interesting to me as a 32 year old in playing a light side sith than being a dark side republic and no matter what I am going to play "outside of the lines" because that's just my style.. If there were equal end game choices for being grey.. I'd certainly be that instead.


Wait, I'm upset that there's more baddies? Nah, I call it a target rich environment. :wea_07:

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I've chosen republic mainly because there's so many fanboys choosing Sith and trying to be hipsters when really they've all just become more mainstream.


Not to mention light always prevails over dark in the end ;)

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Mostly Im just imperial because Boba Fett was always my fav character and I i want to be a BH, I play the wiely ****** that will do anything for a price and has no real morals except for whoever can pay me more doesn't die.
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I originally figured the Republic would have an overall greater population. Thought that all of the kids would go for Republic because it is good and righteous in the same way they all go Alliance in WoW. Thinking on it though, the character models for Horde in WoW (other than Blood Elf) aren't nearly as attractive, and with SWTOR any class can be human. You have the entire "evil is cool" concept which is what I am afraid is going to draw the less mature crowd to the Empire. Because of how the class system works in SWTOR I am probably not going to be an Empire purist, just an Empire loyalist. I'll end up making some Republic toons in good time.
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I originally figured the Republic would have an overall greater population. Thought that all of the kids would go for Republic because it is good and righteous in the same way they all go Alliance in WoW. Thinking on it though, the character models for Horde in WoW (other than Blood Elf) aren't nearly as attractive, and with SWTOR any class can be human. You have the entire "evil is cool" concept which is what I am afraid is going to draw the less mature crowd to the Empire. Because of how the class system works in SWTOR I am probably not going to be an Empire purist, just an Empire loyalist. I'll end up making some Republic toons in good time.




Empire's self-image: A bunch of cool elite PvP experts.


Empire's reality: About the same number of good players as Republic, but a lot more drop-target noobs to occupy their spots in instanced PvP.


I'm sure I'll get outnumbered a few times in open world, but being part of the zerg will be less interesting than avoiding it/fighting it/dealing with it.

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Have you ever heard about Episodes IV, V, and VI?


If you go according to the book Revenge of the Sith, Yoda does reveal that he will not be able to vanquish him and that there was another way (Vader's Children et al), which led to him escaping, so that way he may live according to the will of the Force. The book was tons better (IMHO):)

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Luke: Is the dark side stronger?"

Yoda: "No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.


Conclusion, the Dark Side is for noobs... ;)


That conclusion sounds more like Conclusion: The darkside is full of loose women..Sign me up Vader!

Edited by Twelveguage
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Oh I never said that empire is free of evil...and the definition of evil is also something that could be argued about.

And most people let their view of the empire be formed by the movies, by the empire represented in those movies...getting it now? :)


I get everything except the part where you scoff at the notion of the Empire being evil, because yeah, we pretty much are.

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evrytime i chose i normal reply or a bit different i get told thats not the sith way , im doing it wrong that i shouldnt act like that :|


everything i did wasnt right as it should , to play it theyre way its just getting the obvious answers , or youl get told everrytime that youre wrong ...


being sith warrior on the other side is lots more fun i can kill anyone i dont rlly like :D simple as that we got the chance to kill anyone annoying and we get even credit for that

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