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Deception is NOT for pvp


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I decided to humor a guy by going deception again (for the hundreth time). Now I remember, again, why it sucks so badly. You have less damage than a marauder or Operative. Then you have less cc, shield, or survival ability of both.


If your a deception assassin in pvp then you have no clue what your doing.



Key points about Deception


Deception has no direction.

Being a stealthy rogue? you might as well roll operative. They deal more damage and have better cc ability

Melee glass cannon? You might as well be marauder or even juggernaut (even they can do more damage)


Deception is good for one thing. Doing good, not great, damage while the guy your hitting isn't hitting you.



Edited by Shalashasa
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Just like anything else. You need to play to your strengths.


Deception has no direction.

Being a stealthy rogue? you might as well roll operative.

Melee glass cannon? You might as well be marauder or even juggernaut (even they can do more damage)


Deception is good for one thing. Doing good, not great, damage while the guy your hitting isn't hitting you.


This may play well in pve or even in some instances in pvp when the opfor are stupid enough to not notice your flashy yoyo voltic slash screaming out KILL ME KILL ME.


You might even kill someone 10seconds faster than Darkness if they are very low armor or dumb enough not to turn on their shields.


Though with deception you put yourself in a box. In that box you can only kill low skilled players or finish off already dieing or in-combat ones.

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1. you dont have less dmg

2. you have less survivability than any other class

3. you have enough cc


the only deception prblem in pvp is that you cannot mitigate any degree of focus fire.

you are a great 1v1 class, you can even do good sustained dmg for a limited time period.


but, you need support. you need guard and a healer to go into the heat of things. otherwise, be patient and pick your battles. i know it gets frustrating sometimes, but thats how it goes as deception sin.

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I tried deception and it didnt work out. Switched back to darkness and i feel...useful


dude, anybody who is Assassin that has deception i immediately know they are noob. I cant even fathom how bad the whole tree is.


Its a PVE tree. Only thing good in that whole tree is Crackling blasts, Induction,Duplicity (only 2 points really even needed), and static cling. Everything else is like meh.

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1. you dont have less dmg

2. you have less survivability than any other class

3. you have enough cc


the only deception prblem in pvp is that you cannot mitigate any degree of focus fire.

you are a great 1v1 class, you can even do good sustained dmg for a limited time period.


but, you need support. you need guard and a healer to go into the heat of things. otherwise, be patient and pick your battles. i know it gets frustrating sometimes, but thats how it goes as deception sin.


This. Always being patient and pick the battles you can win or help a teammate out. And use force Cloak, I love this ability.

Edited by Fujah
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1. you dont have less dmg

2. you have less survivability than any other class

3. you have enough cc


the only deception prblem in pvp is that you cannot mitigate any degree of focus fire.

you are a great 1v1 class, you can even do good sustained dmg for a limited time period.


but, you need support. you need guard and a healer to go into the heat of things. otherwise, be patient and pick your battles. i know it gets frustrating sometimes, but thats how it goes as deception sin.


who are you fighting that doesnt notice that after 2 voltic slashes comes the big hits? Almost every class has some kind of shield or invulnerablity that will mess up your rotation and leave you with your pants down.


voltic slash, voltic slash, hit. Is the most stupid idea for a combo system.


A lot of cc? what cc are you talking about. Name the cc you have in Deception tree that is more than any other assassin tree. you cant? because there isnt any!


You have no idea what your talking about.

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OP is a very angry person. Lol.


I decided to revisit deception now that I basically have full Battlemaster stalker gear. Also im kind of angry wither is still broken after patch as well as tired of tanking and want to do some dps fun. Obviously that doesnt matter because the tree is just so bad the only people you can kill are the idiots that shouldnt be pvp'ing in the first place.


NPC's are great because they dont expect you to hit them with a huge shock/disharge. Most NPC will focus your tank companion all day while you backstab/build up combos on them. The tree just isnt meant for pvp.


The sad part is where pve is concern madness is still greater than deception. Bioware needs to fire whoever designed the Assassin skill trees.

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Yea, you sure show it by your replies here.




meanwhile back on topic:


Deception can be better with either more damage or survival ability. More damage im not to fond of because as I said before the burst damage on it is very high that you technically can kill almost anyone in 6-7 hits. Granted they have to be AFK, very unskilled, or not paying attention to you. Though its possible.


When All cooldowns are gone you have the ability to in-combat stealth. This should be lowered to at most 1:00min with talents in Fade. This will allow the ability to in-combat stealth at least once every other fight rather than once every 3-4 fights.


Insulation needs to be at about 50%


I dont understand the point of Dark Embrace but you almost need Darkswell yet your forced into putting points into dark embrace. That needs to be looked at and changed as well.

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Looks like some things need to be set straight:


1) Shields. In PVP Shields are near worthless. There simply isn't enough "physical" damage being thrown around in PVP. Nearly everything is Force/Tech/Kinetic/Elemental, which shields do not do anything against. Currently, although I suspect it is a bug, crits of any type of damage do not get shielded either.


2) Charges. No matter which tree you go up, you're using Dark Charge, and that's OK. Dark Charge's Discharge is AOE, which we are lacking in, and Surging Charge's force regen isn't really needed in PVP due to not enough uptime on enemy players.


3) Defense is semi valuable, but only CD abilities that increase it's % greatly are worth a damn, as Accuracy directly negates Defense.


Knowing this, the value of the Darkness tree diminishes. Anything that increases shield chance or shield absorb is not worth taking unless there is a secondary benefit. Anything that increases Defense is only marginally better.


Useful stuff in the Darkness tree up to Force Pull:



What I'd build off of that for pugging/Ilum:


Lot's of AOE is thrown about, so 30% mitigation plus everything else is quite nice.


For PVP teamplay:


If you can focus fire Nerve Wracking is useful, plus lower CD on Jolt and your stun.

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I decided to humor a guy by going deception again (for the hundreth time). Now I remember, again, why it sucks so badly. You have less damage than a marauder or Operative. Then you have less cc, shield, or survival ability of both.


If your a deception assassin in pvp then you have no clue what your doing.


I don't even....what....what the hell is this?


Why are you paying to play this game :sul_confused:

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OP has a valid point....


I am so sad.... that i put all that effort into a class where in PvP, all you can do is tank.

Unfortunately, deception blows in PvP. No one is dumb enough to just sit there and let you glass cannon them into a kill. Vol Slash is the crappiest excuse for a final tree skill. Stealth is a joke when you need to stick to your tank or healer anyway. Sneaking up to an opponent to open up burst and have someone else come and jump on you while you're 1 vs 1 ruins you every time. And let me not get started on if the person you're fighting turns their attention to you and uses a consumable (goodbye maul & hello force cloak). Its not that fun when you have to be a lone wolf picking out fights that you MIGHT win given 30% circumstances.


Before you even get on my kool aid with "know you're class" & "develop better rotation", I want you to know that I've played an assassin since release and have had success with it. Its highly enjoyable and by far (to me) the most interesting and challenging class to play. However, now that everyone is on par in the PvP arena (Gear wise), its unfair to say that our class is on par with all the other DPS classes, because simply put, we aren't. Until we are, I have to settle for Darkness and honestly don't find that fair to me as a player.


But oh well, all this will get drowned in the argument and probably never even noticed by BW.

We'll live either way lol



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OP has a valid point....


I am so sad.... that i put all that effort into a class where in PvP, all you can do is tank.

Unfortunately, deception blows in PvP. No one is dumb enough to just sit there and let you glass cannon them into a kill. Vol Slash is the crappiest excuse for a final tree skill. Stealth is a joke when you need to stick to your tank or healer anyway. Sneaking up to an opponent to open up burst and have someone else come and jump on you while you're 1 vs 1 ruins you every time. And let me not get started on if the person you're fighting turns their attention to you and uses a consumable (goodbye maul & hello force cloak). Its not that fun when you have to be a lone wolf picking out fights that you MIGHT win given 30% circumstances.


Before you even get on my kool aid with "know you're class" & "develop better rotation", I want you to know that I've played an assassin since release and have had success with it. Its highly enjoyable and by far (to me) the most interesting and challenging class to play. However, now that everyone is on par in the PvP arena (Gear wise), its unfair to say that our class is on par with all the other DPS classes, because simply put, we aren't. Until we are, I have to settle for Darkness and honestly don't find that fair to me as a player.


But oh well, all this will get drowned in the argument and probably never even noticed by BW.

We'll live either way lol




Agreed. Hopefully when the newer players catch wind of the problems of this class they will complain enough that it gets fixed.

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A darkness/deception hybrid spec does as much or more burst than full deception and has much better force regen for prolonged combat increasing overall usefulness and survivability.



Being able to come out of stealth, pop backout and have 18.4 regen to maul like crazy does very nice burst.



Deception does do nice damage in PvP but having guard and much higher armor along with spike and force pull IMO outweighs the DPS increase.

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Why do these threads keep popping up? If you Think deception is terrible play a specc you Think is good and enjoy, there should be plenty to choose from.


I do enjoy THIS spec

I want it to be GOOD


If it keeps pop-ing up, it's because there is a problem that needs to be addressed.

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