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Would it be possible to introduce new planets that are sandbox?


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It would be too late. Many iconic planets are already in the game with their poor design and lack of reason to go back at the end. Sure they could add a great Naboo but other important planets like Coruscant, Nar Shadaa or Corellia will always stay the same dead worlds with impossible design and no immersion. They could start over but... do you think they will? Edited by Dreossk
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Unless they make catwalks and multiple access, seamless travel and add actual life on the planet, it would still stay with the same awful design of a disjointed world, just with more zones. Edited by Dreossk
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I have to ask why? What does that do for us? What does it do for the business?


I mean.. after SWG and how the NGE fans and that crowd was.. who want's that client?


Obviously not SOE either... so based on trial and error.. that concept worked when it did in that time frame.


I do not think that will work now... with people wanting things RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW with no work or effort.


So yeah I dont see that working in any MMO right now.\


(That wants to make money that is)

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There are plenty of planets in SW lore that they can still add and yes i think they can add open sandbox planets if they wanted to but im sure they will not because it will make all the planets currently in game look like a big mistake on how they were developed and implemented, but i sure wish there was some sandbox type content ingame. The best chance of sandbox type enviroment is a revamp of the space portion of the game which is more likely than them adding sandbox planets.
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I just made a similar thread..sorta.



Basically saying grouping and grinding mobs should be viable. Not sandbox, but if done right it would be good for RP and those looking for a way out of questing other than PVP FP's and space combat. Add more heroic areas to the planets they already have, increase mob XP a little and take away from quest XP (you gotta fight anway so whats it matter)


Make some random camp heroic, don't have a quest lead you to it... it's just there. The worlds are huge and beautiful, but other than datacrons it's almost pointless to explore. It wouldn't be THAT hard to appeal to hardcore, oldschool and casuals alike. Also crafting..****. EQ2 had the best crafting system in my opinion. I wanna see **** like that again. I like that you can send out companions on missions, but as far as actually making items.. it needs to be more in depth.


Oh and space combat. Can anyone say battlefront 2? Seriously. I thought thats how it was going to be and was extremely dissappointed at the star fox approach, not to mention lack of space pvp. Hopefully that won't last.

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Was thinking that a a contested sandbox planet would be a good idea. Something imps and republics could battle over, something that both sides could build up. A fort each that could later be built up into small cities. Guns that could be placed, city services that could develope. Forward bases that could be developed and later destroyed or captured. Resources to find and use for developement, protected lest they fall into the hands of the other side. It would be a pvp zone but would allow a person uninterested in pvp to exist within the relative safety of the city walls, adding to the war effort through building, repair or craft. It would give a reason to pvp other than improve rank, would give a purpose to battle.
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Galaxies had sandbox planets. Big, lifeless, empty sandbox planets. Miles and miles and miles of nothing. I welcome the change.


THIS 100% SWG had it's time and that's passed even if you want it you can still go and play SWG it's just called SWG EMU.


Yes i am sure they will add more sandbox elements but this game will never be a sandbox game.


The idea that by just making it a sandbox planet would make the worlds feel "more alive" is just false. It has nothing to do with that it all depends on the community.

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I would also like to add in SWG if you weren't in a capital city you would see EVEN less people then you do in SWTOR. You might randomly run into someone but the only ever time you saw people on those huge open planets was at space ports.


There was also 0 incentive to join a group in SWG

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I think a sandbox planet for placeable housing could a huge boon to many players, expecially your former SWGers. Minimal rolling hills, low-level beasties for color and the occasional target practice seems like it would be easily added and even more easily skipped by those who weren't into it. It's actually a down-the-road feature that I hope to see in an expansion or the like.
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Was thinking that a a contested sandbox planet would be a good idea. Something imps and republics could battle over, something that both sides could build up. A fort each that could later be built up into small cities. Guns that could be placed, city services that could develope. Forward bases that could be developed and later destroyed or captured. Resources to find and use for developement, protected lest they fall into the hands of the other side. It would be a pvp zone but would allow a person uninterested in pvp to exist within the relative safety of the city walls, adding to the war effort through building, repair or craft. It would give a reason to pvp other than improve rank, would give a purpose to battle.


This sounds like something I would be really interested in participating in once I hit 50. This would keep me entertained, would require cooperation and a close feeling of community. It would allow people to work/play together for a long period of time, and all for one thing.. to kick the Imps/Rebs into tomorrow! I think there could be a hell of a lot of ideas developed from this and I would personally invest in it my own way.


This should go to the Suggestion Box!

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It would be too late. Many iconic planets are already in the game with their poor design and lack of reason to go back at the end. Sure they could add a great Naboo but other important planets like Coruscant, Nar Shadaa or Corellia will always stay the same dead worlds with impossible design and no immersion. They could start over but... do you think they will?


There are still many left:


Kasshyk (sp?), Dantooine, Yavin uh ...


Edit: They could always expand each planet as well. Ie. go back and add a higher-level area to Coruscant, Taris etc...

Edited by talligan
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It would be too late. Many iconic planets are already in the game with their poor design and lack of reason to go back at the end. Sure they could add a great Naboo but other important planets like Coruscant, Nar Shadaa or Corellia will always stay the same dead worlds with impossible design and no immersion. They could start over but... do you think they will?


I don't agree. They could create a whole 'nother section of Coruscant, and when you travel to the planet, you'd choose which one to drop your ship at.


So even though a world has been implemented already, it doesn't mean it has to be done. You could do a totally different area on the same planet, and it could be seaerate entirely from the existing area.

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