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Seasonal Events in SW:TOR?


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WoW released Nov. 23, 2004, and soon after, we already got our first "Winter Viel" (aka xmas) event.


Will we have those kind of event in SW:TOR? As soon as this year?


I personally like them, it's a nice change from the routine.




IF they do, however, I REALLY hope they stay true to the SW EU. I don't want to see Sanda Claus and his Jawa Helpers with Santa hats, dropping wrapped gifts gifts that can award a red-nosed Tauntaun mount.:/
I completely agree, no Santa hats, no silly outfits looking like "real life" xmas, no trees with lights. That would completely ruin the SW feeling.


But if they did a faire on Alderaan (snowy landscape), with some special quests and maybe rocket ski races(*), it would fit the lore just fine.


(*) yes those are SW canon. Han Solo races with Kyp Durron near Corruscant's north pole in the Jedi Academy books.

Edited by Korrigan
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Its been said there wont be any christmas or other hollidays from our world in the game and i sure do hope they stick to that.




Load of MMOs have events that aren't from "our" world, but coincidentally happen at the same time and are very similar.


Have the said there'll be no events? Or just the above?

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I sure hope not, they're awful and just break immersion.
They definitely don't break anything if done properly. I'm not talking about putting xmas trees everywhere in Coruscant and Father Winter in the senate room.

They could take example on how it was done in LOTRO, it does fit the setting 100% and doesn't disrupt immersion at all.


Oh, and it doesn't have to be called xmas event either. Just some festival at the same date.

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They definitely don't break anything if done properly. I'm not talking about putting xmas trees everywhere in Coruscant and Father Winter in the senate room.

They could take example on how it was done in LOTRO, it does fit the setting 100% and doesn't disrupt immersion at all.


Oh, and it doesn't have to be called xmas event either. Just some festival at the same date.


A republic or empire of distinct and different races and cultures aren't going to have universal holidays.


So the only way they could do it right would be to have several rotating holiday schedules based on each race's holidays.


Which would be a giant waste of their time and money when it could be spent making new content like dungeons or PvP zones.

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You guys remind me the anti-housing people... just because it's been done poorly in some other game, you don't want it at all.


What if there was a winter festival on e.g. Alderaan? No christmas trees, no silly white bearded gungan either, just a festival with some quests, fun rewards and possibly bonus presents for those who participated? Wouldn't hurt anyone's immersion.


And it fits the lore. In many books, there are seasonal events on specific planets.

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My god if you want some season crap then go back to WOW please. Leave that crap alone. No one wants (ok maybe a few) to see a bunch of hohoho wearing jedi's running around.


Next you will want a Hutt to wear a santa suit riding in a pod racer pulled by 12 tauntauns.


Wait that might be cool to see atleast once.

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why would so many be against it? i could have swore they had events? parties? gatherings? festivals of some kind? come on really ppl? i don't claim to know the stories of all SW backgrounds and lores and what not but to think its all 100% business at all times and nothing more than warzone or invasions is just a little outside the box.
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A republic or empire of distinct and different races and cultures aren't going to have universal holidays.


So the only way they could do it right would be to have several rotating holiday schedules based on each race's holidays.

Wrong. They should have to make the planet specific, not race specific. Many races came to see e.g. the concert at the cathedral of winds on planet Vortex, which happened during changing of seasons.




There's no reason why they couldn't do similar events, which could happen at same dates than "real life" events.

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In SWG, there was a celebration of Wookiee 'Life Day', but TH, I think it's kind of lame. We have those holidays outside of gaming...


IF they do, however, I REALLY hope they stay true to the SW EU. I don't want to see Sanda Claus and his Jawa Helpers with Santa hats, dropping wrapped gifts gifts that can award a red-nosed Tauntaun mount.:/


That is KILLING Rift for me atm.

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I for one liked the holidays in wow. It gave people a chance to remember that its only a game. It also gave me a break from the norm. It was fun to goof around with friends in IF. I can see where it doesnt line up with the story and timing of this game but who cares.. why cant we just have some fun? By the way i quit wow right after TBC.. so i dont know if it got worse from there?
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