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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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9/10 leveling, 3/10 end game.


PvP gets boring, plus server balance issues doesnt help. World pvp is none. I have yet to find one boss encounter not bugged in some way.


I used to be a guy fighting off ppl flaming the game..didnt take long and I became one of em. disappoint.

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6.5/10 leveling - same crap all over again just with voice over


1/10 endgame - Operations/flashpoints bugged or just too freaking easy ...


1/10 PvP - Ilum WORLD PVP BASTION is biggest joke in MMO history, Gear system is even bigger joke...


1/10 CSR - people without any idea what they are doing ... all my tickets closed without any contact just automated bull$hit copy/paste ...


1/10 - Game Engine, Stability, Eye-Candy ... Sorry I have End game rig ... every possible game out there will run smooth on ultra settings ... but not SWTOR ... and then Bioware tells me ITS my machine problem... yup ...


Nah ... this game is going to be uninstalled when my pre-paid is out, few years of waiting and such disappointment, Bioware is going on blacklist ...


No more pre-orders/CE from them

Edited by Menzoberanza
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So far I give this game a 3 out of 10.

I'm subbed for two months,I played beta,I'm still playing the game right now.This game is no where on the level of other MMO's when it comes to basic MMO functions.

I think what bothers me mostly is what is going on with the markets when it comes to this game.

Due to the stock market adjustments in the last week on EA stock unveiling the complaints through Market Watch,NASDAQ,and E trade.

Yes that's right,the same complaints in these forums with the game engine and other issues are on the stock trade sites through the comments of analysts with there firms.

At closing of the bell today we will know the 3rd quarter results of EA and just really how things are going.

This just isn't a game issue now.Not only is EA having to deal with negativity here but also as well on the market exchange sites when it comes to SWTOR.

I'm hoping to see a better report of whats going on after the first full month of subscription has started and the free month is done, at closing bell today.

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Engine: 7/10 (its got some quirks at the moment, but I know it will improve)


Leveling: 8/10 (its been pretty damn fun so far, sometimes it gets a bit of a grind-fest)


End-Game: 9/10 (lots of stuff to do--surprising, since the game's only over a month old--and it was fun getting there)


Costumer Support: 10/10 (every issue I've had has been solved or have had help with, and sometimes very quickly)


General Forums: 1/10 (too many whiners and loser and trolls that don't actually play slagging off on the game just to be heard/be jerks. Anyone defending the game is labeled a fanboy. Gets one star only because usually these anti-SWTOR get put in there place and that's fun to read).


There ya go.

Edited by Vulcrist
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So far I give this game a 3 out of 10.

I'm subbed for two months,I played beta,I'm still playing the game right now.This game is no where on the level of other MMO's when it comes to basic MMO functions.

I think what bothers me mostly is what is going on with the markets when it comes to this game.

Due to the stock market adjustments in the last week on EA stock unveiling the complaints through Market Watch,NASDAQ,and E trade.

Yes that's right,the same complaints in these forums with the game engine and other issues are on the stock trade sites through the comments of analysts with there firms.

At closing of the bell today we will know the 3rd quarter results of EA and just really how things are going.

This just isn't a game issue now.Not only is EA having to deal with negativity here but also as well on the market exchange sites when it comes to SWTOR.

I'm hoping to see a better report of whats going on after the first full month of subscription has started and the free month is done, at closing bell today.


This game is irrelevent to their stock situation. Also third quarter won't include anything related to SWTOR release or subscriptions.

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This game is irrelevent to their stock situation. Also third quarter won't include anything related to SWTOR release or subscriptions.



The company said last month that it landed more than 1 million subscribers in the first days of launch, though buyers of the game got a free month’s subscription with their purchase, so analysts will be looking for color as to how many EA was able to convert to paid subscriptions when that period closed.


“We believe these concerns are ill-founded, and we expect EA’s earnings report tomorrow to dismantle the negativity bubble that we believe has formed,” wrote Doug Creutz of Cowen & Co. on Tuesday.




Do a little homework or buy some EA stock like I did so you can get the details.

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10 story

9 content. Has a lot of content for a new MMO. Some of us remember major Mmo releases with huge leveling gaps where you HAD to grind mobs.

8 art design and graphics

7 character customization

10 sound

6 performance*

8 UI. Needs more customization. Skill proliferation is a minor issue for non-clickers.But then again it was functional if lacking in convenience.

6 end game, needs more open ended game play, e.g. territory control, open world raids, rinse and repeat raids are boring.

5 PvP

6 crafting, works, but balance v. raid loot is not implemented well


Overall 7.5. Good score from me really. Only MMO I might have rated slightly higher on release was Fallen Earth.^



*I actually don't have many performance issues myself, runs great on my desktop, mediocre on my mediocre laptop. I am basing this on the many posts I've seen of people with decent rigs and apparent know how in how to turn off background programs etc. having isues.


^Sorry I killed so many of you when you strayed into pvp zones so you rage quitted. Is still a sweet game.

Edited by CFourPO
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Level 1-20 = 9


Level 21-50 = 2


Replay value = 1


Graphics = 2


Sound = 8


Gameplay = 5


Overall: 4



In other words, its an unfinished, broken game, that gets old really fast.

Edited by Proto
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I have to agree with the majority in this thread, leveling was great the first time round, but replayability and end game is very poor and does nothing different than WoW and Rift. It was clearly rushed out by EA for christmas and it shows.



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