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Combat PvP- Accuracy question


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I knew all the formulas for WoW, but coming in to TOR i havent gotten deep into the math yet.


Alot of the combat builds I see for PvP have all 3 points in the accuracy talent on top of using ataru form. Do we need that much accuracy for pvp? in WoW the amount of accuracy you needed was very low, not sure how it works in this game.


Does dual wielding makes us need more?


Is accuracy rating the same for all classes in PvP or is it class specific?


Just wondering if I need all three points in that talent or if I can toss them somewhere else.



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I would say that accuracy is the same for every class, I usually aim for a 98% or so hit chance.


I'm not exactly sure how it works though, I know of people with 100% hit chance who still have their attacks resisted/defended/parried at times.

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Primary hand acc starts at 90%

Off-hand acc starts at 60%


If you want your off-hand to be more consistent hits, yes more acc.


Also, in the specific case of Combat spec, more off hand hits connecting=more chances for Ataru attacks to trigger. So Combat needs the offhand accuracy moreso than the other two specs.

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ANy hit can proc ataru, so any attack which specifies "hits with both lightsabers" has the chance to proc ataru twice.


To answer the OPS question,


I dont spec into steadfast, my accuracy is already 103 and my force accuracy is 113, so it seems like a waste of points to me.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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What makes you think that the offhand hit is a separate hit for procs like Ataru?


Does Overcharge Saber apply on offhand hits? No.


What makes you think Ataru procs can proc on offhand hits?


Furthermore, Ataru procs have a 1.5s internal cooldown. Even if they were capable of proc'ing, how much relevance does it have?


Can you demonstrate that non-Blade Rush strikes have a significantly greater than 50% chance to proc Ataru (assuming that the delta there is attributable to the offhand strikes), or that Blade Rush has a significantly greater than 50% chance to proc its non-bonus Ataru strike?


If offhand hits do, in fact, proc Ataru, approximately 80% of your GCDs have the chance for offhand hits. Among that 80%, 50% of hits do not already proc Ataru on the mainhand hit. Of the remaining hits, 65%ish of those actually have an offhand proc.


So that is .5*.65 = 33% of hits that can strike with the offhand will throw an Ataru, above the 50% that the mainhand will proc, if offhand hits proc Ataru. So Ataru will have an 83%ish chance to proc on any given attack (assuming the BR buff is up at all times).


Every additional percent of ACC would increase Ataru proc coverage of attacks that *can* proc offhand hits by 0.5%.

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What makes you think that the offhand hit is a separate hit for procs like Ataru?


Does Overcharge Saber apply on offhand hits? No.


What makes you think Ataru procs can proc on offhand hits?


Furthermore, Ataru procs have a 1.5s internal cooldown. Even if they were capable of proc'ing, how much relevance does it have?


Can you demonstrate that non-Blade Rush strikes have a significantly greater than 50% chance to proc Ataru (assuming that the delta there is attributable to the offhand strikes), or that Blade Rush has a significantly greater than 50% chance to proc its non-bonus Ataru strike?


If offhand hits do, in fact, proc Ataru, approximately 80% of your GCDs have the chance for offhand hits. Among that 80%, 50% of hits do not already proc Ataru on the mainhand hit. Of the remaining hits, 65%ish of those actually have an offhand proc.


So that is .5*.65 = 33% of hits that can strike with the offhand will throw an Ataru, above the 50% that the mainhand will proc, if offhand hits proc Ataru. So Ataru will have an 83%ish chance to proc on any given attack (assuming the BR buff is up at all times).


Every additional percent of ACC would increase Ataru proc coverage of attacks that *can* proc offhand hits by 0.5%.


It's even better than that in my experience - the internal cooldown on Ataru seems to get confused by simultaneous strikes. I often noticed double Ataru procs off Blade Rush when I was Combat specced - there were fewer sights as glorious as everything critting all at once followed by the inevitable Blade Storm autocrit.


Bizarrely, I also noticed Ataru proc from ticks of Force Stasis.


Now granted, I might have been insane and imagined it all and since I've been Watchman for the best part of three weeks they may have changed it, but I definitely remember it happening!

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In theory it should be possible for Ataru to proc on an offhand hit. An offhand attack is considered melee. If your main hand attack procs Ataru your offhand will not proc because Ataru can't proc more than once every 1.5 seconds. However, if your mainhand does not proc Ataru than it would make sense to say that the offhand has a chance to proc it.


This is how it should work but it might be bugged like a lot of things in this game.

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Accuracy is useless until they add raid bosses higher than max lvl. You're better off going with gear that gives you what accuracy replaces. The amount of Acc. you would need to stack for it to matter is ridiculous compared to the amount of, say, surge you would lose. Completely pointless stat. I have yet to see any competent players with accuracy gear. Just go with the little bit you get from rakata/pvp implants and earpieces. It'll give you all the accuracy you need.
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