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I have a question about the miralukas.


We know the species is force sensitive and all of them use the force to 'see'.


So what happened to them after Darth Sidious killed off all Jedi?


Since all of the members of the species can use the force they would all be a threat to him and Vader no?


I am sure among them would have been people with combat training and force abilities comparable to that of a Jedi even without the Jedis training?


Is their fate mentioned somewhere? Did they just sit tight on their home planet and never involved themselves with the Empire?

Edited by Technotica
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The Miraluka homeworld has no visible light spectrum. So attacking it would be nearly impossible. Even automated weapons need to be directed somewhat, and a whole planet of force-aligned people (who most likely have training) that can see you while you're blind is a slaughter waiting to happen. I never saw an explanation, however I always assumed that they pulled to their home world and stayed there. Sort of a "Don't leave your room and you wont get a spanking" sort of thing.
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There are not many mentions of miraluka on any books, comics or games that take place on the timeline after the movies. None of them tell what happened to miraluka if anything even happened

Other than that Miraluka are very rare, there is not much known about them in that time period.


The only known miraluka from that time is Jerec


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Jerec, the end boss of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, was a dark Jedi Miraluka who served for the empire (but this is retconned maybe).

Miraluka were added after the original trilogy and occur nearly only in the old republic stories.

In-world-explanation: Long before Sidious, there were already Miraluka darksiders, like Visas Marr (before getting redemption) and Q'anilia. The known ones teamed also with the Jedi or the Sith. So maybe they were at that time no threat to the empire or even friendly with it.


Side note: it is funny that later writers gave the Miraluka the religion of believing in the gods Ashla and Bogan, which stand for good and evil and were one of the original concepts of explaining the force by George Lucas.

Edited by Intarabus
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The way I look at it, while all Miraluka can see through the Force, it does not make every member of the species sufficiently Force-Sensitive to train as a Jedi. While those people would be closely watched by Palptine's Empire, and probably slated for extermination someday, the Empire had more pressing concerns at the time.
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