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Cant reach 50, keep making alts ><


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This is just a general quire to se if I’m actually normal, i work full time and have a 3year old son, due to this i only have a couple of hours a day to play, my problem is that as soon as I finish Act 1, I feel the need to se another class and story so I roll a alt, i now have 4 toons at32 with Act 1 complete and working on a 5.

am I alone in doing this?

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I'm with you, brother.


Currently rocking a Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter.


Only one of them has completed Act One. I'm constantly amazed at people who talk about having hit 50 in two weeks and who now claim to be bored. When did they sleep? When did they eat? How did they NOT roll alts to experience the other storylines?

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i think one of the reasons i do it is due to the fact that i love story in games and being an active lurkder on the forum "yes im watching you all ;)" and i se all the comments on how good and intgiring the story is on another class then i have to try it.
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I delete perfectly good level 30 characters because I get bored of their appearance. Yeah.


i can shamefulyl say i have done the same, made a twi'lek sorc at 28 i figured out that i cant wear a hood (yes im a slow learner) so deleted it and made a new sorc

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