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Literally Zero benefit to doing a Warzone until the very end - this is intolerable.


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If I am in a game of, for example, Huttball, and the score is 4-0 in favor of my team, I have 6 medals as a Marauder (I can only get role-neutral and damage medals as this class, so this is pretty decent), and I disconnect due to my ISP's service suddenly for the last couple months being complete garbage (I realize this is not BioWare's fault, but the rest of the points here are), I log back in to the fleet or wherever I was when I queued. Normally I'd be fine with that, however:


-This means that all 10-15 minutes I spent in this Warzone counted for, quite precisely, nothing.

-Not to mention when I log back in from said disconnect, my Warzone button, sound, and all character portraits no longer function. As if to add insult to injury I have to exit the client and log back in

-This second issue is compounded by the ridiculous load screen durations some (including high-end) hardware machines experience.


Seriously, is it incredibly amateur to not only not provide a grace period during which you can re-enter a warzone after a disconnect, but also not provide any partial reward for anyone who disconnects.


Also, just to address this concern in advance, it would be incredibly easy to implement something that differentiates between someone right clicking the warzone button and "leave" manually, and someone who disconnects; The former person should absolutely not get any partial gain from a voluntarily unfinished Warzone.

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So if I want to ragequit a warzone I then just pull the plug and leave like that to get a reward for being a chicken? That's too easily exploitable. While I would like such a grace period when crashing myself I at the same time would hate it if I repeatedly would have to wait for people disconnecting and needing 2-3 mins or even longer (an effective grace perioud would have to last that long) to pop back in. That would be quite an disadvantage for the team.


So while I understand where you're coming from I personally think those changes would cause more harm than good.

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By zero benefit, I guess you mean you don't get the valor, commendations, xp, and credits that everyone else gets when a wz is lost. Maybe you should put in a bug report.


The disconnect thing is a HUGE pain in the arse. I think that they just have no way to tell if you were even in a warzone when you get crashed out.

Edited by Kelticfury
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So if I want to ragequit a warzone I then just pull the plug and leave like that to get a reward for being a chicken? That's too easily exploitable. While I would like such a grace period when crashing myself I at the same time would hate it if I repeatedly would have to wait for people disconnecting and needing 2-3 mins or even longer (an effective grace perioud would have to last that long) to pop back in. That would be quite an disadvantage for the team.


So while I understand where you're coming from I personally think those changes would cause more harm than good.


Please read posts before you reply to them. I clearly explained that these partial benefits would not be given to one who intentionally clicked the leave button. Alt-F4 could easily be detected as well.


By zero benefit, I guess you mean you don't get the valor, commendations, xp, and credits that everyone else gets when a wz is lost. Maybe you should put in a bug report.


The disconnect thing is a HUGE pain in the arse. I think that they just have no way to tell if you were even in a warzone when you get crashed out.


See above recommendation to the first replier. This isn't about losing a finished Warzone. It's ONLY about being disconnected/crashing to desktop randomly during the warzone and receiving NOTHING as a result of the 10-14 minutes you probably spent in said Warzone.


Just randomly crashed to desktop for no reason like 5 minutes ago. No error, no nothing. My ship is tight here too; CCleaner, AVG (That I know how to use and configure), almost all non-essential services stopped. This game wasn't ready to be released at all, and still isn't... but that's a can of worms for another thread.

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This is an issue that Im sure will be fixed, as people are using it to avoid hitting lvl 50 and just pvp at lvl 49. Sucks for now, especially since with the last patch the game seems to freeze up more.


I dont see how leaving out of a lopsided loss makes a difference. Simply look at the players tracked dps/heals/objectives etc and reward them accordingly.

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Please read posts before you reply to them. I clearly explained that these partial benefits would not be given to one who intentionally clicked the leave button. Alt-F4 could easily be detected as well.

No, it is you that should read the posts before replying to them. He didn't say intentionally clicked the leave button. He meant people could just unplug their net cable and get a disconnect for easy benefit. Your "system is easily exploitable.


And since you didn't get the other points raised in this thread either, I'm gonna repeat them for you. If I am playing a warzone with you, and you get disconnected because of ****** isp, I (and the rest of my team) is to be punished by having to play with one less player for the whole duration it takes for you to restart the client? That means we will probably loose the match, and that's not gonna work.


Bottom line is, you have a ****** isp. Don't blame the game for that and demand that it will be changed to compensate for a problem that isn't theirs

Edited by Saiwen
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No, it is you that should read the posts before replying to them. He didn't say intentionally clicked the leave button. He meant people could just unplug their net cable and get a disconnect for easy benefit. Your "system is easily exploitable.


And since you didn't get the other points raised in this thread either, I'm gonna repeat them for you. If I am playing a warzone with you, and you get disconnected because of ****** isp, I (and the rest of my team) is to be punished by having to play with one less player for the whole duration it takes for you to restart the client? That means we will probably loose the match, and that's not gonna work.


Bottom line is, you have a ****** isp. Don't blame the game for that and demand that it will be changed to compensate for a problem that isn't theirs


As invalid as this entire post is, I'll reply to it.


Don't blame me for my bad ISP (very mature vocabulary btw).


It's BioWare's job to make sure the game is enjoyable for every single one of its subscribers (or come as close to that as possible), so even if my ISP had always been bad since I subscribed, it would be their obligation to make the game playable even for me.


Sorry, but please finish high school and learn how a business works before trying to disagree with me on that.


If someone is willing to unplug in order to rage quit, then let them; the point is, there need to be partial rewards for doing a partial warzone. Medals/Commendations should be awarded throughout, not at the end. If, as a result, someone who is willing to go to desperate lengths to fool the system benefits as well, then so be it. That's better than it is now.


I can deal with not being able to re-enter the warzone; but all my time that I WAS in there for being completely wasted is incorrect.


EDIT: Oh, and way to only address the one point I made that you could actually debate.

Edited by Aurinax
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If you're disconnecting and dropping out that often that it becomes an issue, then perhaps you should fix the problem. Change ISP or figure out what the issue is and solve it. You disconnecting not only affects you, but also your team.


As for long loads, that's not a problem for me, and i'm a fairly high-end machine. Players like your are intolerable for me.

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Though I see your point for the disconnect grace period. I also see it from the other perspective and I don't mean all the people yelling "exploitable" I am talking the dynamics of how these warzones are. SWTOR warzones are emulated like WoWs BGs but are on a smaller scale, and to a point its more objective based than WoW. The teams are rather small as well and so losing 1 person for a few minutes has a much greater impact.


You say maybe give it a 2-3 minute grace period for the other person to log back in, but as it is right now sometimes people literally wait till the last few seconds of a que to enter a WZ, that 2-3 min goes to a 3-4 mins. With your internet connection as bad as it is I think you would be destroying 7 other people's game on a consistent basis. BW does have an obligation to make all their customers happy, but when the choice comes to the enjoyment of the many vs the few I think there aren't many logical arguments that would favor the few. Especially in this case, as much as its not your fault your ISP is crap, its even less fault of Bioware, and not at all their own, from your team mates perspective.

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As invalid as this entire post is, I'll reply to it.

It's BioWare's job to make sure the game is enjoyable for every single one of its subscribers (or come as close to that as possible), so even if my ISP had always been bad since I subscribed, it would be their obligation to make the game playable even for me.


Wrong. They ARE working to make sure the game is enjoyable for their subscribers, and haven't instituted changes like you are suggesting that would make PVP less fun for the majority. I simply don't see how "no reward until completion" is "intolerable" -- this is how games work. You complete, and you get rewarded for completion. I am sure the vast majority of players successfully complete the vast majority of warzones they are in and have no problem with the way the reward works.


Yes, pvp is buggy and sometimes you get kicked out or crash out. It is a problem. A grace period of several minutes would create a bigger problem, and as others have pointed out would cause much rage among the team as they waited on a replacement -- and maybe less rewards for the entire team, who may end up losing because of your bad ISP. Rewards before completion could also be exploited, by unplugging a cord.


You sound like you're trying to build a solution around the fact you have a bad ISP and possibly a PC that isn't quite powerful enough to run the game optimally. Fortunately Bioware isn't of the same mindset.

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Perhaps the daily could be changed to: win a warzone while also winning 6 medals (or something of the like).


I'd love to see more incentive for cooperative play.


Except for you can open every door on voidstar and earn your team a short defense time and end up with 2 medals. Medals do not promote playing the match, they promote kill farming.

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