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BH Romances... why no choices?!


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Jedi consular fems have 2 romances. One person being Lt. Iresso, and...


You can romance Qyzen Fess, but I'm not really into that kind of thing. I get the feeling he has space aids and my ship lacks a sink to wash my hands in, so I can't prevent salmanilla.


Not much in the way of options there.


Heard you can romance Khem val and that it's pretty hawt, you should go try it.

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Mmm mmm, give Skadge some loving!


I think I just puked a little in my mouth...


I happen to think that all this stuff with the companions is WAY more advanced than I was expecting so soon in the game. I'm just way excited to see what is to come in the stories. I love Torian. He's such a sweetie. And, the love triangle thing with Mako thinking he's adorable, is sooo cool.

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I think I just puked a little in my mouth...


I happen to think that all this stuff with the companions is WAY more advanced than I was expecting so soon in the game. I'm just way excited to see what is to come in the stories. I love Torian. He's such a sweetie. And, the love triangle thing with Mako thinking he's adorable, is sooo cool.


I think I found a comrade in arms. Torian FTW.

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Heard you can romance Khem val and that it's pretty hawt, you should go try it.




Skadge, so far as I have met him, comes off very thick headed....so umm... Yea, would NOT do that... I think he may have a little space aids too.


If they added more content onto the existing companions, I think that would already be an improvement!

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  • 1 year later...
Quite frankly, they just need to let every companion be romanced (including the droids), by either gender. But then I'd probably end up going back to being republic, just for Tharan Cedrax. And tbh, mako's "siblings" were for the most part, hotter than her, even though mine is a sexy little red-head in half-top and skirt (Introspection medium armor I think is the name, and Phantom lower robe, makes for nice combo, once redyed and unified).
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  • 4 weeks later...

All the romances are lame. I mean, a black screen? Yeah, I know it's rated Teen so we're not going to get very serious here beyond infatuations, and I'm not asking for the "normal" Korean RPG experience, but "romances," if that's what you insist on calling them, are hardly worth it on SW:TOR. It doesn't even make good fantasy. It's like they are designed by a nerd with adhesive tape holding his glasses together who's never gotten laid in his life.


Hmm, that may be close to the truth!

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