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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sage and Sorcerers with Swords


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Do we really need them?

It's kind of stupid: draw them out in the beginning of every fight and never use them.

May be would be better to give them instead of swords something like hand fans? With the same bonuses, of course. They could use those fans(or whatever) to block some attacks, for example.

But really... we never use swords. It's ridicules, like unzip pants, take out device and not use it :D Like, look what I have here! :D

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Swords, lightsabers... whatever you want to call it, no matter: you not using them to hit. And you can parry blaster bolts with hand fan. Special light-hand-fan :)

But draw the sword(lightsaber) to deflect not to hit... that's... not beauty ;)

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My sorc never once took out a sword ever. To this date has yet to ever pull out a sword.


That may be true but as a lowly Inquisitor you did because on character creation you start with a Vibro Sword. So even if you got rid of it straight away, at one point you did have a sword.


Hmmm, although you still may not have pulled it out..... Damn your wording! :p

Edited by Palathas
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All force users--Jedi or Sith--channel the Force through their lightsabres. You can't really point to the movies because of severe inaccuracies and...Oh why argue, Palpatine was a Lightsabre Master as are they all. You can use the same logic to say, "Hey, why can't my Warrior toss objects around like Vader and Obi Wan?" And yes, up close, I do use the sabre...sometimes.:hope_06:
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I agree to giving 'em fans. I strongly suggest with hello kitty, fluffy animals or dumplings inscribed on the foldable fans.


When a sage/sorc runs, instead of the lightsaber straight across their back, they will be fluttering the fans on their face.


At least this way, we may have a reduction of sorcs in warzones.

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Do we really need them?

It's kind of stupid: draw them out in the beginning of every fight and never use them.

May be would be better to give them instead of swords something like hand fans? With the same bonuses, of course. They could use those fans(or whatever) to block some attacks, for example.

But really... we never use swords. It's ridicules, like unzip pants, take out device and not use it :D Like, look what I have here! :D


Well since most mmorpgs are about Mage, Warrior, Rogue and Hunter.....I guess they just did give them a laser sword instead of a wand.

Edited by BobaFurz
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