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sith warrior unsubscribing thread with full explination


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wow i really wanted to like this game. been waiting on it since it was announced. sadly bought the ce.


Sith Jug - 17.2k hp - 7.5k armor - 530 resil - valor 50 - been lvl 50 for a month or so now


dying to operatives in 3 seconds even post patch


if you 100% doubled my dps id sitll be WELL below dmg of any other class


if protection is gonna b my pvp bread and butter - why is it on a 30 second CD. jugs are

useless except in huttball and slowing people down ramp in assault zone. i hate seeing other jugs on my team


pve isn't fun, this rotation is HUGE. again not enough dps to hold aggro. taunt should be for emergencies not part of standard rotation. i've played every tank in wow end game (no im not a wow fan boy haven't played in two years, just pointing at how it should be done as clearly these devs missed the example)


standard warrior flagship abilities - cc (including multiple counters) and high health...are the same as EVERY OTHER CLASS. and since defense doesn't work in pvp...I don't even know what to say, why bother


six weeks in word is you finally get credit for completing quests, so i'll mark that one off my list as of today. thanks for the rush...


a lot of the bugs that i used to find unacceptable i have become used to they won't make it on the list.


class balance, non-existent. either if you play a healing/dps/invis class or pvp isn't for you. and i don't except balance to happen over night, but i expect at least an attempt to balance classes. 20% nerf to op damage...these things 3 shot me in full pvp gear???


way too much cc in this game. why is EVERY CLASS heavy CC. every class has same breaks, no effort put into classes, cookie cutter builds. really low quality stuff on this. kind of embarrassing compared to most games


graphics...everything clips everything...my cloak clips itself, which clips my speeder. embarrassing. no aa on my card. really, no one can even the the graphics engine running on all the mainstream video cards today???


this is really what put me over the edge: i've had tickets in since a week after the game launched. no response. to any of my tickets. generic email, no resolution, no contact from a cs rep, nothing. i'm not sure if there isn't a support staff, or if they don't speak english. idk how you except to host a mmo w/o service if you aren't going to patch issues, completely lack planning, and have no cs team. that is what people pay the money for, for the ongoing supported world.


i read today that there might not actally be a big server lag, that in fact the animation that procs when i dodge/reflect/parry that causes me to always seem like i have a .5-2 second lag. brand new top of the line computer, 20 mbps internet connection, no problems on any other games, yet i lag like a beasn when pvping. unacceptable.


vendors - no refunds...no cs...so if you buy the wrong item with the marks u farm a week for....amazing.


i really expected a story line, but it also under delivered. really shallow, choices you make hardly affect your character. no end game content at all for these decisions.


new content is being put out, before ANY of the 100s if not 1000s of bugs have been addressed.


updates are too slow to come out


i have to try to empty my quest log every day and it fill back up every day with ilum quests. crap like this, unacceptable for a self proclaimed premium game


i hope whoever is lead design for pvp is fired and never heads another project again. what a joke. new pve dungeon was actually cool, what i would have expect all of the dungeons to be like. not just thrown together and run like lvl 10 dungeons in other games.


leveling is too easy - if there is no end game content why make leveling so easy? way too much exp and gold for EVERYTHING. ez mode game w/ no rewarding ending


as stated earlier, i don't currently play wow. got to 85 in the latest xpac never cut it back on. but when you release a new product you expect a new experience. not the same stale experience, only worse. this was a step back 4-5 years for the mmo genre


the good news is that the SW IP will keep it going, and the f2p model is super strong right now...!!!

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especially on every class with cc. in eq2 there were about 2-3 classes with cc (mezzing and stuns). In this game every class has a stun/break. It's super annoying when you are in pvp and 4 people throw their stun on you. You just have to take it and die. No skill whatsoever.

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yeah CC is too abundant in this game. It's to the point where PvP is just about CC and nothing else. Why do you think Huttball is pretty much seen as terrible by actual people who pvp?


I honestly thought knockbacks were the very worst thing ever introduced to PvP. It was bad in warhammer, bad in WoW, and bad here too.


Honestly knockbacks and knockdowns need to be changed to only affect weak npc mobs.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback center around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - not cancellations.


We welcome your feedback and encourage you to please post your specific feedback in this thread linked here:



Thank you.

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