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Bioware, Fix PVP or your multi-million dollar project is going to tank


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Issues that can be fixed by the community sounds logical, but what if I play @ odd hours of the day when its not prime time and is STILL outnumbered 8:1.



The community can do only so much to organize and fight a broken system. I feel like the pvp in this game has potential and they are making the right tracks to fix it. I don't care about the population imbalance. What pisses me off is that i'm traveling around with my group of 4 people and we run into 8.


We're WORTH MORE to them then they are worth in the majority of the cases mentioned in the original post with the battle objective bonus etc. If we could kill one, great but they'll kill all 4 of us AND THEY ALL get the SAME AMOUNT of valor regardless of if they hit us or not.


Broken system much?

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the *community* needs to be part of the solution, not the problem.


Yeah so in the interests of balance, I re-rolled republic on another server. My plan was to level through pvp. Goodbye Huttball! But it turned out that they didn't like lowbies in their wz. So much for that idea.


On top of that, everyone had retarded names because it wasn't an rp server. That annoys the hell out of me. And everyone was an ******e because it was a pvp server, not an rp server.


So I went back to Empire. But hey I tried.

Edited by Tirithius
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People say that one person is enough to make a difference. But whats one person against an army of imperials. Guilds who came from other games ALL knew (if they played in beta) which side they wanted to play and made the choices they did. Usually they all picked the side that "looked cooler" but w/e. They picked it, bio ware just messed it up with a broken system.
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Its a good post, though in all seriousness Bioware has been catering to empire since beta. Mirrors are not mirrors and other imbalances can be found in these 2 threads.







That being said, Bioware has announced they are working on another faction vs same faction warzone. For me i take this as "We dont care about nor belive faction imbalance is an issue, but we are making it so the empire can play other maps instead of Huttball"


Would be nice to see something done, before either

a) the remaining republic rerolls empire

b) the republic player base unsubs and heads to some of the other games dropping this year


Personally i dont think there is any other options if the game stays on the path it is now, though maybe it will take option a or b to happen before they notice the problem and have to change the title of the game to Star Wars: The Empire Only Faction.


it is really getting obnoxious to hear people talk about favoritism. people like the appeal of the empire side nothing more. all this pvp favors empire is untrue (besides faction imbalance) and needs to stop being spread.


People like to play the bad characters in games deal with it.

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I believe playing PvP in warzones isn't balanced like stated by Bioware. Too much imobilization that lasts too long. Buffed to max power low levels...(A level 16 can defeat a level 40 by running around them and dealing 2k damage each hit) LOL ***.


At least in world PvP its a little better. Currently im level 44 and playing open world PvP in my opinion is more fun bucause first...More people, and second, The levels are normal and level 16's (Example) die quicker, but are evened out with buffs, shielding etc.


IDK thats just my view.....


Plus there are only 3 warzone maps........gets boring fast.

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Bioware's idiocy is going to kill the population of this game to make it FAR more imbalanced. When you check if a game is doing well after release, you need to examine whether OR NOT the game is expanding servers or compressing servers to make up for lost subscriptions and thus the loss of players in general. We'll see if they address this problem cause if they don't, they WILL loose it at the cost of subscriptions.
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Good read, well said. The system as is, allows for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer, this has always been a recipe for disaster. I'm ok with faction imbalance, it is a problem with a lot of games, but when this is the case you must give the under populated side tools that will give them a fighting chance, or simply the will to fight. I am not for giving the low pop realm boost to stats, as this makes for unfair small scale fights, but Jay was right on the mark when he mentioned the warhammer AAO system.


Reward the low pop realm for challenging the impossible odds, not punish them. Giving us bonus valor when fighting against the odds will be the incentive for players to come out and fight. No it shouldnt equal that of owning the zone, but enough to justify going out to fight the impossible.


I play Empire, and I approve of this message.

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It's worth noting that even though Warzone wins don't count toward the daily still and Ilum is as you've described it, the voice-overs for the pointless quests are spot-on! It's obvious where their priority was with this game.


I don't understand why they treat this game like it's Mass Effect. Storyline is 10 steps above actual playability and making the game fun in their list of priorities. ME was a great game, but it also didn't have a monthly fee.

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I unsubscribed today because of the imbalanced pvp :(. Playing as republic is just not that fun. This game seems to have a lot of it's end game content focused on pvp, moreso than world of warcraft.. In which raids seem the obvious goal, more people seem to be opting for pvp. The system is just so broken and weird.. Hearing people going through 20 champion bags and only getting 1 relic is INSANE. The amount of effort it takes to get those bags..


When they fix pvp, and make end game PVE more accessible by adding a dungeon finder so there is a more clear focus on actually being ABLE to do end game PVE, then I might subscribe again..

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Alredy to late for them to fix this fail system. The Empire players have all valor rank 60-10 by now. Just the fact that they did not fix this issue with valor in the first patch after 1.1 only proves how pro Empire the developers are. Either that or they just dont care.Sadly the only thing they care about is money.All i know is, there cant be even one of these bioware pvp devs that will ever be hired by another mmo company after this.I mean apply for a job and put in your resume that you were responsible for TOR pvp.Yeah right... Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Don't worry, they will fix it by starting with one class at a time. (while ignoring more important things like not getting credit for wz's, the imbalance of rep to imp, a game engine that isn't optimized for crap)


It was at least entertaining in the beginning, now I'm bored, glad to have the forums!

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I don't know how bad it is on other servers but ToFN seems to be exceptional. Sure, Empire outnumbers Republic on ilum in almost every instance (usually there is 5 of them) but it is more like: we push Emp to their spawn, go back to base, do it again. Heck, yesterday we were camping them for like 30 mins till finally most of us died and we regroupped at base to repeat the fun. Weekly here takes no longer than 30 mins (including CTDs due to heavy lag).


Only problem is to make/fill OPS group, rest is easy. Most Imps know nothing about proper PvP except camping spawn and exploiting Voidstar door here.

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it is really getting obnoxious to hear people talk about favoritism. people like the appeal of the empire side nothing more. all this pvp favors empire is untrue (besides faction imbalance) and needs to stop being spread.


Yes stop people from stating the truth, there are tons of videos showing the difference between "mirrors".


Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "la lal la" doesnt make the issues go away, the issues still remain and the player base knows it, if they choose to live in denial thats their choice. But the evidence is there.

Edited by Brutem
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Gear progression is very slow on Republic side because of this.


I have seen the War Hero rank on Imp side. If you have seen this on Republic side there is more than one person playing the toon and it is played 24/7. On imperial side a casual player can get this rank.

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I don't care if all of bioware employees play empire, just like you don't care that the if the president of bioware is a cross dresser, or a transsexual or a homosexual. Its their personal preference. Their preference doesn't affect me.


What affects me is the broken system. I don't care about the population imbalance. I LOVE being outnumbered. I just don't like it when the system rewards valor for doing nothing to the side that can zerg down and camp kills at our spawn.


On my server there are atleast 50 people camping spawn and then 10 imperials at each battle objective. Who cares about the numbers, but when my group of 5 wipes the 10 imperials and the 50 show up to kill my group of 5. THE MOB OF 50s GET MORE FOR KILLING US THAN WE GET FOR KILLING THE 10 PEOPLE. That's how broken it is.

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And for all those who say the community should fix it.


What kind of a community will be left IF people are fed up with the imbalance and unsubscribe? What kinda of a community will be left if they feel like bioware has catered to the side that has the numbers in the fight for battlegrounds?

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Anyone know what the subscription numbers are right now? I'd like to monitor the changes in subscription numbers over the next couple of months. If this game turns out to be another AION or RIFT then bioware is going to have to wait for a LONG time to break even on this game.
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Several points I believe would solve a lot of ****.


1. Ilum is retardedly large... most of the zone is a waste of space. I loved to zone into a nice Alterac Valley battle in WoW which is what Ilum has the potential to be. Add some elite mobs to those objective points and add spawns there instead of off to the sides. Place a General type elite spawn around each base. These elites could give a bit of armaments to your team for killing them. This would give everyone more incentive to head out to Ilum.


2. Battles reach insanely large numbers... at least on my server. In this case Ilum becomes unplayable and I am constantly DC'd with FR's dropping down to like 2.. this is after changing settings to low on a high end system. If it were instanced limiting numbers in each zone with a queue would fix this. I would rather pop into Ilum like a warzone anyhow than having to travel there in my ship and back to the fleet to turn in dailys etc.


3. Cross Server PVP VERY VERY SOON!... or you will lose a large portion of players and income. Hutball 80% of the time is not refreshing.


4. A new WZ soon. They can't be that difficult to make, a few spawns and objectives and your GTG.


5. Look at what works and what doesn't. BioWare many have come before you and succeeded or failed use these examples to better this game, as I really do enjoy it with droves of others, but I believe much is currently in need of a makeover.

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