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Nerf tracer missle now


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2 DoT's (Crushing Darkness + Affliction) without an active Deathmark and "Wrath-procced" Crushing Darkness isn't much damage. Even if I were to put all 3 DoT's on with an Active Death Mark, it'll usually only end up dealing about half health if they were hitting hard and the target doesn't heal themself (unless it's a poorly geared player) and let's be honest: if I'm LoS'ing one of these hybrid mercs, he's obviously going to heal. So... what was your point?


just sayin you could easily kill him and not take any damage

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Nothing says immature like the phrase, "Learn to play noobs." There are ways to voice your opinions without sounding like a tool. You don't always need to sound childish while disagreeing!


I would agree that this doesn't need nerfing. There are ways to combat the problems described here. Interrupts, crowd control, and line of sight are always useful skills in PVP combat. If you're not using them, you need to adjust to that.


You have to do better then say it can be combated. Saying it could be combated could be used to justify doing double the damage it does now because, "oh, you can lock me out of it."


Tracer isn't burst. It's mediocre sustained dps. HSM and Railshot coupled with Tracer is burst.


Hahaaaa.. mediocre? Really? Really? Look at every ranged ability in the game, even of sorcs. Once you do the math, it REALLY doesn't match up as that one ability pretty much matches the total output of the others with the added advantage of being mitigated less.

Edited by Kuari
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If one TM applied the full buff debuff effect, I'd never fire more than one at a time. It simply does not deal enough damage.


In the case of the hybrid merc, or even an arsenal merc, tracer missile definitely DOES DO enough damage to kill a sorc. if you're able to spam it. And I'm well aware that the better arsenal mercs do much more damage with their other skills, provided that they have at least SOME active tracers/gravs (again, lets not solo out mercs, commandos do this, too).

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If someone is hitting you for 3k with every tracer, either the stars aligned in some fashion or they had every powerup + adrenal + relic going and they are fully geared while you are wearing rags.


Or you are exaggerating.


I've gone entire matches where my highest hit was 3.3k. And I'm fully geared.


PS: Do you people not get that EVERYTHING ELSE HAS A COOLDOWN?




I am 56 valor 50 merc bh. Full cham/modded gear. I can hit you that hard with trink going...but it is easier to los me. That is why I play pyro.....I can follow you and crit you. It is very gear dependent. Saying that as a merc with heavy armor I am also very squishy and vunerable.

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The ones that actually make an effort do indeed get a lot more out of those abilities with tracer/grav stacks, there's no arguing that. When you can do more consistent burst with one ability then any other ranged can with multiple, then things start getting shaky


oh I see, but I thought snipe did more damage? Also, with my healing sage the Dps Mercs are very easy to kill. Interrupt, stun and K/b completely shuts them down. I can't think of anyother dps that can be shut down like that by playing your cards right.

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Hahaaaa.. mediocre? Really? Really? Look at every ranged ability in the game, even of sorcs. Once you do the math, it REALLY doesn't match up as that one ability pretty much matches the total output of the others with the added advantage of being mitigated less.


Yes, mediocre. Other classes generally tend combine DoTs and other such abilities to achieve their *sustained* dps. Arsenal/Gunnery mercs don't use DoTs, so their sustained DPS is based entirely around the single hit attacks they use, hence why they hit for more. One can easily bring up Snipers in an attempt to counter this, but Snipers are deserving of a buff imo.

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oh I see, but I thought snipe did more damage? Also, with my healing sage the Dps Mercs are very easy to kill. Interrupt, stun and K/b completely shuts them down. I can't think of anyother dps that can be shut down like that by playing your cards right.


Snipers and Gunslingers can be locked out if entrench is on cooldown or they aren't able to get it out quick enough


But no, snipe doesn't do more damage. Ambush does more, but that can't be spammed. Sniper combined with explosive probe does more, but again, can't be spammed. The way sniper works is a few seconds of high burst, few of a bit lower damage, rinse and repeat. Its worse if you're trying to maintain energy. They rely on adrenaline probe far more then a merc/commando rely on vent heat.

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I am 56 valor 50 merc bh. Full cham/modded gear. I can hit you that hard with trink going...but it is easier to los me. That is why I play pyro.....I can follow you and crit you. It is very gear dependent. Saying that as a merc with heavy armor I am also very squishy and vunerable.


You're only svery squishy and vulnerable to element and internal (or is it kinetic? I forget) types of damage. You should be only moderately squishy (due to the lack of mobility/cc) to the damage types that armor gives resistance to.

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Yes, mediocre. Other classes generally tend combine DoTs and other such abilities to achieve their *sustained* dps. Arsenal/Gunnery mercs don't use DoTs, so their sustained DPS is based entirely around the single hit attacks they use, hence why they hit for more. One can easily bring up Snipers in an attempt to counter this, but Snipers are deserving of a buff imo.


Wow, snipers needing a buff? Seriously? They can usually hit almost as hard as most arsenal mercs do without a 5-stack of tracers on the target. Sure, their big spikes have longer activation timers, but they get the survival benefits of cover - I have a sniper myself and it's quite beautiful - especially if you have another sniper teammate and you coordinate attacks and swap handling knockback-roots. Very fun class to play, but not very popular since so many people went for knifer/op.

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You have to do better then say it can be combated. Saying it could be combated could be used to justify doing double the damage it does now because, "oh, you can lock me out of it."




Hahaaaa.. mediocre? Really? Really? Look at every ranged ability in the game, even of sorcs. Once you do the math, it REALLY doesn't match up as that one ability pretty much matches the total output of the others with the added advantage of being mitigated less.


I didn't notice a 'merc/commando' in your character's played...so, pray tell, where is your data coming from that indicates that total damage done by a mercenary in the WZ is derived exclusively from TM/GR? I wasn't aware that BW implemented a damage breakout by ability. That's great news!

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Wow, snipers needing a buff? Seriously? They can usually hit almost as hard as most arsenal mercs do without a 5-stack of tracers on the target. Sure, their big spikes have longer activation timers, but they get the survival benefits of cover - I have a sniper myself and it's quite beautiful - especially if you have another sniper teammate and you coordinate attacks and swap handling knockback-roots. Very fun class to play, but not very popular since so many people went for knifer/op.


Snipers need to hit harder as MM imo. Their attacks aren't effective enough considering the need to be in Cover to use their best abilities and the fact that cover is still kind of buggy. They are stupidly easy to LoS into uselessness as they have a harder time chasing you down to keep their damage up on you than other classes, Merc included.

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ilm laughing so muc my tummy hurts. The dialog is the same as with operative "nerf" posts. Don't worryy mr. BH you will get your buff too. Personally don't have anything to complain about TM. Every one has something very powerfull against some other class.
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So we went from crying about operatives to crying about mercenaries/commandos.


Whats next on the list? Sorcs - o wait thats happening already.


And lets begin crying about warriors/knights since we're on this rampage already.


Mercs tracer missile is the main nuke, and losing 3/4 of your HP to three of them means you stand their taking it like a boss when you're most likely changing your social gear to your actual pvp gear midfight.


Stop whining.

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I didn't notice a 'merc/commando' in your character's played...so, pray tell, where is your data coming from that indicates that total damage done by a mercenary in the WZ is derived exclusively from TM/GR? I wasn't aware that BW implemented a damage breakout by ability. That's great news!


Lots and lots of PvP videos, watching and talking to various mercs in game, etc. Makes me tempted to turn the heal merc I've been running into an Arsenal and getting fraps to show ridiculous they are when you add their other abilities into it.

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Lots and lots of PvP videos, watching and talking to various mercs in game, etc. Makes me tempted to turn the heal merc I've been running into an Arsenal and getting fraps to show ridiculous they are when you add their other abilities into it.


I could make a PVP video of me owning people with Rapid Shot, should that get nerfed then?

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I could make a PVP video of me owning people with Rapid Shot, should that get nerfed then?


Really, your most basic ability that does minimal damage... ok, I'll bite, go ahead and try it, but show the whole warzone fight.

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I honestly love how everyone has a simple solution to the problem. If it's not LOS or Interupt, it's L2P. That's fine and I agree when you're in a 1v1 situation. However, last night in a lowby bracket on my alt got into a Civil War against 7 BH's spamming tracer missle and a Sorc spamming lightning. Theres nothing you can do against 7 of them, FOTM > tactics or your so called "skill" and L2P.
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Guys really do not blame us for spamming if bioware made this one ability so centralized around our other abilities. Tracer missile ffs takes 2 secs to cast and has a push back AND can only be done at most 4 times (4 times is that really all your health!), ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD we can't move. So all of you saying we are RUNNING around spamming this ****. Seriously please roll a merc and actually see why we spam it, it really isn't that great its just the only option we are basically given.
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I honestly love how everyone has a simple solution to the problem. If it's not LOS or Interupt, it's L2P. That's fine and I agree when you're in a 1v1 situation. However, last night in a lowby bracket on my alt got into a Civil War against 7 BH's spamming tracer missle and a Sorc spamming lightning. Theres nothing you can do against 7 of them, FOTM > tactics or your so called "skill" and L2P.


Simple are solutions with merit yes.

After every offensive ability has been listed, gone thru extensive forum qq and has seen a nerf, whats next > Omg healers are OP reduce their healing?

Omg defensive CD's etc

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Guys really do not blame us for spamming if bioware made this one ability so centralized around our other abilities. Tracer missile ffs takes 2 secs to cast and has a push back AND can only be done at most 4 times (4 times is that really all your health!), ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD we can't move. So all of you saying we are RUNNING around spamming this ****. Seriously please roll a merc and actually see why we spam it, it really isn't that great its just the only option we are basically given.


push back can be reduced by 75% and largely made up for my alacrity. Also umm... *looks at the abilities that reduce the heat cost and the one that vents some on crits and then stares* ... only 4 times? Really? Why do people always think everyone else is stupid?

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Guys really do not blame us for spamming if bioware made this one ability so centralized around our other abilities. Tracer missile ffs takes 2 secs to cast and has a push back AND can only be done at most 4 times (4 times is that really all your health!), ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD we can't move. So all of you saying we are RUNNING around spamming this ****. Seriously please roll a merc and actually see why we spam it, it really isn't that great its just the only option we are basically given.

U dont play merc do you?

Its a 1.5 second cast and you CAN cast it more than 4 times. talented it costs 16 heat, and during the cast times heat reduces itself still. So youre looking - if you have any desire to spam it - at at least 6 casts.

Just saying, since youre stating this from a 'we' perspective, implying that you play one :eek:

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Really, your most basic ability that does minimal damage... ok, I'll bite, go ahead and try it, but show the whole warzone fight.

Sure. I watched the PVP videos with TM spam. The team that has the spammer on there team loses 90% of the time either 6-0 in huttball, 600-0, or shut out in the other wz.


The people they are shooting at to are just standing around like idiots or running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

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Sure. I watched the PVP videos with TM spam. The team that has the spammer on there team loses 90% of the time either 6-0 in huttball, 600-0, or shut out in the other wz.


The people they are shooting at to are just standing around like idiots or running around like a chicken with its head cut off.


Not everything revolves around huttball. Yeah you can make the argument they are sucky ball carriers, but not much else.


Seriously, not everyone only looks at a couple things and knee jerks when it comes to things like this. For a long time I thought it was sort of ok until it started building up to be more and more common and people started figuring out the tricks.

Edited by Kuari
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