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Nerf tracer missle now


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dumbest poster on this website

with IQ of a duck

you nerf one class it start a avalanche your class will slowly but surely be nerfed.

your move carebear.


Going with the avalanche theory, huh? Funny.. I've never seen that in any MMOs myself, just constant ups and downs. Gets a little out of hand, but eh, usually there's more by now, so I'm not seeing things being so knee jerk here.

Edited by Kuari
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Must you argue even about this? It was around level 50 gear, don't keep being a ******* about this. Why must you people argue every little damn little thing like this no matter how accurate it is? gosh darn.


why are you being so defensive about this? next time im on ill put my lvl 50 questing gear back on and if im not around 12k then ill come back here and call bs, is that what youre afraid of?


Yea stop talking **** people... My assassin level 50 Wearing some Champion gear, Alot of Prototype level 49 items and blues Has 12.6k hp. Those saying "bla bla i have 12k hp at level 45..." must be tanks and your primary stat must be endurance.


really cause my lvl 50 merc in a suit of champ minus bracers and a relic has 15k hp and i dont remember merc having a tanking tree

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Going with the avalanche theory, huh? Funny.. I've never seen that in any MMOs myself, just constant ups and downs. Gets a little out of hand, but eh, usually there's more by now, so I'm not seeing things being so knee jerk here.


I have to agree with the first line of his post, though.

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why are you being so defensive about this? next time im on ill put my lvl 50 questing gear back on and if im not around 12k then ill come back here and call bs, is that what youre afraid of?




really cause my lvl 50 merc in a suit of champ minus bracers and a relic has 15k hp and i dont remember merc having a tanking tree


15k is about right for champ gear, and go ahead, get the questing gear and put it on. Make sure to count the relics you'll have on average at that level as well as implants and earpiece, all of which are harder to get blues of questing up. It'll be pretty close to the 12k, maybe 13k range with a slight bit more endurance stacking. Why do I get defensive? Because it annoys the hell out of me for people who try to cover their ears and ignore the truth, instead calling people bad players for something that really isn't their fault.

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lets see force leep/charge is a 30m interrupt, force pull/harpoon is a 30m interrupt. don't know what you're about.


force leap/charge doesn't cause an actual lockout like the true interrupt skills and typically by the time you actually land on the target due to animation, the effect has ended unless you're either very close to begin with or have points invested to increase its duration by a second, which I haven't tried.

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15k is about right for champ gear, and go ahead, get the questing gear and put it on. Make sure to count the relics you'll have on average at that level as well as implants and earpiece, all of which are harder to get blues of questing up. It'll be pretty close to the 12k, maybe 13k range with a slight bit more endurance stacking. Why do I get defensive? Because it annoys the hell out of me for people who try to cover their ears and ignore the truth, instead calling people bad players for something that really isn't their fault.


what truth? ive hit for a 3k crit with TM ONCE and it was in nearly full champ gear against a fresh 50. i have yet to see the proof of a geared merc critting another geared player for 3k consistently

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what truth? ive hit for a 3k crit with TM ONCE and it was in nearly full champ gear against a fresh 50. i have yet to see the proof of a geared merc critting another geared player for 3k consistently


Replace the less then stellar enhancements in your PvP gear. That's a big source of it.

EDIT: I'd also like to note it was on a different topic then what you're referring to if you'd have followed the quotes. Seriously...

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what truth? ive hit for a 3k crit with TM ONCE and it was in nearly full champ gear against a fresh 50. i have yet to see the proof of a geared merc critting another geared player for 3k consistently


I'll take some screenshots, I'm a Battlemaster with 660 Expertise, there's some players who use the Rakata stim who will crit me anywhere from 2.9-3.3k with Tracer. Even without the stim they're still critting for 2.5-2.9k.

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I'll take some screenshots, I'm a Battlemaster with 660 Expertise, there's some players who use the Rakata stim who will crit me anywhere from 2.9-3.3k with Tracer. Even without the stim they're still critting for 2.5-2.9k.



That's not an ability issue it's a STIM issue people!

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I have a new alternate proposal to the TM spamming nerf - instead of decreasing its damage or increasing its CD, how about making it only have a set % chance (something like 30%, maybe 50%) to apply the armorbreak effect and maybe damage resistance buff (if you're a true arsenal spec, that is) but still let it always give the user the buff to increase damage from their other specials?


That'd put it more in line with how other skill-specced classes are granted their buffs (one example: madness sorcerers with the wrath skill).


Whether or not the damage resistance buff would also need a % chance to procc would possibly be overkill, but by causing the armorbreak debuff to require a chance to procc would certainly be less severe than the type of nerf which is likely to result based on the current proposals to reduce its damage or increase CD.

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force leap/charge doesn't cause an actual lockout like the true interrupt skills and typically by the time you actually land on the target due to animation, the effect has ended unless you're either very close to begin with or have points invested to increase its duration by a second, which I haven't tried.


who said anything about a lockout? It's an interrupt...which...wait for it... interrupts the cast time on TM, forcing the BH to start the cast over. Oh, and it puts the BH in dps range, that's also a useful tidbit.

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That would also cause Arsenal Mercs to litterally spam TM until the get fully buffed doing no one any good considering that the cries are because of the spam as it is.


Yes, but the BIG damage people see from tracer missile is only when there are existing stacks of the armor break already on their target. This would greatly diminish the dps output from tracer and likely cause the merc with a guaranteed 5-stack of increased damage to their other abilities to actually use them even on a target that doesn't have the armorbreak effect - simply because they'd need to deal real damage.

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Yes, but the BIG damage people see from tracer missile is only when there are existing stacks of the armor break already on their target. This would greatly diminish the dps output from tracer and likely cause the merc with a guaranteed 5-stack of increased damage to their other abilities to actually use them even on a target that doesn't have the armorbreak effect - simply because they'd need to deal real damage.

The real damage comes from Unload and Heatseeker missile, at least from the BHers that know how to play.

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who said anything about a lockout? It's an interrupt...which...wait for it... interrupts the cast time on TM, forcing the BH to start the cast over. Oh, and it puts the BH in dps range, that's also a useful tidbit.


OH NO! You're going to have to restart your activation timer! (gasp) Seriously, though, all a merc has to do is the uppercut knockback + slow and that buys them enough time to get at least one tracer off on a melee. Charge is a gap-closer with very limited interrupt so you shouldn't consider it a disrupt. Also, about 90% of the time when you charge a target and finish animating, despite the fact that the target appears to be right next to you, you can't use any melee attacks as it will say out of range until your target "blinks" to another location just outside of melee.

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I would just like to comment being a level 50 Merc that has played both arsenal and pyro specs.


This discussion is ridiculous. If tracer missile makes arsenal too overpowered then pyro spec is way overpowered because with full arsenal spec I do 150k to 250k damage in a warzone. With pyro spec (no tracer missile) I do 200k to 350k. And I am a bad PvPer


Seriously, the top damage in warzones from BH's is pyro spec and they are not using tracer missle.


Yes maybe too much is tied to one ability for arsenal, but in no way shape or form is it overpowered.

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The real damage comes from Unload and Heatseeker missile, at least from the BHers that know how to play.


Yes, I know, but that damage isn't nearly as insane unless the target has some armorbreaks stacked on them. Did you even notice what my post stated? I was proposing that instead of either reducting TM's damage or increasing its CD time, make it only have a % chance to cause the armorbreak effect but still always give the damage increase buffs for the other skills.

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OH NO! You're going to have to restart your activation timer! (gasp) Seriously, though, all a merc has to do is the uppercut knockback + slow and that buys them enough time to get at least one tracer off on a melee. Charge is a gap-closer with very limited interrupt so you shouldn't consider it a disrupt. Also, about 90% of the time when you charge a target and finish animating, despite the fact that the target appears to be right next to you, you can't use any melee attacks as it will say out of range until your target "blinks" to another location just outside of melee.


they dont have a slow on uppercut...or a slow power..


What you could do is roll an assassin or Operative and LOL at them.


But chances are your one of the double glow stick crowd that want their pvp to cater to them.

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But chances are your one of the double glow stick crowd that want their pvp to cater to them.


Or want actual balance. As it is Sentinels and Marauders ARE in need of help, despite what you might want to think.


Other classes are in good straits, particularly ranged. I have a Sniper who can utterly dominate, and can dominate in a way which is so EASY it makes some of my melee characters feel totally redundant.

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they dont have a slow on uppercut...or a slow power..


What you could do is roll an assassin or Operative and LOL at them.


But chances are your one of the double glow stick crowd that want their pvp to cater to them.


I have a Sorc, Sniper, Op, and yes, a Marauder - I'm not requesting that they give marauder some love (I find that my build works quite well, personally). I'm merely responding to one guy that was considering force charge to be a disrupt when it really isn't.

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A snared target has almost no chance of LoSing Tracer Spam, and it follows you around walls half the time. I know it's not supposed to, and it's probably delay, but it's worth mentioning. As for the Gunslinger example. Gunslingers entire arsenal is Weapon Damage, which means it is mitigated--in full--by armor and almost all defensive cooldowns. There's also the fact that Gunslinger's abilities all also have cast times so they are just as succeptable to interrupts, and they have medium armor instead of heavy.


So your entire comparions sounds good--until you apply logic. The main issue with Tracer Spam is that it is viable. Tracer gives a debuff and buffs 2 other skills substantially. No other ability in the game is that beneficial to use next to maybe Force Lightning.


Nope, Snipers get Hold The Line and GS I'll bet get something mirrored, making them uninterruptable in cover. They also are unshakable like bosses in cover, so are immune to ability pushback. They also have low CD 5 second roots, ample time to set up for major nuking.


Snipers and Gunslingers have the most effective casting (How you play it is your problem), but pay for it with limited mobility.

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I don't see ability pushback on Tracer missile. Add that, and there might be a little more balance. Melee needs to have SOME advantage in getting close, surely? Or a 5M minimum range on it, since it's a missile? ;)


There is a pushback on TM. Most of us choose to spec to reduce it by 75% while climbing the skill tree.

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force leap/charge doesn't cause an actual lockout like the true interrupt skills and typically by the time you actually land on the target due to animation, the effect has ended unless you're either very close to begin with or have points invested to increase its duration by a second, which I haven't tried.


This is true, but you have interupted a 1.5 second cast time nuke, causeing him/her to start another 1.5 second cast time nuke, and you are now in melee range so the argument of not having a ranged interupt is moot.


Goes like this, Tracer cast begins, force leap//charge interupts cast time, new Tracer cast begins, your true interupt skill locks out tracer. Of course this is assuming your up against an actuall spammer and not a merc/commando that has some skill behind them to counter your tactics.

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