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Penalty for quitting Warzones must be implemented.


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it plagues both sides. the moment the doors first doors are breached in voidstar, or the moment that second turret is capped in alderaan, there is a mass exodus from the losing team. in the first 2 minutes of the game! this then leaves that team undermanned and without any hope of offering any sort of resistance. as new players join, then realize its a losing game and quit.


a simple deterrent could be put in place that would solve this issue.


either implement a temporary lockout following an abandoned warzone.

prevent the player from queing up again for a few minutes and they will think twice before jumping ship so quickly.


or just subtract some commendations and/or valour

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I liked the way rift did it. You would get a 15 minute (or so) debuff that prevented you from queuing.


That solution deters nothing ... swap to an alt, and re-queue ... make it an account debuff with serious implications, like at a minimum, 1 hour ... then we're talking.

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Or just play your game and let them play their game!


Except the problem is that the way they're (not) playing is affecting the way we play. I witnessed two players repeatedly join and quit the warzone I was in because we were losing by a small amount. They were taking up spots that could be taken by someone who is going to actually participate and wasn't trying to get dropped into a warzone the team was already winning.

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When they figure out how to start Warzones when there is actually a full team on each side I will agree with this idea.


Until then, I want to be able to leave, wait a few minutes, and requeue for a shot at actually having a decent game.

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Why? Why? Why? How does it hurt anything if someone leaves, or dcs? 9 out of ten times I see someone rage quit we have already waay more then lost anyways, it's not like them staying would have tided over the battle.


All That things like a deserter debuff do is penalize people who get dc'd and encourage afk activity in warfronts.


To me the people that are for it are the people who keep losing and are wanting a scapegoat ;p.

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I support a penalty ONLY if the penalty is applied to those who quit after the match starts. The reason for that is, I drop huttball everytime because I just don't like it. If I had a choice, I would never queue up for it. I always drop pre-game leaving plenty of time for others to get in.

If the penalty applied to everybody that drops, pre-game or otherwise, I wouldn't bother queuing for warzones.


On a side note, the fact that a lot of people drop as soon as the other team scores makes me wonder why they would even join a warzone in the first place. Is it the grinding for comms mentatlity? In all fairness, I have had some derp teams that have made staying in the match not only worthless, but completely un-fun (i.e, six players capturing one turret and staying there for the entire match.) Can't blame someone for a drop in that case.

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The failure to have a deserter penalty is just a massive MMO noob move by Bioware.


Here's my first three pug matches today:


Match 1: Other team scores first, three people immediately quit. Other team rapidly scores again while undermanned.. then it winds up a 2-0 finish because the other team wasn't some amazing premade, it just happened to score first.


Total numbers: 12 players on our side (4 quitters), 8 on theirs


Match 2: Join in-progress voidstar where other team has bombed 1 door. While undermanned from quitters they quickly overrun the next few, then get hung up at the end


Total numbers: 14 players on our side (6 quitters), 8 on theirs


Match 3: Joined in-progress voidstar, other team had already won their round and were farming us at our start point.


Total numbers: 15 players on our side (7 quitters), 8 on theirs


It doesn't seem to be a coincidence to me that these "warzone bugs" caused 17 people to drop on the losing side and 0 to drop on the winning side.


This is typical all night long. The majority of the matches I join I get a spot left by someone who quit. I don't quit because, hey, valor and commendations still count. I guess these people have some psychotic need to win and can't handle life if they lose.

Edited by Kreugen
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It wasn't an issue until you hit 50. Now you have people trying to get their daily and weekly wins in. As soon as they start losing they quit the game assuming they are gonna lose anyway if they stay. Then que up and join another Warzone in order to not waste their time and hopefully get a better start. Although that is an intelligent choice made by the player as it is an option. It is one that hurts Warzones dramatically. Bioware does need to implement a deserter debuff its getting way out of hand lately.
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They would be foolish if they did it at this state of the game.


Is it something that should occur in maybe 2-3 months when the bulk of the PvP bugs and issues are worked out? sure...but until then, absolutely not, you will simply assure that people will stop queuing all together, ala WoW. This plus many other reasons is what then forced WoW's hand to create cross faction BG's just to find players that would actually put up with the crap.

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Funny how these PVP bugs never seem to hurt the other team. Its only the losing side that has people mysteriously dropping.. and rejoining.. and dropping again because they rejoined the same game they just quit.. sometimes four or five times in a row.


The only alternative is to make the weekly/daily based on medals. Yes, there are class imbalances on medals as anyone can medpack to get a free heal medal, and the guard ability gets you several more. Also, damage/healing medals don't scale the way they should. Yes, there are issues. But its better than having to put up with people quitting the instant the match looks in doubt.

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Quitting warzones is the only thing saving the few Republic players from quitting the game altogether.


When I see a Battlemaster premade, I have to quit.


When I see a WZ start without a full team, I have to quit.


If I'm forced to play and get rolled, then to hell with this game.

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That solution deters nothing ... swap to an alt, and re-queue ... make it an account debuff with serious implications, like at a minimum, 1 hour ... then we're talking.


The penalty didnt go away, u had to actually stay on your character to make the debuff go away, logging out did nothing.


If somone needs to leave why punish them. What if they get a ctd, you think that should be punished? Its a game, its not like a dr walking out in the middle of a surgery to go play golf for christs sake.

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We need a debuff.


Today, been playing for over 6h PvP, alot of games someone with good gear see that his team was not full champion and leaves. And ive seen others do it to, they inspect their team and decides we will loose... or ofc the ones that leave when opposing team scores.


STOP PLAYING PVP, because you are ruining it for anyone who joined and want a fight, not some match handed to them.


Gear is not all in this game, tactics out-beat gear! And just assume your teammates dont have full gear makes them incapable pvpers is just immensely stupid.


The leavers are the winners in most cases because rest of your teammates are being weakened for a short time, and if its a cascade of leavers its just game over and all other who are unfortunate to enter one of the ongoing matches are just getting served.


So yes, we do need a debuff, and it should be accountbased. They just need to figure out a way so it doesnt suffer those that d/c.

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I'd hate to see your win rate then, when pugging as imperial often takes 15 matches or more to get the 3 wins.


Depends on the time of day, what day it is, and your server but it's like that on my server. We outnumber Republic, but since they had pretty much instant queue times compared to ours many pvp guilds on Republic side geared up 10x faster. I cringe every time I get an Alderaan or Voidstar game because there is a good chance I'm going up against a full Battlemaster pre-made. Huttball, on the other hand, I have a decent chance on being on a balanced team or a good team when I am solo pvping.


What I did learn from the pattern on my server is to never try to get my daily done Tuesday at prime time hours. All the Battlemaster pre-mades are out in full force getting their weekly done. Once they are done curb stomping everyone the rest of us queue up and have some pretty enjoyable games.

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Quitting warzones is the only thing saving the few Republic players from quitting the game altogether.


When I see a Battlemaster premade, I have to quit.


When I see a WZ start without a full team, I have to quit.


If I'm forced to play and get rolled, then to hell with this game.


This guy gets cake. No one should ever be penalized for playing the game the way they see fit. Getting rolled isn't fun. Deserter debuffs aren't fun. There are ways around the deserter debugging that can't be changed within the game client.


Just play th game and stop worrying about what other people are doing.

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This guy gets cake. No one should ever be penalized for playing the game the way they see fit. Getting rolled isn't fun. Deserter debuffs aren't fun. There are ways around the deserter debugging that can't be changed within the game client.


Just play th game and stop worrying about what other people are doing.


What other people are doing is giving me no chance whatsoever to win, usually because the match is already over when I get into it. Additionally, any valor/commendations I could have gotten are reduced because I missed much of the match, making it an even bigger waste of my time than it would have been for you had you played it out.


Alternate solution: Nobody can join a game after it starts. Because **** getting throw into a losing match because some ***** like you quit.

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You could always not be bad and then you wouldnt have to worry about leavers


Pretty much this, so many people that can't comprehend the basics on these WZ maps. Everyone just wants to medal up and gang **** one guy while the other team wins.

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