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Get Rid of XP for PvP


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Thank you. I expect there will be a whole host of different levels of flames and/or support for the idea, but it's a legitimate topic for discussion I think. I hope people keep it that way and make suggestions in both directions.

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I like all of the options we have regarding leveling. We can pretty much level with any combination of things that we enjoy doing. Of course some may just want to do it all so in that case they may have to do some things just for the fun of it as they will level too fast. I am playing a Gunslinger and all I am going to do with him is PvP, space missions and story. No side missions . My "main" I do every quest and FP I can get but no space or PvP other than world. Its nice to have options. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Even if that is not your intention that is what WILL happen...and will make leveling up PvP a real joke. What is wrong with it otherwise? People that want to level PvP have that opportunity. If your argument is really that a person that does everything out levels quest content it really is a moot point. If that is the case space missions should give no exp, flashpoints should give no exp...because if you do anything else along with the solo missions (assuming you do ALL the solo missions) you will out level it.


Really? As I understand the math and mechanics, there would be no reason to try to twink at 49 in this game...NONE...particularly with added bonues of the sweet loots available at 50 for PvP rewards.

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What would the afk'rs do to get by so easily then?


sounds like a design problem. we should complain about afkers in warzones to the developers, maybe something would get done....



o wait.

Edited by Tic-
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Title of the thread says it all. I won't go into a lengthy explanation...will let others argue it out and chime in if I feel like it...but I think most people know why. And no, I absolutely LOVE to PvP, so hold your horses on claiming I'm a carebear or some such nonsense.


It's because you don't want to level up for PvP. You like the sub-50 pvp. yeah? Don't think that was such a long thing to articulate. It would be cool if they gave the option to turn off xp gains. Why the option? other people play the game too and many of them enjoy using PvP as a legitimate way to level up through the game. Sharing is caring.

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Why give XP for PvP in the first place? There's no solid justification for it whatsoever and all it does is encourage people to avoid the main content the developers intended to be the meat and focus of the game. .



Because they are trying to cater to all playstyles. This is one of the few things they advertised, that is working as intended. You can level up your char doing pvp if you want.

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Or, hey, just thinking out loud...why not turn off the ability to wear PvP gear in FPs and OPs? hehe...I know, that suggestion's another log for the flames...but I think it's disingenuous to claim there aren't problems with the leveling speed which, as nice as it is to have "options," is too darn fast and, wih the PvP being the best you can get pretty much, encourages people to just grind WZs to 50 to do end game content, which honestly makes no sense.
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here's my 2 cents:


what do you care? i personally am leveling 1 char up with most quests and pvp and flying. the rest will be done by pvp. i bought this game and pay for it monthly, thus if its in the system, i should be able to play and level however i like.


what does it matter to you that other people level through pvp? how does it affect your gameplay? how does it diminish your experience?


threads like this make no since to me at all. what is your reasoning for hating on something other people like, especially if it doesn't even possibly stop you from playing?


oh, and fyi, WoW implemented xp in pvp several years ago for all the reasons people have listed, most importantly being not having to run all the same quests over and over for alts.

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It's because you don't want to level up for PvP. You like the sub-50 pvp. yeah? Don't think that was such a long thing to articulate. It would be cool if they gave the option to turn off xp gains. Why the option? other people play the game too and many of them enjoy using PvP as a legitimate way to level up through the game. Sharing is caring.


Please read more than just the OP before flaming with something already thrown at me and thoroughly debunked.

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Really? As I understand the math and mechanics, there would be no reason to try to twink at 49 in this game...NONE...particularly with added bonues of the sweet loots available at 50 for PvP rewards.


I love how you are completely ignoring what is opposed to you.


Yes, this WOULD happen, yes a lot of people would do it, and yes there are reasons to do it.

For one, its easier. Thats the ultimate reason for most people


Why level up to 50 and suddenly be forced to fight a thousand other people who are all geared and will basically steamroll you, when you can stay at 49 and steamroll everyone else?

And if you think a 49 wont steamroll a level 30 then you don't know what you are doing.


At 47 I am always, always, always top of the team, most damage, most kills, and often most objective points.

Why? Because I will always do more damage and have more skills than people half my level.


Loot at 50 doesn't seem as shiny when most of them look really stupid, and the bonus for getting them isn't really a bonus. Afterall, most of the people you will be facing already have them. You will always be at a disadvantage when you first hit 50. Most people dont like that, so they will stay at 49.

Edited by JackalTurner
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What would the incentive to PvP pre50 be then? WZs would be extremely slow because everyone would be questing to get to 50 so they can start getting gear.


Under 50, besides XP, there is really no reason to PvP other than commendations (which you cant even get pre50 pvp gear with now and has a cap).


Surely you have thought this out and have a master plan.

Edited by Gibbzter
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Or, hey, just thinking out loud...why not turn off the ability to wear PvP gear in FPs and OPs? hehe...I know, that suggestion's another log for the flames...but I think it's disingenuous to claim there aren't problems with the leveling speed which, as nice as it is to have "options," is too darn fast and, wih the PvP being the best you can get pretty much, encourages people to just grind WZs to 50 to do end game content, which honestly makes no sense.


Quests still give out more XP than warzones, plus better gear. It is still faster to level up with quests, so there is no incentive to PvP unless you dont want to quest. And if someone just doesnt want to quest then taking XP from warzones isnt going to make them want to quest, its going to force them to quest.

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here's my 2 cents:


what do you care? i personally am leveling 1 char up with most quests and pvp and flying. the rest will be done by pvp. i bought this game and pay for it monthly, thus if its in the system, i should be able to play and level however i like.


what does it matter to you that other people level through pvp? how does it affect your gameplay? how does it diminish your experience?


threads like this make no since to me at all. what is your reasoning for hating on something other people like, especially if it doesn't even possibly stop you from playing?


oh, and fyi, WoW implemented xp in pvp several years ago for all the reasons people have listed, most importantly being not having to run all the same quests over and over for alts.


I don't really care how you play. WoW implemented it solely because it was becoming necessary to KEEP players that way.


But hey, I'll bite:


"Here's 300 hours worth of content and stories and quests, etc., but we're going to give all the best gear to people who stood in WZs while afk to snag easy XP to level to 50 in 1/3 of the time it took you to play through the main focus of the entire game. Why play the rest of the game? We don't really know. We pretty much just released this game to give MMO PvPers another opportunity to take over an MMO community with their whining."


Happy now? I don't even believe half of that, but you asked for it oh so politely.


And again: " most importantly being not having to run all the same quests over and over for alts"


ALTS. ALTS. Let me repeat: ALTS. What's wrong with everyone having to go through the game once?

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I don't really care how you play. WoW implemented it solely because it was becoming necessary to KEEP players that way.


But hey, I'll bite:


"Here's 300 hours worth of content and stories and quests, etc., but we're going to give all the best gear to people who stood in WZs while afk to snag easy XP to level to 50 in 1/3 of the time it took you to play through the main focus of the entire game. Why play the rest of the game? We don't really know. We pretty much just released this game to give MMO PvPers another opportunity to take over an MMO community with their whining."


Happy now? I don't even believe half of that, but you asked for it oh so politely.


And again: " most importantly being not having to run all the same quests over and over for alts"


ALTS. ALTS. Let me repeat: ALTS. What's wrong with everyone having to go through the game once?


Here is the problem with your suggestions. You are trying to force people to conform to your play style. The currest system allows for multiple play styles. Therefore, its better.


Yes, AFKers suck. But your suggestions screw over legitemate PVPers.


I mostly quest. Im not even a hardcore PVPer. I barely do it. And yet even I can see how silly your suggestions are.

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I don't often post on the forums but i feel like I had to chime in on this one. I have read this entire thread several times now and I still see no real justification on why you think there shouldnt be xp, but I see at least one REALLY good reason why there should be (twinking). I am an MMO noob so I do not understand all the idiosyncratic aspects of these types of game. That beign said I in no way understand why the hell you care how other people level. Why do you care if I only level via space missions?


I can not count the ways you attack others for their "lack of logic" misusing terms like straw man, but you in no way make any attempt (whatsoever) to present a coherent argument on why you think pvp only shouldnt be a viable way to level your character. All you do is attack people for wanting to play "PEW PEW" lazer fights. New flash bro, thats what I want to do. I don't care, at all, about any star wars lore.... at all.... ever. All I want to do is hack people to death with a light sabre and playing pvp allows me to do that. So in what way does that affect you. Your entire outlook just seems childish. (and yes I am attacking you as a person)

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I love how you are completely ignoring what is opposed to you.


Yes, this WOULD happen, yes a lot of people would do it, and yes there are reasons to do it.

For one, its easier. Thats the ultimate reason for most people


Why level up to 50 and suddenly be forced to fight a thousand other people who are all geared and will basically steamroll you, when you can stay at 49 and steamroll everyone else?

And if you think a 49 wont steamroll a level 30 then you don't know what you are doing.


At 47 I am always, always, always top of the team, most damage, most kills, and often most objective points.

Why? Because I will always do more damage and have more skills than people half my level.


Loot at 50 doesn't seem as shiny when most of them look really stupid, and the bonus for getting them isn't really a bonus. Afterall, most of the people you will be facing already have them. You will always be at a disadvantage when you first hit 50. Most people dont like that, so they will stay at 49.


Thank you for using my topic as an oportunity to stroke your ego. Some people...confused people if you ask me...would skip out on the best gear for that reason...but so what if they did? It's usually a small minority of people who do that..a.nd with alts anyway...as opposed to a large minority of players who are now just PvPing their way past all the other content in the game and then complaining that there's nothing to do at 50. I'll take the former.


As for "most of the people you will be facing will already have them"...I think you reveal what the probelm is. YOU think this way. See, in my mind, you get to 50, get pwned while trying to get the gear so you can play on an equal footing with the best of the best...not so you can have a "BONUS" that let's your faceroll the keyboard to "pwn newbz." As I've said...I love PvP and I love competition...so assuming this is a "let me twink better" thread is ridiculous. I don't even come close to understanding the mentality behind twinking in the first place. You can't claim you're "the best" or "a PvP beast" if you're level 49. People will laugh at you.

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So more people will quit when they realize they're continually doing the SAME side quests OVER and OVER when leveling a new toon?


They nerfed warzone exp once, it isn't even viable once you're in the higher levels. Another one of their great 'metrics' analysis

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Here is the problem with your suggestions. You are trying to force people to conform to your play style. The currest system allows for multiple play styles. Therefore, its better.


1. Not true. My responses to legitimate points have been to tweak my position to incorpoerate them.


2. Mutliple play styles is a laudable goal, but not when it introduces additional problems. I purposefully made the thread topic the extreme suggestion of getting rid of all XP for PvP to spark discussion, but the solution, admittedly, probably lies somewhere in the middle.

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There is only one real reason to not want xp in pvp. That reason being that you want to stay at the top lvl in a particular bracket and twink out. Yeah yeah I know you said that isn't what you want. But I call BS. There is no other reason to stay in the lower brackets.


By staying in the lower brackets and twinking out every time a new player comes along that isn't twinked out you mow em down and then laugh at em. (the word "you" is being used generally here)


I seen this happen lots in WoW when they didn't have xp gain in pvp BGs. It makes for a crappy experiance for new players.

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It's obvious as hell he's in his upper 40's getting ready to ding 50 soon and loving having 20+ skill points on most players. Don't like even playing fields do ya?


Nope. My one toon so far is 35 and I'm just about to finish Act I when I get home from work cuz I've been playing it slow. I've done a bit of PvP and can't wait to do more...and altho I am avoiding it a little so I don't rapid-level too much, that's not what's motivated me to post the thread. What really motivated me is that from frequentling the forums (while pretending to be busy at work of course), I've noticed that a LOT of the complaints come back to...among other things related to XP in PvP...it being way too easy to powerlevel via PvP, PvP gear for some reason being better than anything else even raid gear, and people skipping a lot of the game's content via PvP powerleveling. I'm not married to the idea of getting rid of the XP for PvP...that was just he conversation grenade.

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