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WZs working like this today, intended?


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Depends on teammates. If in Huttball and my team has 3 "superhero" mentalities that never pass the ball and get demolished everytime even when you are wide open, perfect position for a pass, etc... I will leave. I rarely leave a Voidstar or Civil War unless we have the afk botters in there. Then I will leave in a heartbeat.
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Had this happen today, someone joined like 1 minute into the match and we were losing 0-1 the person says "figures I would get put on a losing team in a match that already started" well the dropped and we won 6-1.


I myself have never dropped unless my screen started flashing and blinking or a CTD. It amazes me how many people always want to be on the winning end. Grant it it sucks when it's a blow out but lately more and more matches are getting competitive in the 50. Still some blowouts mainly with pre-mades vs pugs.


Sounds to me like pvp isn't for the OP and should be doing more pve where the outcome is more predictable with at least 1 person with knowledge of the encounter. Or join pre-mades that can roll through with no trouble.

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I also started to leave, because often times, if the opponent team is vastly superior in Huttball, instead of scoring quick points and let the pain end, they would farm us for the duration of the game. I am not going to put up with that.


guess what? you can farm too! just because you lose doesn't mean you dont get the bonuses from medals

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And welcome to the reason why we need a debuff.


Look, you keep doing that and you really can't get better. Maybe you don't want to get better? Maybe you're just farming gear? If it takes somebody 3 hours just to get 3 wins, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG in the first place. Stick around, learn how to play the game better and get your 3 wins in 45 minutes or less.


Well it doesnt always take 3 hours. If I get carried, it maybe done in 3-4 rounds. I dont know whether you queue solo or with a group of friends, but from my experience, what I do has less impact than the type of premade you are grouped with or against. Yeah, for solo queuers, that's basically it. I only had a few fun games where we would work as a team against the other team, but I those games are rare.


Also, I only leave on Huttballs. For voidstar and Alderaan, stay all the way.

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Just a product of people who want to be carried instead of accepting a challenge to win, maybe against stacked odds. Same thing in the 10-49, if you get too many early levels, people drop. It's too hard :rolleyes: to man up & actually lead for once.


Has nothing to do with challenge. When I'm playing to gain valor, or commendations, I stay till end. If i'm after wins for that daily that takes me 20-25 games to win 3 times, I'm leaving if its looking like a loss. Its about efficiency...not playing 6hrs just to get 3wins.

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Just a product of people who want to be carried instead of accepting a challenge to win, maybe against stacked odds. Same thing in the 10-49, if you get too many early levels, people drop. It's too hard :rolleyes: to man up & actually lead for once.


Has nothing to do with challenge. When I'm playing to gain valor, or commendations, I stay till end. If i'm after wins for that daily that takes me 20-25 games to win 3 times, I'm leaving if its looking like a loss. Its about efficiency...not playing 6hrs just to get 3wins.

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I used to stay, but now I just leave. Why? Because if I stayed, it would take me 3 hours to get 3 WZ wins. btw, I queue solo.


I also started to leave, because often times, if the opponent team is vastly superior in Huttball, instead of scoring quick points and let the pain end, they would farm us for the duration of the game. I am not going to put up with that.


and i second this

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Most of the pvp warzones in this game are purely objective based and have very little to do with what gear you're wearing in comparison to how well your team communicates. Battlemaster or not, if they don't grasp communication and team functionality, they will suck.
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Go ahead and not buy it. We did, we conquered and it was fun. Everyone, cept the butthurt, was having a good laugh. These forums are full of crap, we do things to have fun. And win.


Kid, I know you are like fourteen and have to lie to make you and your friends seem cool, but it's not working. Your BS is not working on us. Go troll somewhere else.

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Todays WZs working like intended.


+Join up

+Inspect teammates

+If they are new lvl 50s with orange gear, leave WZ and reque.


Except for the fact that if you are a Republic player, chances are only 8-10 people are queueing on your side just to be cycled through the vast WZs filled with BM geared empire who attained it pre 1.1 and through Ilum exploits.


Maybe when all the Republic finally unsubs and the Empire are forced to play only huttball 100% of the time, Gabe Amatangelo might then and only then realise there is an problem. However his solution, another faction vs faction WZ instead of trying to actually fix the imbalance.


I would love to see a up to date post on how many active lv 50s there are on empire vs republic, if the pvp on my server is any indication its well past the 5-6:1

Edited by Brutem
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Kid, I know you are like fourteen and have to lie to make you and your friends seem cool, but it's not working. Your BS is not working on us. Go troll somewhere else.


I can just imagine if I tab target, and look up to see someone naked standing there. They would die so fast I would feel bad for them.


Tracer x3 for 6K, Heatseeker + Unload for 4K, Tracer + Railshot for 4K = you're done son

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