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Rate SWTOR by your gaming experience


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Something I've read in another thread has gotten me curious. Does past gaming experience make a significant impact on what you think of this game. So for this poll, rate the game out of 10, add a few likes and dislikes as well, but then state where you're coming from and what you've played before.




+Solid Voiceacting

+Great Starter Zones

+Very Newb Friendly

+Early Flashpoints are well done


-Static Worlds

-LS/DS Choice doesn't really affect world or character

-Combat Feel (ability delay and mechanics)

-Uninspired Quest Mechanics


-Poor Guild/Group Implementation

-No challenging combat encounters (action/reaction requirements)



Gamer for 12 years as a primary hobby

Primarily RPG and FPS, with a few adventure games thrown in

Favorites: Half-Life 1+2, Deus Ex, KOTOR, Mass Effect, GTA Series, Call of Duty (original), Battlefield (all), Team Fortress, Elder Scrolls


MMO Experience - Tried most of them, see SIG for those that stuck

Edited by MacPJ
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+Solid Voiceacting

+Great Starter Zones

+Very New player Friendly

+Flashpoints are well done

+Combat Feels imersive unlike the loot pinata's of other games


-ability delay (but improved so I hope out hope for a full fix)

-No LFG (but definately DONT want a cross server one)

-Guilds need attention, guild bank & Guildhall/ship would be great


Gamer for 30+ years as a primary hobby (yes Pong counts as a game)

Primarily MMOs, RPG and FPS, with a few adventure games thrown in

Favorites: EQ, Half-Life 1+2, KOTOR 1 & 2, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Call of Duty (original), Battlefield (all), Team Fortress, NWN 1 & 2.


MMO Experience - Tried most of them (some for 3+ years), SWG, EQ, EQ2, AO, AOC, WOW, DDO, LOTRO, DAOC plus more i've forgotten.

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What i like:

+ Great story presentation (voice acting is superb, the cinematic approach is a nice breath of fresh air in MMORPG's)

+ Fun, basic gameplay (Enjoyable for the most part. Easy to pickup if you played other games in the genre which is a big plus for me.)

+ Fun group mechanics (My friends and myself love the group conversations)

+Great potential for more (This one comes down to the dev's, DCUO had great potential too but thanks to it's devs it's now free to play. I see a lot that can be built upon and help make this game even better, here's hoping Bioware does too.)


What i don't like:

- Sound immersion (Area noises like waterfalls are very lacking, game seems to cut a lot of extreneous audio out like it's only set to a few channels)

- UI is a little basic (I don't need mods or anything fancy like that, and i've seen UI's that were FAAAAAAR worse, like DCUO's. But i've seen better too and it could definately be improved. THE GTN is a right mess.)

- Verious annoying graphics issues (Things like armour pieces that still have gaps in the models that i can see through since i have to look at my armour throughout the whole game. Low res gameplay textures is a part of this too. Thankfully i've seen improvements in this, i don't seem to see the green laser lightshows or strobing black trees anymore)


Overall i've seen a solid release compared to the other MMORPG's i've played, that's a part of my scoring aswell. It seems to be very polished in some places and very unpolished in others (which i hope get attention in the coming months). It's fun for me and most of my friends. It has the potential to go far so long as Bioware keeps up the patches and additions.


Things i've omitted like guild stuff, ability delay and pvp issues are things i havent really experienced. I'm not really into endgame and haven't found a guild yet, so those don't factor in for me, good or bad.


Currently i've got 8 toons, one for each basic class. I'm at 50 with one and at various stages with the others. A couple i level with freinds but most alone. I tend to play games for their story and their ability to immerse myself into their worlds more than anything, though it definately helps when the gamey parts are good too.


Gaming experience:

Been gaming for around 24 years. Started out with an Atari 2600 and my brothers old 'John Sands Sega' computer (whose games came in the form of cartridges, tapes which made that hilariously painful screeching noise or spiral bound books filled with code that you'd have to type out and save on the computer). Moved up through the consoles until my first PC in 1993 where i began to enjoy adventure games. Since then i've played and enjoyed games from most every genre.


MMORPG experience:

WoW for around 9 months before i got bored.

LotRO for about a year before i got bored of fantasy MMORPG's in general.

STO up to current which has been a rocky ride but fun nontheless.

DCUO for 6 months where i learned that SOE is quite possibly the worst MMORPG company known to mankind, capable of ruining even the most promising of games.

A few others but never for more than a month so not worth noting.

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