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Voidstar Fixed Civil War Still Broke...Getting Tired Of Favortism


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Considering the Republic can capture the same node for the same benefit, I don't see what point you have to make.


Yeah just repeat yourself even after being proven wrong. Against a competent team it is impossible to capture the far side turret before the other team does. Drive them off it afterwards? Perhaps. But interrupt the original cap? No.

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I really have to chuckle at the folks claiming this is a lag issue. So the turrets only lag when they work for you but not when they don't? Same with the scoreboard?


You want screenshots, he does one better & posts a vid. Now you want two vids. Just admit you're an Empire player who doesn't want your advantage nerfed.


As far as one turret ticking faster than the other: if this is the case then each side should have equal distance to get to the turret or the other side should tick just as fast.


/rated up the thread

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Yeah just repeat yourself even after being proven wrong. Against a competent team it is impossible to capture the far side turret before the other team does. Drive them off it afterwards? Perhaps. But interrupt the original cap? No.

I do it all the time. Sure, I usually have to fight off 1-2 Repubs first, but we often are the first to cap our right turret.

Edited by Raque
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Well, I know oblong will continue to say things like lag, or I doctored the pic or whatever, being the only thing I did was black out the names of characters and such since that is against the forum rules. Here is a pic of us just having capped the right node. Note the ticks on the Imp ship. The left node just capped right after I snapped this. We had the right node about 5 whole seconds, so while Oblong and company will say the tick only works for Imps, I know better.


Capping for the Republic


So for oblong,

but keep trying to beat that and say it doesn't happen that way.


Wow. You somehow missed the point after countless pages. I don't know whether to bother explaining it to you again seeing as you seem to be understanding impaired.


Here it is in the simplest terms I can state it in.


Because of turret distance, imps have a HUGE advantage in getting to, and capping the east turret, first. If the imp team is competent, they have an almost 100% success rate in capping the turret before republic can even make it to the turret. The ONLY thing that comes close to stopping it, is a sentinel boosting a sage, who force sprints after, and can get into aoe range on the turret (must be aoe because a competent capper spends the 0.2 seconds to get behind the turret, just so you understand), with 2 seconds left on the cap.


ANY interference on the sage, or ANY mistake on the sage's part, and it simply doesn't happen. You can quote all the anecdotal evidence about taking the east turret as a republic or the west as an imp you want, but it did NOT happen with your opponents coordinating correctly. The interfering players, similarly marauder/sentinel boosted, will reach melee range of your attacking players halfway between the corner of the middle building in the corridor where the attacking players come out of, and even earlier than that with ranged cc abilities, leaving the attacking players about 100m short of just the STAIRS of the turret.


I'm not sure how I can explain this any clearer. You can throw all the strategies you want back at me, but the vast majority are eliminated even without any interference. Even if it was possible to occasionally get to the turret, this is an undeniable advantage for the side who is closer, because it sets the other side on just a desperate race from the getgo.


Again I reiterate, I do not currently think in these disorganized WZs that this is a major issue at all, but it IS an advantage for the imperial side, and anyone who says otherwise is strictly speaking, wrong. I can imagine in organized ranked WZs that this might actually be significant, if both teams are evenly matched and unable to take mid, and the sides are obviously impregnable due to fast speeders unless one team messes up severely or is outclassed.


If both teams own one turret for the same amount of time, if one team has an advantage, that means they don't have to outplay the other team to win, they only have to be the same.


If I told you that in huttball, imps won every game that ended in a tie, would that be fair? Luckily there's a clearer tiebreaker in huttball, but if there weren't you could see how that imbalance would be very striking. In Alderaan that situation is significantly rarer, but it is still a clear, undeniable advantage to the Imperial side.


I look forward to someone trying to tell me how this isn't an advantage because of how awesome they are in outplaying the other team

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I do it all the time. Sure, I usually have to fight off 1-2 Repubs first, but we often are the first to cap our right turret.


Were you intercepted by anyone or did they all just sit by the turret?


I intercept while someone else caps. I have never allowed someone past in time to interrupt the cap.


Vs people who know what they are doing you have no chance to stop the original cap.

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Because of turret distance, imps have a HUGE advantage in getting to, and capping the east turret, first. If the imp team is competent, they have an almost 100% success rate in capping the turret before republic can even make it to the turret. The ONLY thing that comes close to stopping it, is a sentinel boosting a sage, who force sprints after, and can get into aoe range on the turret (must be aoe because a competent capper spends the 0.2 seconds to get behind the turret, just so you understand), with 2 seconds left on the cap.

I do this all the time only using my Sorcerer sprint. No need for the outside run speed buff.

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Yeah just repeat yourself even after being proven wrong. Against a competent team it is impossible to capture the far side turret before the other team does. Drive them off it afterwards? Perhaps. But interrupt the original cap? No.


Yes, after posting proof. Yea, keep posting, and to the imp telling me I missed the point, no I didn't. I posted it again and again, and people kept denying it.


I hate to say it, but wow, less QQ Reps and more pewpew.

Edited by Silverspar
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I do this all the time only using my Sorcerer sprint. No need for the outside run speed buff.


Were you intercepted by anyone or did they all just sit by the turret?


I intercept while someone else caps. I have never allowed someone past in time to interrupt the cap. I leap a sprinting Sorc right as they pass under the heal powerup on the ridge. If you let me leap you, you are delayed enough that you will not reach the flag.


Vs people who know what they are doing you have no chance to stop the original cap.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Yes, after posting proof. Yea, keep posting, and to the imp telling me I missed the point, no I didn't. I posted it again and again, and people kept denying it.


I hate to say it, but wow, less QQ Reps and more pewpew.


Your "proof" was a screenshot where you successfully capped the side turret before the other team did.


Wow. That's proof you can do it EVERY time against a competent team. Yep. Sure is. Let me post a screenshot where we 3 capped it, and use it as proof that Republic has a clear advantage in the warzone all the time.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Wow. You somehow missed the point after countless pages. I don't know whether to bother explaining it to you again seeing as you seem to be understanding impaired.


LOL jumping in an argument and you don't even know what is being discussed. There wasn't a point. Just countless posts from baddies trying to say there is an unfair advantage. But some how, this advantage, at least for the Reps who don't care and make it their own advantage, isn't even a drop in the bucket.


Less QQ, more PewPew.

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Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.



Yet the Civil War tickets still gives the Empire an advantage with tickets counting against Republic faster. It's not a small difference either it's a 35 ticket difference.


I love how they fix the Republics advantage RIGHT AWAY but the Empire gets to keep theirs.



Tired of your crap BW...I really am...


Honestly the quick first tick is far less a concern IMHO then the smaller hangar that you spawn in for them. It doesn't take more then 1-2 seconds to get to even the edge speeder bikes, no matter where you start in the emp hangar. For republic its at least a 3-4 second run every time because its a much bigger hangar. In a game where getting back on the point to defend and every second counts, this is a much bigger advantage then the first tick.

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Did you do it against a sentinel boosting a consular to the point? No. Good job not getting it.

No need for the sentinel boost, my Sorc sprint is enough to make it in time.


Were you intercepted by anyone or did they all just sit by the turret?


I intercept while someone else caps. I have never allowed someone past in time to interrupt the cap.


Vs people who know what they are doing you have no chance to stop the original cap.

Done it both with one person just trying to cap and other times with 1-2 Repub trying to intercept us. I am not a noob at this, I don't go alone.

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Honestly the quick first tick is far less a concern IMHO then the smaller hangar that you spawn in for them. It doesn't take more then 1-2 seconds to get to even the edge speeder bikes, no matter where you start in the emp hangar. For republic its at least a 3-4 second run every time because its a much bigger hangar. In a game where getting back on the point to defend and every second counts, this is a much bigger advantage then the first tick.


I didn't know the Imperial ship wasn't symmetrical to the Republic one. Another nail in the coffin if true.

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I do this all the time only using my Sorcerer sprint. No need for the outside run speed buff.


Ok I'll type it in more basic english this time.


Did you do it against an opponent that was using both of those speed buffs?


The answer is no. You still fail at reading, you still fail at comprehending the point. It would help if you would please explain to me what you don't understand so I can explain it to you directly instead of continuing to spout garbage. Go back and read my post carefully. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask.

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No need for the sentinel boost, my Sorc sprint is enough to make it in time.



Done it both with one person just trying to cap and other times with 1-2 Repub trying to intercept us. I am not a noob at this, I don't go alone.


If you're a Sorc sprinting then you are alone unless there are two Sorcs sprinting.


In that case I use Awe, CC'ing both of you. Then while you use your CC break I crippling throw root one of you and Force Stasis stun the other (after breaking out of the CC you both apply to me, giving me full resolve).

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Ok I'll type it in more basic english this time.


Did you do it against an opponent that was using both of those speed buffs?


The answer is no. You still fail at reading, you still fail at comprehending the point. It would help if you would please explain to me what you don't understand so I can explain it to you directly instead of continuing to spout garbage. Go back and read my post carefully. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask.

The answer is yes. You still fail at reading, you still fail at comprehending the point.


There is an advantage for the team running left vs the team running right to get there faster....but it is NOT an 8 second advantage but it IS an 8 second cap time. I can get there in time to stop the cap, not much extra time to spare, but time enough to get the job done.

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The answer is yes. You still fail at reading, you still fail at comprehending the point.


There is an advantage for the team running left vs the team running right to get there faster....but it is NOT an 8 second advantage but it IS an 8 second cap time. I can get there in time to stop the cap, not much extra time to spare, but time enough to get the job done.


It takes 6 seconds of normal running to reach from the spawn point to the side wall, where Empire starts at the end of their speeder run.


So you have 6 seconds to make up. Your sprint will cover maybe 3 seconds worth of ground. But wait! The other team also has a Sage sprinting too, so that is negated.


You still have 6 seconds of running to make up. If I leap you, that's a 3 second root and you are done. Additionally, the side that is closer runs a straight line directly to the flag, while you have to take a couple different lines and approach up the stairs instead of jumping up the corner ramp, slowing you down even more.

Edited by EternalFinality
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If you're a Sorc sprinting then you are alone unless there are two Sorcs sprinting.


In that case I use Awe, CC'ing both of you. Then while you use your CC break I crippling throw root one of you and Force Stasis stun the other (after breaking out of the CC you both apply to me, giving me full resolve).

I wish we could set this up, because if you really think that is the only option you would get stomped.

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No need for the sentinel boost, my Sorc sprint is enough to make it in time.



Done it both with one person just trying to cap and other times with 1-2 Repub trying to intercept us. I am not a noob at this, I don't go alone.


I'm tired of repeating myself so I'll just do it one more time.


We have tested this extensively. If both teams are using the maximum number of speed buffs, the only thing that stops the cap is an aoeing sorc, and he only makes it there with 2 seconds to spare.


anything that slows or stuns the sorc for even a second, is enough to prevent them from stopping the cap.


I won't insult your intelligence like you do mine. I realize you're smart enough to run out to the turret at full speed to stop the cap.


I'm telling you that if your opponent maximizes their ability to first get to the turret, and second to cap, you will not make it there in time. Maybe if you send 4 sorcs at once and get lucky. Think about it this way, if you were on the closer team, and you had a marauder and a sorc, would you ever let them reach the sorc in time?


If you're so convinced you have a scenario where you can stop the cap, lay it out to me and I'll explain why it doesn't work.


I'll start with your one sorc scenario. A sorc force sprinting to the cap turret, will be ~30 m short of the stairs (they can just barely aoe the stairs) when a capper who was first stentinel/marauder speeded, then force speeded to the turret, is finished capping the turret. Please explain to me how you stop the cap from that distance, even with a full 8 man premade of sorcs force running.


Even if you found some combination that could stop it half the time, please explain to me how a 50% chance to have a clear lead that the other team can do nothing about even with perfect play, is not a clear advantage.

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I wish we could set this up, because if you really think that is the only option you would get stomped.


As I said, I have NEVER allowed a single person past in time to cap. I have died nearly instantly from 4 people focusing me. I have been stunned and rooted myself. We have lost the turret immediately afterwards. But it was always enough to get the original cap. ALWAYS.


Your theorycrafting nonsense is nothing compared to my track record. And I've played a lot of warzones and I do the same thing every time.


"Going left with instant speed, Sage go with to cap left preferred"

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Your "proof" was a screenshot where you successfully capped the side turret before the other team did.


Wow. That's proof you can do it EVERY time against a competent team. Yep. Sure is. Let me post a screenshot where we 3 capped it, and use it as proof that Republic has a clear advantage in the warzone all the time.


You mean every time we face imps that are competent we still do the same thing. All you are doing is making excuses now. You aren't even trying. You just want to whine instead of actually going out there and doing something.

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The answer is yes. You still fail at reading, you still fail at comprehending the point.


There is an advantage for the team running left vs the team running right to get there faster....but it is NOT an 8 second advantage but it IS an 8 second cap time. I can get there in time to stop the cap, not much extra time to spare, but time enough to get the job done.


Uh huh. I suppose you asked the other team if that's what they did? I did. We set this up and tested it repeatedly. I have stated the facts repeatedly in previous posts. All of what I said was tested and true. If you wish to conjecture further be my guest, but fact is fact.

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You mean every time we face imps that are competent we still do the same thing. All you are doing is making excuses now. You aren't even trying. You just want to whine instead of actually going out there and doing something.


Your anecdotal garbage means nothing.


I already told you what I do every single match. No one has yet to stop me, so I will continue to do it, and cap the left turret every. single. time.

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