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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Voidstar Fixed Civil War Still Broke...Getting Tired Of Favortism


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Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.



Yet the Civil War tickets still gives the Empire an advantage with tickets counting against Republic faster. It's not a small difference either it's a 35 ticket difference.


I love how they fix the Republics advantage RIGHT AWAY but the Empire gets to keep theirs.



Tired of your crap BW...I really am...


Lawl. Would it not be more effective to fix how winning teams are chosen in voidstar?


Considering that Team A can be attacker first get to the force field. But never get passed it. Team B can now be attacker get to the force field in half the time and actually plant the bomb on the door as the clock runs out. But because the door never exploded they still lose cause they didn't get to be attacker first... lawl. Im sorry but doing it in half the time an getting passed the force field is clearly the better team.

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The left turret is easiest to cap first, map is designed that way. I do it for both imp and repub, and I always get there first and cap it first.


It's a fact that the republic ship starts taking damage sooner when both guns are captured simultaneously. This has NOT been fixed "since december", it hasnt even been acknowledged by the devs. But anyone who even plays the game knows this to be true. The empire gets a 5-10 point lead in the civil war every time. Period.


I think most people will agree that is is unfair and should be fixed but come on how many times have you lost by 5-10 points.


Inb4 every single match.

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Let's see, an instant advantage that can only be used by one side and will likely cause them to win the match due to the impossible speed of the bomb plant, vs a 5 point difference (if your side doesn't cap the advantageous turret for some reason) that will likely not even matter since even the hardest-fought civil wars tend to end with a 30+ point difference. Wonder which should take precedence...


Emoting from mounts takes precedence.



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By the end of it people have tested this and it has been a 35+ point advantage. It's absurd and needs to be fixed.


Holding the outside nodes with no one capping mid.


They did fix it, by giving all the imps free battlemaster gear.


PS: We still wipe the floor with them 4/5 battles.

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Test it with a sorc/jugg combo and get back to me. I don't think you are trying hard enough. Once you attempt to stop the sage, it allows the jugg to have a target to force charge/leap to someone (which cuts distance, and grants the jugg 'Unstoppable', immunity to interrupts /cc). Once the Jugg jumps to the target (which he just snared) he can then push that target even closer to the turret and jump to them again (and can't be stopped, due to unstoppable) and then finish up with either a sabre throw, smash, sweeping slash, or even a cybertech grenade, depending on what he needs to do. I'd like to see you theorycraft on that strategy, given reasonable amounts of opposing faction going to the same turret.


100% pure theorycrafting nonsense.

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Well from the video we are not talking that big of an advantage as compared to in voidstar republic being able to beat 1/3 the map right off the get go. Essentially the republic exploit if translated would be the same as starting down 400 to 600 to start the game.


That delay is not the same. But yeah it should be fixed.

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Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.



Yet the Civil War tickets still gives the Empire an advantage with tickets counting against Republic faster. It's not a small difference either it's a 35 ticket difference.


I love how they fix the Republics advantage RIGHT AWAY but the Empire gets to keep theirs.



Tired of your crap BW...I really am...


Wrong is wrong that is all...

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100% pure theorycrafting nonsense.


^ someone who has no interest in testing something once they believe that they absolutely can't be wrong.


My strategy isn't even hard.. the juggernaut tool is used by any good juggernaut player in huttball. Had I a way to test it, I would. I find it hard to believe that even the original guy tested it, seeing how random warzone queuing is in fact, random. It can't ever be a 100% controlled environment. I'm inclined to believe that his is more theorycraft than mine.


Do you even consider other possibilities? You could even have a powertech escort, with stealth detection and stealth probe, running with 15% speed boost from Pneumatic Boots.. with the intent on guarding the cap-stoppers from the stealthed scoundrel. There are so many possibilities that the claim that one side absolutely can't be stopped is just poor form.

Edited by Auhfel
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^ someone who has no interest in testing something once they believe they are 100% correct.


My strategy isn't even hard.. the juggernaut tool is used by any good juggernaut player in huttball. Had I a way to test it, I would. I find it hard to believe that even the original guy tested it, seeing how random warzone queuing is in fact, random. It can't ever be a 100% controlled environment. I'm inclined to believe that his is more theorycraft than mine.


CC the dashing Sorc from a protected position, like behind one of the numerous piles of junk. Jugg can't leap. Sorc is CC'd. Flag is capped. Done.


Also, the person attacking the dashing Sorc could themselves be a Jugg, who leaps to them and has CC immunity. So how will the second Jugg push him?


This will be my last theorycrafting session with you. You are so desperate to come up with some nonsense scenario, instead of simply admitting this is an imbalanced situation that favors the Empire.

Edited by EternalFinality
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What is it you said?


"the node to your right is longer run and thus harder to reach"


It's ok, they'll teach geometry in the second year of high school. Hang in there!


One day they might teach skill to. You have a bar of abilities, you have stuff you can use, you have a team. This is the mentality that results in PUGs getting wiped most of the time. The we can't mentality. If I can reach the node before the Imps cap it on my Vanguard trooper, you can reach the node before the Imps cap it.

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One day they might teach skill to. You have a bar of abilities, you have stuff you can use, you have a team. This is the mentality that results in PUGs getting wiped most of the time. The we can't mentality.


How does all the teamwork in the world get you to the node in time? Answer, please, instead of vague nonsense like "Pugs wouldn't understand."


How does teamwork get you there faster? You'll never have an answer, just more insults.


If I can reach the node before the Imps cap it on my Vanguard trooper, you can reach the node before the Imps cap it.


We're assuming the other team doesn't suck, and actually sends someone to intercept. They only need to delay for a single second to get the cap if someone positions properly behind the turret to cap

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How does all the teamwork in the world get you to the node in time? Answer, please, instead of vague nonsense like "Pugs wouldn't understand."


How does teamwork get you there faster? You'll never have an answer, just more insults.




We're assuming the other team doesn't suck, and actually sends someone to intercept. They only need to delay for a single second to get the cap if someone positions properly behind the turret to cap


You do know how to counter intercept right? You do know how to use a stun before they do, a charge or something right? I mean wow, you have the samethings you can do to them in anticipation of their interception you can use, it's like all the sudden all these abilities just, disappear.

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How does all the teamwork in the world get you to the node in time? Answer, please, instead of vague nonsense like "Pugs wouldn't understand."


How does teamwork get you there faster? You'll never have an answer, just more insults.




We're assuming the other team doesn't suck, and actually sends someone to intercept. They only need to delay for a single second to get the cap if someone positions properly behind the turret to cap


Just ignore them, they came to my thread to troll and get attention. They do nothing but assume and make a fool of themselves.


The good thing is they have helped keep me on the front page for a long time.

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You do know how to counter intercept right? You do know how to use a stun before they do, a charge or something right? I mean wow, you have the samethings you can do to them in anticipation of their interception you can use, it's like all the sudden all these abilities just, disappear.


Again, how will you stop my Sentinel who will reach you just as you are passing the side wall?


I have 3 rooting abilities, an aoe 6 second mez, and a channeled stun.


I can delay 2-3 people the necessary time no problem. No one has EVER gotten by me to stop a competent capper.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Let's see, an instant advantage that can --- be used by both sides and will likely cause them to win the match due to the impossible speed of the bomb plant, vs a 5 point difference (if your side doesn't cap the advantageous turret for some reason) that will likely not even matter since even the hardest-fought civil wars tend to end with a 30+ point difference. Wonder which should take precedence...


Fixed that statement for ya. Deleted "only" and changed "one" to "both". Now at least your first sentence is correct. I chose to not continue after that.

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CC the dashing Sorc from a protected position, like behind one of the numerous piles of junk. Jugg can't leap. Sorc is CC'd. Flag is capped. Done.


Also, the person attacking the dashing Sorc could themselves be a Jugg, who leaps to them and has CC immunity. So how will the second Jugg push him?


This will be my last theorycrafting session with you. You are so desperate to come up with some nonsense scenario, instead of simply admitting this is an imbalanced situation that favors the Empire.


The problem with a jugg is that they can't stealth. If your jugg runs to stop the sage.. you just opened up the possibility for my jugg to jump to you.


Your CC'ing the sorc is also situational at best, because it would have to be done with a ranged CC and probably from stealth, or you yourself could get CC'd by the sorc.


My theories are as much theory as your ideas, the truth is that it completely dependent upon the play of the two teams rushing for that point.


I ALWAYS rush the far objective, and succeed in stopping the cap 90% of the time. That's my personal experience.

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CC the dashing Sorc from a protected position, like behind one of the numerous piles of junk. Jugg can't leap. Sorc is CC'd. Flag is capped. Done.


Also, the person attacking the dashing Sorc could themselves be a Jugg, who leaps to them and has CC immunity. So how will the second Jugg push him?


This will be my last theorycrafting session with you. You are so desperate to come up with some nonsense scenario, instead of simply admitting this is an imbalanced situation that favors the Empire.


Just curious what any of this has to do with the fact that capping both outside turrets and not capping mid will lead to Empire winning by 35 points?

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Again, how will you stop my Sentinel who will reach you just as you are passing the side wall?


I have 3 rooting abilities, an aoe 6 second mez, and a channeled stun.


I can delay 2-3 people the necessary time no problem. No one has EVER gotten by me to stop a competent capper.


First off, if a shadow is playing smartly, you aren't delaying them. Second off, you can't stop someone you can't see, thirdly CC breaker also breaks snares, thus again you aren't stopping them, forthly, even if you slow me I still get in range to use my stun or pull on someone trying to cap. Finally Countering your little attempt at slowing people down is as easy as you trying to slow the team trying to stop you.

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The problem with a jugg is that they can't stealth. If your jugg runs to stop the sage.. you just opened up the possibility for my jugg to jump to you.


Your CC'ing the sorc is also situational at best, because it would have to be done with a ranged CC and probably from stealth, or you yourself could get CC'd by the sorc.


My theories are as much theory as your ideas, the truth is that it completely dependent upon the play of the two teams rushing for that point.


I ALWAYS rush the far objective, and succeed in stopping the cap 90% of the time. That's my personal experience.


My Jugg jumped to the Sorc, he did not run. He is CC immune.


How can the Sorc CC me if I'm los'd behind the junk until they move into view?


Your theories are trash, just like your denial of this issue.

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Just curious what any of this has to do with the fact that capping both outside turrets and not capping mid will lead to Empire winning by 35 points?


Apparently to the bads this isn't an issue because you can just rush the right side and cap it before the Imperials do. This is nonsense, but they don't appear to understand.

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First off, if a shadow is playing smartly, you aren't delaying them. Second off, you can't stop someone you can't see, thirdly CC breaker also breaks snares, thus again you aren't stopping them, forthly, even if you slow me I still get in range to use my stun or pull on someone trying to cap. Finally Countering your little attempt at slowing people down is as easy as you trying to slow the team trying to stop you.


Stealth classes in stealth will NEVER get to the flag in time.


Keep spinning in the wind.

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Stealth classes in stealth will NEVER get to the flag in time.


Keep spinning in the wind.


Uhhhh, really? Is that why I always get to the flag in time and stop their cap? Seriously just stop. Countering the intercept team is as easy as pie, if you think a shadow can't reach the other teams turret, in stealth, before that team does, then you really don't know the class.

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Uhhhh, really? Is that why I always get to the flag in time and stop their cap? Seriously just stop. Countering the intercept team is as easy as pie, if you think a shadow can't reach the other teams turret, in stealth, before that team does, then you really don't know the class.


Your opponents must be worse than you. It's the only rational explanation.


I also like how you've dropped your absurd claims that Republic ticks the same way. At least we're getting somewhere.

Edited by EternalFinality
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