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Voidstar Fixed Civil War Still Broke...Getting Tired Of Favortism


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*sigh* Again it's not misinformation. It is fact. I have NEVER seen it tick instantly for Republic but I have ALWAYS seen it tick right away for Empire.


Please stop trying to fill this thread with your lies.


No, it's not a fact. I am sorry you're wrong. I am sorry you don't like the truth. Instead of posting misinformation, which you are doing, go do it. But we know you won't. Instead of actually going and learning the truth, and listening to someone that wins the majority of their games against imps, you will instead sit there and make believe that you are right. In the face of everyone here telling you you are wrong, both Imperial and Republic.

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I'll do you one better.




I hope this has cured you of your ignorance.


LOL Such a fool.


As has been explained to everyone reporting this problem in the past:




The ticks happen on a fixed timer, and are dependent on when the cap happens. A cap occurs when the scroll bar for the cap finishes its cast NOT when the animation for the turrets ends.


It's really simply logic. You should all be more observant. There is no favouritism. It's a really simple, logical way of processing caps.


The animation time on the turrets is totally and utterly irrelevant and there is no favouritism at all.

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A minute head start? You know, I don't care for the oblong person trying to make up misinformation about something but you really aren't helping your faction either by stating misinformation either.


Am I wrong? (sincere, I really don't know). My impression was that the Republic could get out of the spawn early. Since the set up time is a minute and 30 seconds I assumed that a minute was a safe estimation but because I don't know how to do the bug I have no idea. What was the headstart?

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Ok, yes i get that how you get 8+ people in one single warzone. I get it. Clearly you made your point there. Maybe you should read the whole post before getting on the band-wagon.


What i was stating afterwards is how the warzone starts, alot of times, with only 5-6 players on the republic side. If your stating other players can take the que before the timer runs out. It does not explain how the game would start with only 5-6 players on the republic side while empire side have a full 8 players.


You didn't read my post then cause I explained it.

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Am I wrong? (sincere, I really don't know). My impression was that the Republic could get out of the spawn early. Since the set up time is a minute and 30 seconds I assumed that a minute was a safe estimation but because I don't know how to do the bug I have no idea. What was the headstart?


There is no head start. Both sides get out of their warzone at the same time. If you are slow at clicking speeder bikes that's an issue of either your latency, your computer, or you in general. Both sides have one node they can reach at approximately the same time, depending on if they are using speed boosts or not, the center node they can reach at the same time, again relative to speed boosts, and one node that takes a bit longer to reach. IE, left quick, middle medium, right long. No team is leaving their warzone ahead of the other.

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Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.



Yet the Civil War tickets still gives the Empire an advantage with tickets counting against Republic faster. It's not a small difference either it's a 35 ticket difference.


I love how they fix the Republics advantage RIGHT AWAY but the Empire gets to keep theirs.



Tired of your crap BW...I really am...


So what is the Empire advantage in Civil War causeI guess I am missing it since Republic always seems to win.


The advantage on Void Star was both sided not just republic and it was a huge advantage to the attackers.

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No, it's not a fact. I am sorry you're wrong. I am sorry you don't like the truth. Instead of posting misinformation, which you are doing, go do it. But we know you won't. Instead of actually going and learning the truth, and listening to someone that wins the majority of their games against imps, you will instead sit there and make believe that you are right. In the face of everyone here telling you you are wrong, both Imperial and Republic.


How can it be so hard for someone to get it through their head lol...


Video proof and the fact I have personally witnessed it happening but NOPE its a lie because you say it's a lie? lol


If I hadn't personally witnessed this every time I play the WZ then I wouldn't care or even make this thread.


But the fact I notice when Republic cap the point there is no "bonus tick" as you put it, but EVERY time Empire does it gives them one. Say what you want I don't care I have seen it MANY times with my own eyes.

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i am a republic player.

*edit for rp*


Your going to let a bunch of sith get to you because they cheat? thats what the empire does! they rig any system so they win!!


but are you going to let them get away with it?




Show those dirty emps what it means to be part of the republic!


no dirty trick is going to get in my way towards victory


and if i do fall ill fall taking a whole lot of those scum with me!


(end rp)


just have fun.


i have never played a game that was 5 points. im sure some people have but that just means you could have won it by more. how many games has anyone lost like that

Edited by Atamosk
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think about what? conspiricy theories about devs liking a side more so they make it unfair? really? especially because they want to play that side?


there are project mangers who would fire someone for something like that.

Edited by Trineda
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You didn't read my post then cause I explained it.


Not a good job i fear. Let me explain it to you in a way that you would understand.


Your standing, for example, 8 players que up. 4 hit the enter key and the other 4 would AFK. Which would result in 4 players that entered that warzone and is missing players, correct?


Now you previously explained that when those 4 AFK's timer goes down to 10-15 second. Other players may take thier que, which would result in a full team. But if those 4 AFK's also hit thier enter key at the last moment. It would result in 12 players that joined that one warzone. Correct?


Now this contridict one another. Why? Because if it was like you said above, then there would NEVER be games where only 5-6 players on one team plays for a good 5 min. before other players joins, or even 2-3min. Because there are always other plays that can take those AFK's spot, therefore the game would start evenly or even at most 8 vs 12.


But this is not the case because there are games, other people can verify, that only start with 6 players. And people does not join for 1-2min. Sometimes they never join, which causes the Warzone to close.


Get it?

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How can it be so hard for someone to get it through their head lol...


Video proof and the fact I have personally witnessed it happening but NOPE its a lie because you say it's a lie? lol


If I hadn't personally witnessed this every time I play the WZ then I wouldn't care or even make this thread.


But the fact I notice when Republic cap the point there is no "bonus tick" as you put it, but EVERY time Empire does it gives them one. Say what you want I don't care I have seen it MANY times with my own eyes.


You have no video proof. You have an age old video showing Imps capping a node and your own hyperbole and false information. You are not proving anything. You are just demonstrating you aren't PvPing. You are one of those Republic baddies who go either all in center or go all left then cry when the Imps cap you out. I am a Republic, Is it there and cap the right node almost EVERY game. I know what it does. It instantly ticks for either side.


All you are doing is making up crap and lying to try and make your point believable, but here I am a Republic player, telling you you are wrong. This node doesn't care which faction you are. You are the only one not getting it. And you are just constantly proving you hate being wrong.

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There is no head start. Both sides get out of their warzone at the same time. If you are slow at clicking speeder bikes that's an issue of either your latency, your computer, or you in general. Both sides have one node they can reach at approximately the same time, depending on if they are using speed boosts or not, the center node they can reach at the same time, again relative to speed boosts, and one node that takes a bit longer to reach. IE, left quick, middle medium, right long. No team is leaving their warzone ahead of the other.


The head start I was refering to was how the OP compared the republic being able to get out of the starting area in voidstar, to a few paces lead by the imperials in Alderaan. that's all.

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Ok sorry I realize that wasn't the most constructive, but that noc guy has been on such a high horse I couldn't resist.


Anyways, the issue here is that each factions "left" turret, is significantly closer than it is to the other faction. Meaning that that faction is guaranteed to get that turret right at the beginning of the game, unless the other side sends multiple force sprinters (to avoid cc) and even then it's very very close.


This means in a game where both teams theoretically know what they're doing, Imps get East, Pubs get West, at the exact same time, right off the bat.


However, there is plenty of evidence to show that in this occurrence, instead of an even game, Imps come out ahead. Every single time.


While personally I realize that one out of maybe 1000 games MIGHT be decided by this, it is in fact one of a very long list of discrepancies that favor the Imperials, and THAT is why people are angry.

Edited by Trineda
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Not a good job i fear. Let me explain it to you in a way that you would understand.


Your standing, for example, 8 players que up. 4 hit the enter key and the other 4 would AFK. Which would result in 4 players that entered that warzone and is missing players, correct?


Now you previously explained that when those 4 AFK's timer goes down to 10-15 second. Other players may take thier que, which would result in a full team. But if those 4 AFK's also hit thier enter key at the last moment. It would result in 12 players that joined that one warzone. Correct?


Now this contridict one another. Why? Because if it was like you said above, then there would NEVER be games where only 5-6 players on one team plays for a good 5 min. before other players joins, or even 2-3min. Because there are always other plays that can take those AFK's spot, therefore the game would start evenly or even at most 8 vs 12.


But this is not the case because there are games, other people can verify, that only start with 6 players. And people does not join for 1-2min. Sometimes they never join, which causes the Warzone to close.


Get it?


No, that's not what I said. I said nothing at all about extra people in the WZ. I explained why you were starting with teams of only 6 people instead of 8. The warzone starts when the queue pops. That countdown inside is already begun before you pushed enter. Thus is 8 people have queued and only 6 of them push enter, you are starting with 6 regardless, until either those two afk hit their enter key or more people queue up. I, in no way, was talking about getting more than 8 people in a warzone. I was talking about why you see only teams of 6 or less.

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think about what? conspiricy theories about devs liking a side more so they make it unfair? really? especially because they want to play that side?


there are project mangers who would fire someone for something like that.


Dude. Why do people never even read posts. I was laughing because he was using entirely incorrect information to act condescendingly towards another poster. It's funny when people talk down to others, and are wrong. Right? That's why forums are awesome.

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The head start I was refering to was how the OP compared the republic being able to get out of the starting area in voidstar, to a few paces lead by the imperials in Alderaan. that's all.


That was a bug people were exploiting that should have resulted in a ban by jumping the barrier, which, again, was not faction specific as Imps could have exploited it to.

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You have no video proof. You have an age old video showing Imps capping a node and your own hyperbole and false information. You are not proving anything. You are just demonstrating you aren't PvPing. You are one of those Republic baddies who go either all in center or go all left then cry when the Imps cap you out. I am a Republic, Is it there and cap the right node almost EVERY game. I know what it does. It instantly ticks for either side.


All you are doing is making up crap and lying to try and make your point believable, but here I am a Republic player, telling you you are wrong. This node doesn't care which faction you are. You are the only one not getting it. And you are just constantly proving you hate being wrong.


Thank you for proving that you are someone who just assumes things.


I will keep knowing what I am saying is true because unlike you, I don't assume and I actually played many matches and observed this "bug" testing both Republic and Empire capping the same node.


But go ahead keep assuming man, it seems to make you think you know what you are talking about.


Thank you for the continued bumps.

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Ok sorry I realize that wasn't the most constructive, but that noc guy has been on such a high horse I couldn't resist.


Anyways, the issue here is that each factions "left" turret, is significantly closer than it is to the other faction. Meaning that that faction is guaranteed to get that turret right at the beginning of the game, unless the other side sends multiple force sprinters (to avoid cc) and even then it's very very close.


This means in a game where both teams theoretically know what they're doing, Imps get East, Pubs get West, at the exact same time, right off the bat.


However, there is plenty of evidence to show that in this occurrence, instead of an even game, Imps come out ahead. Every single time.


While personally I realize that one out of maybe 1000 games MIGHT be decided by this, it is in fact one of a very long list of discrepancies that favor the Imperials, and THAT is why people are angry.


What you said about getting there in time to stop the cap isn't true. Every game I sprint for the east turret and I always stop them from capping unless I'm caught up in 2 stuns (because I break the first stun with CD) Granted, I have charge but I imagine any class with force speed, a charge, or ranged could do it (which I believe is everyone unless I'm totally overlooking something).


Also, I realize there are plenty of discrepancies that make things bias for imperials, but there are many moves that are also bias against imperials and you never hear anyone cry about that.


They need to be addressed but it's not ***-GAMEBREAKING

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No, that's not what I said. I said nothing at all about extra people in the WZ. I explained why you were starting with teams of only 6 people instead of 8. The warzone starts when the queue pops. That countdown inside is already begun before you pushed enter. Thus is 8 people have queued and only 6 of them push enter, you are starting with 6 regardless, until either those two afk hit their enter key or more people queue up. I, in no way, was talking about getting more than 8 people in a warzone. I was talking about why you see only teams of 6 or less.


OK i seemed to mixed up your statement with others. That would explain why players start with teams for 6 or less. Mainly due to the reason there are not enough player at the time queing up.


Which leads to my exact point, of Republic get the short end of the stick. Due to thier overall population and overall players that que up for PvP. Alot of times games would start 6 vs 10 in favor of the Empire.


The game should start with AT LEAST 8 player on each side, not 6. Its very crucial how the start of the game come about, because it will lead to how the game will play out most of the time.

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Thank you for proving that you are someone who just assumes things.


I will keep knowing what I am saying is true because unlike you, I don't assume and I actually played many matches and observed this "bug" testing both Republic and Empire capping the same node.


But go ahead keep assuming man, it seems to make you think you know what you are talking about.


Thank you for the continued bumps.


You aren't speaking the truth. That's the problem. You are just one of those looking to whine about something you know nothing about. And I will keep posting the truth while you keep trying to lie about it. I am sorry you are wrong. I am sorry you hate the truth. I am sorry you never go to the right node, and pretend you do. Obviously you don't or you don't pay attention. Or better yet, you are one of them that takes a node and leaves it to be recapped.


It's one thing when this "issue" is only for one faction and it applied to all the nodes, but both factions can get advantage of this single node. Keep on keeping on with the lie though. Most of us who play PvP regularly know better. But hey, next thing you know you will try and claim I am imp in disguise or something when I am a Republic player who caps this node continuously. I know better.

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That was a bug people were exploiting that should have resulted in a ban by jumping the barrier, which, again, was not faction specific as Imps could have exploited it to.


I thought the whole point of this thread was that it was a Republic issue that got addressed but this Imperial issue didn't get addressed. :eek:

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I thought the whole point of this thread was that it was a Republic issue that got addressed but this Imperial issue didn't get addressed. :eek:


It's hard for people like them to stay on topic. They just want attention but hey at least i am still on the first page.

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OK i seemed to mixed up your statement with others. That would explain why players start with teams for 6 or less. Mainly due to the reason there are not enough player at the time queing up.


Which leads to my exact point, of Republic get the short end of the stick. Due to thier overall population and overall players that que up for PvP. Alot of times games would start 6 vs 10 in favor of the Empire.


The game should start with AT LEAST 8 player on each side, not 6. Its very crucial how the start of the game come about, because it will lead to how the game will play out most of the time.


We might get the short end but through adversity we just get better. This is where learning the maps helps. When I see the countdown, depending on the map, we are gone to defend, or hit nodes or get that huttball fast. Because of that countdown we have won a lot of matches. And the rest of the Reps on our server have been catching on. We have gotten to the point that in huttball we can get around 3 to 5 scores before the warzone ends if we are short. In Alderaan we cap that right node if we are short just to keep them ahead while one or two peope distract them at a second node ot keep them from having two. We get the win because of that instant tick and +5 bonus after. Voidstar is tricky if we are attackers first, but we've done it there to.

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