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Datacrons quests - one of the worst ideas ever


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p.s. No matter how optional they are, an improvement to main stats is mandatory for .... those who seek challenges in pvp/pve (to avoid the endgame term).


Seek challenges and yet complaining about the datacron difficulties?


Color me confused.

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I'm actually amazed you spent the time & could be bothered to write this thread !!!


Can't believe you are actually moaning about this...seriously dude! Get a life!!!


I'm still laughing at how stupid this thread is...."I don't want to have to jump on a few blocks to get a datacron" Hahahaha !!! Really hahaha !!!

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1.) I am terrible at platforming. Most of the time I try to jump in SWTOR, I kneel like I am at mass. I am an idiot at jumping in this game. Trust me, you'd laugh watching me try to platform. I should fraps it and post it with the title, "Watch this idiot jump. Worst ever."


2.) I have zero patience. I almost turn into that German Kid on the interwebz at times when I get frustrated.


3.) And I don't think that *any* changes should be made to the Datacrons.



I gave up on one in Nar Shaddaa because falling dropped me into higher level mobs. I am 49 right now and plan on going back and collecting them as a mini game when I get bored with the Lvl 50 gear grind.


Things should be hard. There is no true achievement without struggle.


I mean, I started playing this game a *month and a half ago* and I am at End Game.


If everything is handed like a hot fudge sundae to me, I'm going to get bored and move on.


Leave the Datacrons as they are.

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p.s. No matter how optional they are, an improvement to main stats is mandatory for .... those who seek challenges in pvp/pve (to avoid the endgame term).


If you like a challenge, then don't get the datacrons going by your logic. Enhancing main stats with optional items only makes things easier which in turn makes all pvp/pve easier. Again, datacrons are not mandatory for completing every single quest, fp, wz, etc. in this game.


P.S. - Feel free to use it, I just don't like the term, you may, which is fine :)

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Doesn't even make my top 100. How about this idea:


Bill: What if you mix the mayonnaise in the can, WITH the tunafish? Or... hold it! Chuck! I got it! Take LIVE tuna fish, and FEED 'em mayonnaise! Oh this is great.

Edited by Qoojo
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I like the datacrons, with the exception of the platform element. It makes some of the datacrons incredibly frustrating to reach. Enough so that I at times have felt an almost overpowering urge to hurl copious amounts of the most foul and banhammer-provoking abuse at whatever dev is responsible for their placement.
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Dear players,


I write this message to you, yet I also hope someone from the "amazing" Bioware/EA staff will get the idea.


I did 1/3 of the datacrons quests although I had to say I gave up a few.

To get datacrons you have to be a Quake player. From Bioware and from a MMORPG in general, I expect smart quests.


I understand if you have to guess a riddle, to travel till the end of the map, to fight hard tactical fights (kind of old wow Nax) and so on.

What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why I have to be proficient in virtual Olympic jumping to get those datacrons. I did not buy Quake but SWTOR.

Not to mention that the game does NOT contain any of the force jump abilities we are used in movies and previous sw games.


This situation, combined with a lot of bugs (already mentioned here and elsewhere on the web) and the "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy, make me think how much I want to continue this game (which I waited since the announcement).


I haven't reached a decision yet, but I hope that the "smart" datacrons quests writers to be given the Nobel prise for their IQ.




I disagree, I find that the datacron hunting makes players explore (unless they "cheat" with website guides) and makes players better by having them think and learn how to control their character better by "forcing" them to learn how to determine distance, height, slope, speed etc in the game, it also teaches them patience (which there seems to be a severe lack of for many).


"you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy


HUH? This game doesn't have cash shops (thank whatever Diety that's appropriate) so I have no idea what you are refering to, if it's the DDE/CE you are refering to there's nothing of real ingame value in those, novelty items only and I didn't expect anything else either.

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Then explain what make the people getting them so special?


Whoever said the people getting them were special? So far I've gotten every Datacron up to Alderaan, (which from what I've read is many of the hard "platformy" ones... and to note, I'm only up to Alderaan gameplay wise.)


Doesn't mean I don't think they're poor/stupid game design. I do know for a *fact* that they were far harder to get on my Mom's computer (when visiting over x-mas) than they were on my computer, due to the difference in frame rate/latency. That alone illustrates there's poor design at work.


Hard to find = good

Hard to figure out how to get to = good.

Maybe have to fight some nasty mob to get to = good.

Platform elements that would be easier in real life than they are in a video game where you're supposedly practically a superhuman = stupid. Jump 30 meters away to an enemy standing 15 meters above me? No problem. Jump to a ledge just slightly above my head in easy reach? Nope, can't do.


(and incidentally, thats my typical complaint with jumping puzzles in many games. They're frequently harder in the game than they would actually be if you were there. Games are about being MORE than you really are, not less.)

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Whoever said the people getting them were special? So far I've gotten every Datacron up to Alderaan, (which from what I've read is many of the hard "platformy" ones... and to note, I'm only up to Alderaan gameplay wise.)


Doesn't mean I don't think they're poor/stupid game design. I do know for a *fact* that they were far harder to get on my Mom's computer (when visiting over x-mas) than they were on my computer, due to the difference in frame rate/latency. That alone illustrates there's poor design at work.


Hard to find = good

Hard to figure out how to get to = good.

Maybe have to fight some nasty mob to get to = good.

Platform elements that would be easier in real life than they are in a video game where you're supposedly practically a superhuman = stupid. Jump 30 meters away to an enemy standing 15 meters above me? No problem. Jump to a ledge just slightly above my head in easy reach? Nope, can't do.


(and incidentally, thats my typical complaint with jumping puzzles in many games. They're frequently harder in the game than they would actually be if you were there. Games are about being MORE than you really are, not less.)


Well I got them all, even the fleet one under 1h...


And that the real answer to my question: What make us so special? We adapt.

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Doesn't mean I don't think they're poor/stupid game design. I do know for a *fact* that they were far harder to get on my Mom's computer (when visiting over x-mas) than they were on my computer, due to the difference in frame rate/latency. That alone illustrates there's poor design at work.


Hard to find = good

Hard to figure out how to get to = good.

Maybe have to fight some nasty mob to get to = good.

Platform elements that would be easier in real life than they are in a video game where you're supposedly practically a superhuman = stupid. Jump 30 meters away to an enemy standing 15 meters above me? No problem. Jump to a ledge just slightly above my head in easy reach? Nope, can't do.


(and incidentally, thats my typical complaint with jumping puzzles in many games. They're frequently harder in the game than they would actually be if you were there. Games are about being MORE than you really are, not less.)




fix the damn jump that's all. make it more accurate and controllable.


And this.


Nothing needs to be nerfed, the controls required to get some of them just need to be improved.

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