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Got an email off Bioware this morning


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I watched it (not read it..it's all voiced remember)


It's the same every planet I go to




"Jedi master has gone missing, he went off to do something or other, now we hear reports he's acting strange...but he's such a good man, please investigate"


So you do, and he has a mind plague, so you fight his minions, and "shield him". Then he thanks you, then you hear from the Jedi Council that another JM has been acting strange, so you go to planet number 2 and repeat the exact same story line again.




I'm level 32 JC, and that's all I've done so far. Have I missed something?


Nope. I was playing consular in early access and this is how I remember him. Dull and boring with most annoying companion ever. Trooper and Smuggler were so boring that I didn't make it to lvl 10.

Jedi Knight have shock collar. As Sorcerer you make them bow before you. Smuggler is firing fregging rockets and he likes freedom and agent is working undercover making him one of the most interesting characters in the game.


It's just like that. One side choke to death, cast lightning and stuff like that while Republic throw dirt at people and send blue clouds. And people are asking why imps vs rep balance is 5:1 :|

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It's just like that. One side choke to death, cast lightning and stuff like that while Republic throw dirt at people and send blue clouds. And people are asking why imps vs rep balance is 5:1 :|



We also just call people "poopyheads" in spacial. It's not easy being Republic !

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You could have just posted the summary.


You would still be wrong of course but then people wouldn't have to feel bad about ignoring the rest of the post.


You make me sick. The man spent time from his morning to calmly stress his opinion, which is what Bioware asked of him. He didn't spit upon the game, or the company. He, like many other people have began to notice problems in the game that just aren't acceptable.


If you like the game, then that is great. You can NOT deny that there is issues, but I do not think that the game is doomed for failure. Over time, if they keep making changes, it could work out well. There was simply just too much time and money spent on Story and VA, rather than content/UI/etc.


To the guy who I personally quoted. Grow up. You can not hate the man for having an opinion.

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You could have just posted the summary.


You would still be wrong of course but then people wouldn't have to feel bad about ignoring the rest of the post.


I'll sink to your level for the purpose of this post:"you'r poopiehaed".

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Until I real your post, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but you nailed it. For one, I'm a crafter to a fault. The last two MMO's that I played I spent the majority of my time crafting.


If you don't mind me asking - what games were they. I may give them a go while I wait for SWTOR to beef up it's gameplay (or dwindle away :( )



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look I'm not gonna grammar Nazi you here, however i worry that you are judging the game solely on Jedi consular. I know it sucks, give empire a try especially agent.


Yes, give empire a try OP and you wont look back. Youre seriously missing out. I was bored to shart when playing republic for the first couple of weeks.

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Excellent constructive post by OP. I am still enjoying the game but your points are valid.. I have alts for all classes bar JK and I can confirm JC is the worst class both in story, customisation and gameplay mechanics i have tried.


IA and BH are the most fun, though Smuggler gameplay is decent too.


Crafting is poor in this game and needs serious love. Biochem (for meaningful stuff/and or slicing (so you can buy whatever you need) all the way.


Competitive pvp has significantly improved since the ability delay improvements though ofc there is along way to go to increase variety there. However I am extremely concerned that at lvl cap I will run into enemies fully geared and have to pvp on a non 50 to get my fix.

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I do have an IA at level 16. It is a better story line for sure.

But the lack of things to do outside combat is still there.

The need for involving professions, some possibility for trading to play a part in the game, for crafting to make items that are required or at least a little better than random mob drops (just sometimes.....) and some customization so you don't look like a drone...well I can't see them going away any time soon.


I like the combat - it's good. But that is about all there is. Questing and combat. I can get that in a single player game for a fraction fo the cost.


That's not to mention no secondary professions. To have primary profesions that are entirely hands off is one thing, but then to give no alternative.


It's not a bad game. It looks good (IMO) it is stable (for me, no CTD's) it is a great IP (SW - the best).


Perhaps I'm just used to games having "more to do" than just combat, and the lack of "more to do" means I label the overall experience as "quite dull".


Someone mentioned a few posts back about community. I asked how you get to join an active guild. Does anyone have any ideas on this, because if I think one thing might just help it's actually being part of a guild that does stuff (not "leet" just does some Flashpoints here and there) and doesn't just "dissolve" after a few days.?


If anyone resding this is on an EU server that needs a guild memebr I'll even re-roll, I'm that keen to see what group play is like, I'm on my third "gradually dissolving" guild at the moment and that - more than anything - is the most dis-heartening aspect of the game.





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I think the biggest problem facing SWTOR is the seating. Seriously. Have you seen the seats? They're metal! How is my skinny girl char going to feel without any cushion?


No but really, for anyone that wants a TLDR from the OP, its 'QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ'




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Just went on Metacritic and noticed the disparity. Huge from review platforms, very poor from users

I'm not "au fait" with Metacritic though, maybe it can be gamed one way or the other. But a difference like that must havce a reason?


Yeah, Reviewers review new games in an unbissed way and metacritic polls their sites. Users have to go out of their way to goto meta critic and post their score. Its a pretty well known fact that people who dislike something will go to far more effort to be negative about it than a happy user will to be positive.


That point asside, the rest of his points are still valid though. Game has some serious issues. Nowhere near as bad as its being made out by some people though.

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I think the biggest problem facing SWTOR is the seating. Seriously. Have you seen the seats? They're metal! How is my skinny girl char going to feel without any cushion?


No but really, for anyone that wants a TLDR from the OP, its 'QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ'





Thank you for your great input in what has so far been quite a constructive thread.

Is all criticism QQing?

Or is it just all criticism you don't agree with?


Well thanks anyway. I wish there was an "ignore" button on forums so I could avoid reading any more of your thoughtless drivvel :D



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Yeah, Reviewers review new games in an unbissed way and metacritic polls their sites. Users have to go out of their way to goto meta critic and post their score. Its a pretty well known fact that people who dislike something will go to far more effort to be negative about it than a happy user will to be positive.


That point asside, the rest of his points are still valid though. Game has some serious issues. Nowhere near as bad as its being made out by some people though.


If your posit is true then I would expect just about all games to be higher rated by reviewers than the public. (essp those by "big" name producers)

I understand your logic and will check a few dozen games to see if this holds true.


Thanks for that, I was struggling to understand why there was such a disparity.

I'm not a metacritic buff so it's an idea I'll need to investigate.


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Thank you for your great input in what has so far been quite a constructive thread.

Is all criticism QQing?

Or is it just all criticism you don't agree with?


Well thanks anyway. I wish there was an "ignore" button on forums so I could avoid reading any more of your thoughtless drivvel :D




There is. You just click on the user's name and you'll get the option in their profile screen.

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look I'm not gonna grammar Nazi you here, however i worry that you are judging the game solely on Jedi consular. I know it sucks, give empire a try especially agent.


Jedi Consular is very stale and lacks any of the Bioware staples. To be fair all of the stories are go to planet, do something and also help the Empire/Republic.


Personally think the most work has been put into the Warrior story lines (I know IA always comes up as the best however I don't like the whole cover mechanic). With the additions of Vette and Jaesa in the Sith Warrior story you have a really good story arc.


If it's about feeling EPIC in gameplay then I must admit BH/Trooper really feels a lot more heroic than any of the Jei/Sith classes.

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Empire isn't any better. Same issues exist on both sides.


I have a lvl 50 JK, and a lvl 31 SI. Same quest types, same community issues, same UI, same crafting, same GTN, etc... And don't get me started on some of the robes for the SI from the fp's... UGGGLY!! Like a tube top with a hood.


Anyway, I submitted my feedback to Bioware as well after my cancellation (bought a 3-month subscription so I will be around for another 2+ months).


I will say, on a positive note, barring the issues with getting groups together with the current useless LFG "tool", I really have enjoyed the fp's. But the time it takes to get groups is problematic at best.

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