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You know you're playing Swtor when.....


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When you've been stuck in the cargo hold of your ship with no food or water for 4 days, unable to move.


When the replies to any ticket you send about this bug (or any other bugs) is "reset your UI".


When you see green lazer beams criss-crossing the sky and wonder why.


When you use an ability and get the messege "unable to use this ability" even though it's not on cooldown.


When you see guilds called "wow in space".


When you see characters called "hanssolo" "cosmic legolas" and "intergalactic gandalf" and several variations of "vader".


When your companion follows you face down in the dirt, apparently being dragged along by some unseen leash and constantly getting up and falling over again in a never ending death animation.


When party members attack or tank the CC'd mob.


When you meet a sage in a flashpoint who thinks his main attack is "force lift" and spams it throughout the run, regardless of what you tell him about having other abilities.


When dispite all this, you still love the game.

Edited by TheFugitive
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"When everyone is complaining just like they did in SWG ...!!!


JUST SAYIN :rolleyes:


Not for nothing but if people didnt complain how would the DEV's know what to fix? Its obvious that they didnt spend enough time testing the game, so here is their chance to get some feed back and fix what is truly messed up with this game :confused:

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When your wife tells you to throw away your holy jeans and you look for a med droid to repair them.


When you wife tells you your wardrobe is out of date and needs to be updated, and you start counting how many mods, armorings and enhancements you will need to do that.


When you start realizing how awesome Kirk had it sleeping with green girls.


When your wife is telling you to do the same chores you do every day and all you want to do is hit space-bar so she will shut up and let you go do it.


When you wish you could give your kids 95 credits so they will shut up and go do something productive for at least 3 minutes.


When you kill a friends cat and then buy them a polished gall stone and hope to make up for it. (See this if you dont get it.)


When your wife asks you if your sister in law can stay the weekend and you ask which answer gives you dark side points?

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When you're surfing Holonet in search of nearest Twi'leks'R'Us


When you're trying to hit ESC button and restart a conversation with your boss...After cussing him in his face...Couple dozen times.


When you're inviting your friends for a pint of Ruby Bliel at the nearest cantina

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can't believe this isn't here but...


When you can't have a purple lightsaber




When you realized that if you kept up with your crafting you'd would save a ton on mods with your commendations


And when your SW looks cooler with big vibroblades but still does a lightsaber animation in cut scenes

Edited by Xenozen
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