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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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Sensible people- Maybe you should take your time to enjoy the game rather than powerlevelling then spending 18 hours a day getting all the gear you can in the first few weeks?


No lifers- lol scrub u r nub that's not how u play mmo


Sensible people- Well, your way doesn't sound fun and you're guaranteed to get bored and outpace the rate at which content can be released.


No lifers- u r troll, this is how i enjuoy the game


Sensible people- OK, so if that's how you enjoy the game... why are you always whining in the first few weeks because you've outpaced the content?



Seems like an l2p issue. Take your time to enjoy the game and you might, y'know, enjoy it... and don't sell the line that this is how you enjoy games- because power leveling obviously isn't enjoyable or the people who did it wouldn't always be whining that they did it.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


Awww...you're bored and hating on the game....Unsub and go back to WOW.

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18 hours a day getting all the gear you can in the first few weeks?


I know at least 2 people on our runs that got 4/5 rakata set piece items in one run...


The game is great, no doubt about it. The details delivered in Karagga's and Kaon under Seige are amazing. No-one's saying the game's bad.


The issues is that they have severly mis-tuned endgame.

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Please tell us. The tease is inhuman.



1. Crafting (some people love this.)

2. Dailies for gear for yourself and companions, credits, tokens, and believe it or not lots of people love doing this.

3. You can spend hours gearing (playing dress up) with your companions. This is one of my favorite activities.

4. Que for warfronts. Instanced pvp is good fun.

5. Do some world pvp on Illum. Had a blast last night with my guild fighting off Sith scum.

6. Socialize with your friends in guild or on the server. I know this won't apply to lots of people (who play anti-socially and then blame Bioware when they don't have anybody to play with and call it a single player game when it clearly is not) but yeah, some of us actually enjoy just being social and can spend hours doing just that.

7. Hard mode flashpoints with your under-geared friends. Oh that's right, I forgot, you have no friends. Obviously Bioware's fault right?

8. Space combat. Believe it or not, some people love it. Not my personal cup of tea but a distraction and time killer nonetheless.

9. Explore the world. Grab some of those nifty Datacrons!

10. Remind people on the forums that just because they "think" there is nothing to do at 50 doesn't make it the truth and if they are bored, they are boring.


There...didn't even break a sweat.

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Tell me all about GW1's regular free content patches... :p


That's just it, there isn't any. However, in the case of a model like B2P, if the developer wants any more money out of it's playerbase, they have to produce the content.


They have to provide more experiences and then the player pays. In a sub model, you have to choose to believe the developer will produce more content.


It's a subtle difference, but one in which makes a huge difference in the minds of the players.


I'm not here to bash TOR, but i'd agree they need more content, and sooner rather than later.


What this game truly lacks is adequate "carrots." Not necessarily huge raid content, or more flashpoints, as we all realize that takes time to produce, but things to keep the treadmill running once you hit max level and start running out of things to do and acquire.


Bioware seems to think that alts are the winning strategy, and I'm not going to either argue for or against that line of thinking, but I do know of many people who just want more to achieve @ 50.


They might not be the best at adequately relaying their feelings, but I have a hunch that's the main problem they are complaining about.

Edited by CrackboneFTW
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This maybe was true possibly 6 years ago, maybe not even then. This was no longer the case as soon as MMO's went mainstream. Have a fun time crying in the "next big MMO" forums.


This is still absolutely true and most people mindlessly bashing so-called hardcore gamers should probably inform themselves about how important that fraction of the gamers are for the success or failure especially of new MMOs.

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Originally Posted by Francisab

ok name some? there is no point in running Hard mode flash points if u have gear that is better then it.. if u clear both opertions on hard then flash points are a waste of time.. if your totaly geared out in pvp gear there is nothign to do! period. There is no arena , no faction to farm for rare items , no difficult raid to wipe on.. everything is far to simple and done way too fast.


Players like you are killing MMO's just so you know.


So. Damned. True.

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1. Crafting (some people love this.)

2. Dailies for gear for yourself and companions, credits, tokens, and believe it or not lots of people love doing this.

3. You can spend hours gearing (playing dress up) with your companions. This is one of my favorite activities.

4. Que for warfronts. Instanced pvp is good fun.

5. Do some world pvp on Illum. Had a blast last night with my guild fighting off Sith scum.

6. Socialize with your friends in guild or on the server. I know this won't apply to lots of people (who play anti-socially and then blame Bioware when they don't have anybody to play with and call it a single player game when it clearly is not) but yeah, some of us actually enjoy just being social and can spend hours doing just that.

7. Hard mode flashpoints with your under-geared friends. Oh that's right, I forgot, you have no friends. Obviously Bioware's fault right?

8. Space combat. Believe it or not, some people love it. Not my personal cup of tea but a distraction and time killer nonetheless.

9. Explore the world. Grab some of those nifty Datacrons!

10. Remind people on the forums that just because they "think" there is nothing to do at 50 doesn't make it the truth and if they are bored, they are boring.


There...didn't even break a sweat.




1- Fully maxed on crafting.

2- Dailies are a means, not an ends. Why should i grind for the sake of the grind?

3- Really? Gearing companions for fun? Go play with dolls.

4- Yeah, im l52 valor. Wz's are a faceroll.

5- ILUM. Oh my god. You're so cute.

6- Cant socialize, since there are 50 players on at peak.

7- Nope. Cleared all HM fps with my "friends." Still bored.

8- Ive beat every space combat, and they are, by default, absolutely repetitive. Gets boring once you figure it out.

9- Exploration for the sake of... exploration. If i wanted that, i wouldnt be playing this game.

10- No. There is nothing to do at 50. Either you're not 50, youre too bad at the game to understand how to complete things, or you have your fanboi goggles strapped so tight to your face all you can do is post meaningless lists in hope that this game wont tank.


Theres no sweat to be broken in this game. There is nothing challenging, nothing to strive for, nothing to achieve.

Edited by dunvon
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First let's be serious. No MMO is hard today, those days are over. I could log into WoW right now and pug heal a hard mode with ZA/ZG gear. So don't sit here and complain the game is easy, because they all are. To the OP, I'm not sure is this post a brag about how many hours a day you play? Or that you can rush every piece of content to be at the top? Or prove you don't have a job? Or prove you are a NGT (non girl toucher)? If the game is so bad why did you spend every waking second accomplishing everything you could? If you didn't like the content options (which you were aware of) no one put a gun to your head. Where do people get off expecting 7 years of content in month 1?
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WOW wasn't based on alt creation. The 'Main' was the basic approach there. Alts were and are an afterthought, not an expected/required part of the game design.


Wow was designed so the first end-game raid would offer little epic loot. This in turn would make Molten Core and Onyxia pretty much a mutli-month affair. Groups would run this place and farm fire resist gear for months.


For Burning crusade they decided to introduce attunements, another end-game grind.


Swtor went another way, they give out epics like candy, everyone has their mouth full and ask for more. Problem is... the candy shop is dry right now.

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Did no one tell you that there is a mode after hard mode? Its called Nightmare.


Regardless its the same with all mmo's after a while, after you got all your badge gear in wow its pretty pointless to log on beyond doing raids a few times a week and leveling up alts.


You just rushed through all the content.


That being said the march patch which is just over a month away is going to be substantially bigger than the last patch. And the raids they added were introductory raids the new ones will be substantially harder.

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1- Fully maxed on crafting.

2- Dailies are a means, not an ends. Why should i grind for the sake of the grind?

3- Really? Gearing companions for fun? Go play with dolls.

4- Yeah, im l52 valor. Wz's are a faceroll.

5- ILUM. Oh my god. You're so cute.

6- Cant socialize, since there are 50 players on at peak.

7- Nope. Cleared all HM fps with my "friends." Still bored.

8- Ive beat every space combat, and they are, by default, absolutely repetitive. Gets boring once you figure it out.

9- Exploration for the sake of... exploration. If i wanted that, i wouldnt be playing this game.

10- No. There is nothing to do at 50. Either you're not 50, youre too bad at the game to understand how to complete things, or you have your fanboi goggles strapped so tight to your face all you can do is post meaningless lists in hope that this game wont tank.


Didnt even break a sweat.


Apparently some people don't understand that just because they don't enjoy an activity or deem it necessary, that others might not share the same viewpoint.


The world does not revolve around you. People like and enjoy different things. I know that's hard to swallow, the game wasn't designed specifically for you. I was asked to provide ten activities outside of end-game raiding and I did exactly that.


Thanks for calling me cute though. I am adoreable :)

Edited by Sparklehorse
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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


Lovely, another pointless thread.


Look at me I can LIE and throw SPECULATION all over the place.


Never mind that I refuse to do any of the content that was provided for me, instead I will claim there is nothing to do and then cry about it.


It's like going to the movie theater, closing your eyes the whole time, and then crying because you couldn't see anything.

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