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Republic view of a sith sorcerers


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Talk to a good anything and they'll know their own class is great in their hands... of course, you wouldn't know any good anythings in your fail spectrum where you consider 3k absorption a 'super shield'.


Nice job not understading your own class. Its actually up to 5k with a 17-20 cd. Yes thats a supershield.

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I have no problem killing sith sorcs on my vanguard. I really do not understand why people say they are OP. You can get a good interupt rotation in on them too. Use the melee one then start backing up and use storm. Then your melee interupt is up again. Thier 4th spell they will land though because both will be on CD. 3 out of 4 sorc skills interupted is not bad. You can pretty much maintain doing this and then they are a dead sorc. Also toss in your Cryo grenade in there and they should die. They really are not OP in the slighest. People are always complaining about this class or that class. L2 kill them they are not OP.
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insta-lightning that deals about 4k damage per secondQUOTE]


Really? I mean really???


If your going to make QQ threads, at least put some thoughts and research into it. Seems to me people these days just doesn't care about facts and just want to nerf classes that owns them.

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K, so we do 4k dps right now? Fix us to have 3k dps- that's a 25% nerf in your eyes, which would be huge... of course, everyone who actually knows 1 thing about sorcs knows 3k dps would be a huge buff, but, hey, I'm all for more of you clueless folks making these nerf threads without even bothering to check what the class does... not that you know how to play your own class.


I approve this message lol. I would also submit that our bubble that supposedly absorbs 5k damage at the moment should be "nerfed" to only absorb 4k. Oh, and those 2 heals that we get in DPS spec should not outheal all incoming damage (while DPSing like no tomorrow of course), but should only heal half of it.

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Now I don't agree on how the OP approached or explained the topic, but just because theres boat sized loads of sorcs/sages (it's not really possible to dispute they're the most class), doesn't mean we can't debate this topic. Personally, I dont mind their versatility because every class has some. In my Pvp experience (I do have 50 valor), since the implementation of the 50s bracket, they've become difficult to deal with WHEN IN GROUPS.


Every void star game seems to have like 3 sages and a smuggler/trooper keeping their team alive long enough and doing enough AoE to have our team stuck behind the spawn door to get a plant. Then when on defense... Well they simply don't die quick enough (to stack them behind door and plant) unless we have like no tanks and some heals.


Now in huttball, as a lvl 50 jug tank (with charge and intercede), I can make it across the map (ball spawn to endzone) with one sorc pull in under 10 seconds fairly easy. With two sorc pulls, who could even stay on me to cc or do damage?


These are the major problems I see with them. Their flashy medals they can get fairly easy doesn't really bother me because that's not something everyone who plays the class can do.


I know it's annoying listening to everyone whining for nerfs, but at least leave it up for a debate... For the good of the game and its future. Most sorc/sages that will continue to play this game for months and years will eventually have other classes they play too (even just to go through the story). Promoting game balance shouldn't be as... Terrible as it has thus far on these forums.


Idk maybe I'm the only one feeling as though lots of these posts/threads are childish.

Edited by CaptainDil
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Nothing I hate more than 2 sorcerers on my sentinel, but that is 2 on 1, what should I expect. While I find them very squishy I think they have some ridiculously long stun locks, but oh well, trinket out or pop Resolute. One on one I usually destroy a sorc with my sent.
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Nice job not understading your own class. Its actually up to 5k with a 17-20 cd. Yes thats a supershield.

At level 50, Static Barrier absorbs 1162 + 327% of Force Healing Bonus. For a 5k shield That would mean 1173 Force Healing Bonus, which is made form a combination of Willpower, Power, & Force Power and is simply not possible with the current gear in the game.

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Unless they are heal specced, I cant possibly see a Sorc healing himself mid fight unless perhaps he gets los for a good while, cant outheal the damage and with such long cast interrupting is cake. Also, all those screenshots with lots of "Sorcs" in the WZ, half of those are Assassins.
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Leading off with your gap closer is a sign of a bad player.

Also, your resolve bar should be full after the second stun making you immune.

You also didn't mention using your stun breaker, so that was fail on your part.


You obviously have never played a melee in Ilum.


Saber Throw has a 30 second CD and you can't rely on your target being in range when you do decide to leap (people are zerging around like ants all the time).


Resolve does jack**** when you have 4+ Sorcerers instant-stun gibbing you. Even after using your Stun breaker you're just stunned again right away.


Now pull all that off with 5 FPS and you have a mess.



The fail is on you, dear Sir.

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You obviously have never played a melee in Ilum.


Saber Throw has a 30 second CD and you can't rely on your target being in range when you do decide to leap (people are zerging around like ants all the time).


Resolve does jack**** when you have 4+ Sorcerers instant-stun gibbing you. Even after using your Stun breaker you're just stunned again right away.


Now pull all that off with 5 FPS and you have a mess.



The fail is on you, dear Sir.


Ok, now you've moved your scenario from the realm of PvP into the realm of "flash mob trampling everything trying to get a kill". Illum is not PvP. It is PvE where instead of AI mobs you get to kill player mobs. You cannot expect a crap storm like Illum to be playable from a strategic standpoint, only a tactical one (we have more people, therefore we win).


Also, LOL at you thinking that you should be able to survive 1 v 4+. Resolve does jack when you use it incorrectly (i.e. stun breaker before the resolve bar is full). Learn how to use Resolve and come back with 3+ teammates if you want to beat 4+ sorcerers.

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Yup the reason everyone and their sister. brother and mother is playing sorc/sage is because its so damn easy and mobile to play.


no... i would say that players are playing sorc / sages because they know that those class have insane utility and 70% of population is playing them so there is very low possibility for nerf based on forums QQ nerf trolls.


so next will be BH & Soldiers.. and their missiles... and then... who cares...

(AOC was destroyed from begining because nerf based on QQ. .. iam not understand why we was even betatesting it - worst loose of time)


RIP .. Operatives..


what will be next??

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