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Marauder, best leveling spec?


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Hi everybody,

I'd like to know what's the best choice between Carnage and Annihilation as leveling spec and pros and cons of these ones. Thanks :D


If you're leveling solo, I would choose Annihilation and level up with Quinn,you'll be able to quest 2-3 levels above you EASILY the entire way and hardly die at all.


I haven't been Caranage since Beta, so I can't comment on that.

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If you're leveling solo, I would choose Annihilation and level up with Quinn,you'll be able to quest 2-3 levels above you EASILY the entire way and hardly die at all.


I haven't been Caranage since Beta, so I can't comment on that.


+1. Annihilation was great for me for leveling as well. Elites were definitely easy to take down as well. I would recommend maybe checking out Carnage as you creep closer to 50 to give it a whirl and see how you fair.


Best of luck!



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If you're leveling solo, I would choose Annihilation and level up with Quinn,you'll be able to quest 2-3 levels above you EASILY the entire way and hardly die at all.


I haven't been Caranage since Beta, so I can't comment on that.


If I keep within the quests level range, or even a level or two above via heroics/FPs, do I -have- to use Quinn if I make an Annihilation Marauder?

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Once I out leveled the quests, still green though I switched to Rage. Good for taking out groups of the low level mobs. +1 to Annihilation though if you are same or lower level.


edit: You don't have to use Quinn just make sure you use your abilities to limit your damage intake. Force camo to drop aggro when needed. Vette can AOE if needed, forget at what level she gets that ability and Jessa can off tank.

Edited by Imasithbanana
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I personally leveled Rage spec for its AE damage output seeing as how often you're pulling mobs greater than 2 while leveling. However, I'd have to wait till Force Choke was off cd before each AE pull until level 40. At 40, Force Crush made my quality of life easier.
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Ive been wondering about his myself. I recently rolled a maurader and have gone carnage (only 17 atm). I like the talents and I'm having fun, but I feel really squishy. Does annihilation increase survivabilty? Or is it just more damage so things go down faster?
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I have gone from 10-40 with carnage and I use quinn alot but I sometimes switch to jasea. When I switch to jasea though I actually have to be aware of what is going on and properly use my defensive cds. Up until recently on Taris I had been over level since DK though so my experiences may not be the norm. I'm starting to get the feeling that non of our trees are really better than the others it really just depends on play style. Depending on how you like to play is how you should chose your spec for a mara.
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Seconding the Annihilate + Quinn combo. The self-heals along with Quinn's healing means you'll rarely drop below 50% while soloing and will oft end up with minimal downtime and being able to simply bounce from pack to pack. That Quinn will later gain a CC (albiet a limited one) will help.


I can see the advantages to using Jaessa or Vette as well, but IMO the time you save on DPS will be lost to healing/recovery.

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It depends, I get really crappy FPS, thanks to my cheap vid card... So I went rage, it's large AoE bursts work well for me, since when I'm in PvP I tend to try and stay near or in mobs of folks which slows me down.. and when questing the AoE Burst works well for letting me concentrate on Strongs/Elites with my companion and knocking them off the weak mobs as I go through rotations. Edited by Quantum
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If I keep within the quests level range, or even a level or two above via heroics/FPs, do I -have- to use Quinn if I make an Annihilation Marauder?


No,you don't have to use Quinn at all, I like using him because it suits my playstyle more....I'm able to just go from fight to fight without having to even look at my health bar.

Unless I'm fighting a Champion of course.

Annihilation + Quinn can take out an elite that is 3-4 levels above you :)


No matter what companion you choose, make sure they are fully geared with the appropriate stats and then enjoy the bloodbath that commences.

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I've always preferred Carnage. I sometimes miss the Berserk -> Bleed heals when I facepull an Elite + adds, but I've been pretty lucky finding deals on the GTN to keep Quinn super geared and his heals + my burst = lots of dead mobs.


Never really tried Rage, though.

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I've been carnage since lvl 1, now lvl 48. Works fine in lvling, works fine in pvp, works fine in flashpoints, w/e. It is your preference. People will tell you one is better than another...I can tell you this: when I massacre/gore/force scream for 5k dmg at 48 it feels gooood.


Three choices


DOT - Anni

Burst - Carnage

Burst/AOE sorda - Rage


They're all good, just pick what you want.

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